
How does one break out of a Set Interval in Action Script 2

p2 = setInterval(function () { clearInterval(p2); some code here; }, waitTime) I need to break out of this interval in a separate function. This plays an array of SWF movies - there is a purge function that needs to stop this interval. How can I stop this interval from a separate function in AS2? ...

Transitioning Away from Flash

I create fullscreen interactive demos in Flash and have recently been looking to migrate to a new language. My Flash demos are basically software prototypes and operate in a projector EXE, outside of the browser. I want to leave Flash for a variety of reasons, including: Poor quality control in the Flash player Hardware acceleration is...

Flash elements problem with Internet Explorer

I have two flash object hidden behind my web applications main element. These flash objects are hidden, because I need to save flash as picture and flash must be "visible", because otherwise I cannot save image. My flash objects are Open Flash Chart 2 charts. Saving images works perfectly in Firefox and other browsesrs, but in IE image...

ActionScript 3.0 Function Completion Event Listener

How can I listen for function completion? let's say I have this processFile function, which is triggered in Class Constructor with another event listener. private function processFile(e:event):void { //do whatever is this function suppose to do } now I want to listnen for it's completion When I use processFile.addEventListener(...

Java Implementation of Flash API

Just curious to see people's opinions: Has anyone thought about implementing the Flash player API in Java? Controlling sprites, graphics, media, etc is so easy to do in Flash, it seems like it would only make sense to have a similar API in Java. ...

Flex Encryption Secret Value

So I know it is possible to decompile SWF files. I know it produces the ActionScript contained in the file. Is there any way to store a value in a Flex application that can be reliably assumed to be secret? I am very new to Flex and am just curious. I need to preform some type of hashing in my Flex app in order to ensure the request ca...

How to write JavaScript to interact with Flash

Now we are developing a Chat Engine which is based on JavaScript and Flash. But, what we get stuck with now is that we cannot find a good JavaScript library to talk with flash. Additionally, we use OpenFire as our Server. Anyone has a good solution to this problem? thanks for your help! ...

How can you set skining like upSkin,downSkin,overSkin to Accordion in flex ?

In my project i used Accordion . if i add skin to Accordion then so error ? but i tried like <mx:Accordion borderStyle="solid" width="212" height="346" upSkin="@Embed(source='image/UPDATE.png')" > But shows error like Cannot resolve attribute 'upSkin' for component type mx.containers.Accordion. how can i add overskin,downskin,upskin ...

Is it necessary to know flash designing for flex3 ?

I am from a programming background ,and newbie to flex3 . i would like to learn flex3 and develop some application using rails and flex3 . Is it necessary to know flash in order to learn flex3 or just learning Action script 3 would do ? .Can anybody tell what are the prerequisites to learn flex3 . Thanks in Advance. ...

access a TextField inside a symbol, using ActionScript

I've created an animated scene in Flash, with a bar chart. The bar is a MovieClip symbol containing a large rectangle and a TextField. I'd like to access the TextField using actionscript, but I can't seem to reference it. Each bar in the scene has its own instance name, so that's easy to find. But how do I modify the text in the textfi...

AS3 Assign Class to XML Loaded element

I need to load a set of images with from XML and assign Interactivity to them first I load the XML import flash.display.Loader; import flash.net.URLRequest; var loader:Loader = new URLLoader(); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myXML.xml"); loader.load(request); loader.addEventListener(Event.Complete, proessFi...

Career: Web developer without Flash knowledge

How important would you say it is to know how to develop Flash applications (not games) if you're looking for a job as a web developer today? The essentials are of course HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A few years ago virtually everyone (as in every non-programmer) wanted Flash on their home page, possibly even with intros with broken "skip ...

Pass variables into a Flash movie from HTML

As a Flash newbie I found this very confusing and it cost me a couple of hours. Answering my own question here in case anyone has the same problem. Technically you should be able to do something like this: <param name="movie" value="movie.swf?param=value" /> <embed src="movie.swf?param=value" ... Or this: <PARAM NAME "FlashVars" ...

Charts error in flex ? What you mean by bundle error in flex?

i adding chart using dataprovider . And also i used flex bulider SDK 3.0, In installed C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.0.0\frameworks\locale\datavisualization.swc also there but my flex bulider shows error like Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id Unable to resolve resource bundle "charts"...

FLV glitching when replaying the same video

Hello ladies and gents, I'm building a flash site with video transitions between sections. When a navigation element is clicked, there's some code to check if the relevant FLV has already been loaded. If it hasn't, it gets initialized (i.e. netstream attached to video object, etc), loaded and played back; if it has, it just gets restar...

Is it Possible to load all files from a folder without using XML in AS3?

A client wants to be able to just put mp3 files into a folder and have a flash object load all mp3 files from that folder, and does not want to deal with XML. Is this possible? I know I could easily do this with an XML file, but I'm not sure how to do it without one. ...

Does dispatching an event interrupt a function?

Let's say function foo() is executing. Suppose that an external event occurs, for which you have a handler. Will function foo() be interrupted so that the event handler can be executed? What is the order of execution in this situation? ...

Problems with flash uploader progress indicator and nginx

So I am trying to use a flash uploader (specifically uploadify, but tried swfuploader as well) and for some reason the progress isn't being tracked correctly. I am about to give apache a try, but would prefer to use nginx due to its lower memory consumption and speed. Now this isn't an issue with an upload_progress module, since flash it...

Linking a button to a movie clip... gotoAndPlay() doesn't work!

I have a button, "pb". I have a movieclip, "pm". I want the clip to play certain frames when I press the button. I have a layer on top of every other layer, with only one frame. In the ActionScript for that frame, I have put: stop(); pb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick); function onMouseClick(event:MouseEvent):void ...

how do i click and load an altered ver. of mov. in same frame that it stopped when i 1st clicked?

how do i click and load an altered ver. of mov. in same frame that it stopped when i 1st clicked?. I want to duplicate the go arounds i see on chevy.com in the 360 mov. of their cars. then you change color and the car picks up at the same frame as where you stopped to change color. thanksd for the help ...