I was wondering if there is any standard practice in using components in Haxe.
Searched the google and find very little on it. Apparently people ten to use ASWing and other third-party solutions.
I am mostly intersted in modyfing the components appearance in Flash (CS4) than pulling an swf file which I could include in swf-lib. Right no...
The latest releases of the facebook-actionscript-api caters to actionscript 3.0 does anyone know from where can I downloaded an earlier version which supporsts actionscript 2.0 ?
Is there any "client side only" way to protect a SWF so it'd only be possible to load it from domain X?
I'm aware of the server side options such as checking the referrer but unfortunately my server is a "static" CDN where this implementation isn't possible.
I wonder why flash cross-domain security files do not seem to handle this sce...
I have an array of passwords in flash 8. They are numeric, but some contain leading zeroes to pad them out, and so the field is a character field.
When I try this code
if (objSORT.mySortOrder == -1) {
aMYARRAY.sortOn("password", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
} else {
aMYARRAY.sortOn("password", Array.NUMERIC);
This does...
I'm making a flash site. And there's a video playing, and it moves around and changes size as the user navigates around the page. I notice when it gets small, the video quality gets bad on it. Any ideas on how to retain its quality, and resize it in a different way?
To note: The video quality was bad when the css for the flash video was...
I'm trying to get some rollovers to work, but I'm running into a mouseleave problem.
Everything is working, except there is a Flash movie that is near the top of one of the rollover targets. When the mouse leaves by moving off the top of the element, the event doesn't fire because it's leaving the element directly from the Flash movie.
I have my own sound class that is derived from the Flash Sound class. I would very much like to add a Copy function to my extended class. I had it working for a while by using the following code:
var newSoundClass : Class = Class(getDeninitionByName(soundName));
var newInstance = new newSoundClass();
I have tried registering t...
I am making a game with flash as3. I create a movieclip that contains all of the games content within it. I pretty much encapsulated the game within this one movie clip. after the game is over I remove the movieclip off the screen. but yet, all the other movieclips within the main movieclip still keep playing.
I could create a deconstr...
In my database(mysql), I have a table which has 50k data(rows/records).
I do a test using firebug, after playing the game, the call to load_score.php and save_score.php is around 380ms (millisecond).
The save_score.php just a normal inserting, nothing much. The load_score.php, I use this query:
SELECT name, score
FROM `highscores`
I have implemented chromeless player and so far the necessary controls such as play, pause, change video, mute, unmute all appear to work fine through JavaScript. I now need to send the chromeless player to "Full Screen" mode via JavaScript.
The JavaScript API player includes the full screen button but the chromeless player does NOT; in...
From this tweet: http://twitter.com/azaaza/status/6508524118 I reach a website which is made completely in Flash http://bit.ly/7VdNlY ( at least the front end )
It looks fantastic and it could have been written with HTML + Ajax, but I guess ( because I don't know much flash my self ) they site owners felt more comfortable with Fla...
Does Android support flash? If yes then i need an example code to play a flash file. Wonder if we can play a flash file in WebView?
Waiting for reply
Trying to embed Flash into a HTML page using FBML tag fb:swf and I get this error. Tried looking around didn't work any ideas? Pretty stuck here
FBML Error (line 5): illegal tag "body" under "fb:canvas"
After working for a prolonged time on a programming problem, I start to get coding tunnel vision. It makes it harder to draw back and look at the problem from farther away.
Hence my question: I am using a Drupal 6 site. When a menu option is clicked, the page opens and a Flash SWF file needs to played in a ThickBox. After 8 seconds, th...
I need to know via javascript whether a page has focus or not.
When the user switches to another tab, minimizes the browser, or clicks outside the browser, the page shouldn't have focus.
When the user returns to the window, by opening it, returning to the tab, clicking on the page, the page needs to have focus.
The problem is the meth...
Please help Stackoverflow! I have a MapInterface class in AS3 that inherits from Interface class.
public class Interface extends Sprite {
public function Interface(){
// do stuff
and then
import com.georgecrabtree.Interface;
public class MapInterface extends Interface {
public function MapInterface(){
Does anyone know where i can view a sample PDF that has an embedded flash video? I know it's silly to ask because you would think any tech-oriented user should be able to find one using Google but I really could not.
Another question I have is, how hard would it be to embed a flash video into a PDF file using an API in C#? One possible ...
Hi All,
I am looking for someway to do Flash type movies but with AJAX instead? Flash requires plugins, SEO is difficult and my experience is people tend to stay away from Flash websites unless they are really really good.
Can any provide some insight?
Maybe something like this:
I'm a web designer. In a effort to make Flash-based sites for my clients I have gone over stacks of AS books now for months. I just don't get any of it--and I've tried. Moreover, the books all give abstract examples to do just about anything with AE. My needs are very limited: I need to use AS for web navigation in order to create F...
Hello. It is possible to enabled hardware optimization (wmode) from haxe?