Change AS3 Component Font
Hi, I want to change font name, font size and character embedding properties of a component (Combobox in my case) through Flash IDE (not in action script). Is there an option to do that? Thanks. ...
Hi, I want to change font name, font size and character embedding properties of a component (Combobox in my case) through Flash IDE (not in action script). Is there an option to do that? Thanks. ...
Hi I'm new to adobe flash/flex so please forgive me if my question isn't too clear. I'm developing a website with a flash object that dynamically generates its content and I want the flash object itself to be embeddable into other website like how youtube does it. I have no clue how to approach this and any help would be really appreci...
I need a tool that I can point to a flash based website, navigate it, and check the content on given pages. I don't think I can do it with just selenium as I can't target the elements in the flash app via xpaths. Does anybody else have any ideas? ...
Hello everyone, I am using the following code to load .md2 model in a scene using Papervision3D 2.1.932. _md2.load(MD2_FILE ,new BitmapFileMaterial("./assets/dragon.png")); scene.addChild(_md2); By looking at the trace log, the texture is successfully loaded and so is the mesh. INFO: BitmapFileMaterial: Loading bitmap from ./assets/...
Hi, I have two as3 projects. Project A has 2 files (fla with 1 frame and some components and as with some behavior and a default constructor). I want to use project A in my project B through as3 code. But when I do something like A a = new A(x, y, z); I receive lots of errors that in my I am using undefined properties (those define...
Often, but not always, the first few clicks on the "Allow" button on the Flash camera permissions dialog are ignored. This is very frustrating for users. And for me, when I'm testing code! I'm afraid I don't really know what else to say about the problem to give more insight. My hunch is that it has something to do with getting focus on ...
How to correctly load an .md2 mesh description with Papervision 3D 2.1.932 ? ...
This might be a silly a question. But I am just curious to know if the amount of classes you import into your flash class, affect the size of the class, the size swf file, or the amount of memory allocated. If so, does this affect take place before or after you initiate the class. thanks ...
Hey everyone, I was wondering if there was a scripting language that one could use to to interact with a flash object on a webpage? I am trying to automate some tasks but the webpage uses flash. Thanks for the help! Edit: I am trying to fill out a form basically click a few "check boxes" and then a submit button but I would like to ...
hi guys, Im trying to load series of external Swfs into a Movieclip on stage. The swf are 800 x 600 in dimension whereas as the container is 400 X 400. Whenever i try to load the external swf in the container,the container takes the size of the loaded swf instead of 400 x 400 .How can i overcome this? I want to any swf loaded into th...
hi, Does any one know what is SWC and where we use this SWC in Flash Development. thanks in advance ...
Here's my explanation of the question: From JavaScript, you need to get a reference to the Flash Player object. There are two basic Flash Player versions that run in the browser: ActiveX and the plug-in version. The ActiveX version runs natively in Internet Explorer, while the plug-in version is used by the rest of the browsers. The A...
I need some help on flashpaper, I just wanted to show the pages in two-up view, like the Adobe reader i.e we can see two pages at a time. See if anyone can help me with it or just give me any other option which would include the two-up page view and exclude download or save or print and the logo of the company. Hoping for a soon reply. ...
What are possible ways to implement page transition effects in flash? e.g. page turning. Thanks. ...
I had implemented copy to clipboard functionality. It is working fine with all version on IE but not working in FireFox. Please help me solve out this problem. Detail are <script src="../../Scripts/JQPlugins/jquery.clipboard.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/JQPlugins/jquery.clipboard.pack.js" type="text/j...
I want to catch the close event of the flash movie. What would I do to do something when the flash window is closed? ...
How can I change the select ("highlight") color of an TextField in actionscript 3? I've got an input textfield with white text on a black backdrop and as a result, selections are invisible, which is horrible for usability. Thanks! ...
I'm having difficulty accessing a $_SESSION variable. I have session_start() at the beginning of the file. I'm using jQuery uploadify and it calls a php backend file, which can't access $_SESSION variables, although other files outside could. Could it have something to do with the way that flash (jquery uploadify) is calling the php? ...
I have an .fla that links to a generic Document class which manages the UI and other MovieClips for a Flash movie. If I want to add an intro movie without dynamically loading a different swf, where would I put the code for that? Should I put it at the top of the Document class (in which case how would I make sure the clip finishes befo...
Hi I am using a reflection class in my code. I have stripped it right down to the code below. I have a mc on the stage with an instance name of sand. I have tried all combinations and do not get an error BUT i don't get a reflection either. I have been on the forums for the site but cant find any info. Does anyone have any experience wit...