
Dynamic Flex verticalaxisrenderers

Hi, I've created a linechart in flex using pure as3. I need now to convert it to a dynamic multi axis chart. What I mean by dynamic, is that I can programmatically add or remove axisrenderers from the verticalaxisrenderer array at runtime. It seems i can remove axisrenderers at runtime by simply doing this: verticalAxisRenderers = vert...

Handling file uploads with JavaScript and Google Gears, is there a better solution?

So - I've been using this method of file uploading for a bit, but it seems that Google Gears has poor support for the newer browsers that implement the HTML5 specs. I've heard the word deprecated floating around a few channels, so I'm looking for a replacement that can accomplish the following tasks, and support the new browsers. I can...

"AI Game Programming Wisdom Series" Questions

I am wanting to buy the book "AI Game Programming Wisdom". But I can not find the book at any of the local store's. So I am not able to read the book and see if it is for me. I have been wanting to better understand A* Path Finding for awhile now. I read a few articles online such as http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm ...

Is Flash programming good for GUI prototyping?

I used to think that Flash was a program for designers or just for web purposes, but now i am working in rapid prototyping for GUI and i am trying to learn some flash just to evaluate as solution for this kind of projects. I found very useful some graphical capabilities, like combine graphics and video together, modify pixels, good inter...

Sizes of datatypes for actionscript 3

Anyone know any good resources or personal experience that help explain how much memory (and swf size) the various built-in data types take up in actionscript 3? I'm specifically interested in int, Number, and (dense) Arrays or Vectors. I'm working on a project where I need to embed large amounts of structured array data, which is alrea...

Flash UI blocked during flex rpc.soap.Operation::send

I've got a Flash UI that does a periodic server call to get some updated information. The call uses the flex sdk's rpc.soap.Operation class. It looks something like this: var wsOperation:Operation = Operation(webService.getOperation(SomeOperation)); wsOperation.addEventListener("fault", wsError); wsOperation.addEventListe...

Securing a Flash EXE

My client has a Flash projector EXE and he wants to set-up an on-line serial number control system so he can sell it on-line. The key problem in this project, as far as i see, that the exe is required to run on only one computer. My current plan is below: Request the serial number from user before the installment and check whether it...

Customizing the UIScrollbar in Flash CS4

Are you able to customize the UIScrollbar component in Flash CS4? ...

jQuery featured content slider problem with embedded flash youtube video, overflowing div

Hello, I created an ajax jQuery featured content slider that will automatically navigate through each tab. Each tab has some basic html. The one I used is this one: http://css-tricks.com/anythingslider-jquery-plugin/ For some reason, when I embed a flash video in it, the flash video overflows the div. It looks fine in Chrome and ...

Detect Type and Version of Browser from within Flash

I want to know the type and version the browser that the user is running from within my Flex 4 application. I know I can get that information by using ExternalInterface to call Javascript. I know I can get that information from the server. I'm looking for a way to get that information directly from actionscript. I mean, isn't there a g...

What is the best programming language for a self service kiosk?

What would be the best programming language for a self service kiosk, it needs to respond to touch screen (just touches not gestures - yet). No keyboard or mouse so a virtual keyboard will be part of the application. Interface to third party payment solution using TCP socket. Print a receipt (without showing any windows printer spool mes...

How to get all XML-Nodes attribute value?

Here is the xml file <glossary> <alphabet id="A"> <term heading= "Anchor" definition="A mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving"/> <term heading= "Atlas" definition="A collection of maps in book form"/> </alphabet> <alphabet id="D"> <term heading= "Delay" definition="Time during which some action...

Sequentially Load SWFs, on a timer or load next once one is finished. Possible?

Hi, I have a page that loads loads of swfs*. I'm loading in them all at the same time, Sequentially which is slowing down the intro animation. Is there a way to load swfs sequentially? Or if not load them on a timer (half a sec would do the trick I think) *there lots of different dynamically generated Flex graphs so it's not possible to...

Flash CS3 Compoenent "import" method and stucture ?

hi I had seen one code of the yahoo map component for the flash cs3 like import com.yahoo.maps.api.YahooMap; var map:YahooMap = new YahooMap(); // include app-id, width and height map.init("YD-vbXGXH4_JXs3ihv485hjXA--", 550, 400); addChild(map); What i want is to make the import structure is like above "com.yahoo.maps.api.Yahoo...

Can an Event Handler return a value?

I'm trying to write a class that its constructor takes as argument a String ( which is an image in my directory ie: jpg ) and load the corresponding image via a loader object in memory. I also provide function getBitmapFromLoader() to get the bitmap of the loader in order to use it from another class. public class LoadImage extends Load...

Ruby Server #eliminate garbage build up

I have a working TCP/IP socket server that loads 3-flash files in succession. How can I unload previous files and eliminate the garbage build up? 2-Flash clients are active, 1-the loader, 2-the next Flash file being loaded, however "the Flash files don't unload." Maybe there's a "put - kill" method or something similar to addChild remo...

Can I do conditional GET requests from Flash / Flex / AS?

I have a Flex client that loads data from a server to display a chart. This data may change, so the client regularly repeats the request. Since the result may require some work to retrieve, I'm going to have the server detect if the result has changed, and issue a 304 status if it hasn't. I haven't seen any headers in the Flash Player's...

determine how much space is left on a drawing application

I have a drawing application like http://www.flashperfection.com/tutorials/Mouse-Drawing-in-AS3-96618.html where the user can select a brush size to draw. I need a way to determine that all the surface has been drawn. Any code or ideas on how to accomplish that? ...

Show HTML in flash

You can build apps in HTML using Adobe AIR which parses it using Webkit, can this be done in Flash? For example you have a string that contains <html><body><b>hello world</b></body></html> and then call a function that runs the WebKit parser over it and then outputs 'hello world' in bold to the stage? ...

FLVPlayback component in Flash 8 (AS2) and support for HD H.264 video

I have developed a video player using Flash 8 Professional and the FLVPlayback component. Recently I have been testing a few 720p .mov files converted to FLV by FFMPEG running on an encoding server. I am noticing that these files do not play back in my video player. It appears that they do not have any audio attached to them but when I p...