I need to create dll using C. But I saw some problems. OK, first: I need function in dll library to compute angle of the line - tgA = dy/dx. Angle = arctg(dy/dx). And I define this in file framework.c:
JSBool computeAngle(JSContext *cx,
JSObject *obj,
unsigned int argc,
I want to write an application that monitor the USB port, and when something is connected should show the contents of the drive (image viewer) automatically.
there is any way to do that with Flex/Flash directly?
or i might program another application in C in order to monitor the USB port and then comunicate with the front-end appli...
I need to create a "popup window" in AS3, which can contain things like textboxes and datagrids and stuff like that.
I have searched thoroughly, and have been unable to find such a component or class. Why did they remove the AS2 window in as3? That would have been perfect for this.
The closest thing I could find was http://fatal-except...
I have a little test swf to test calling an ActionScript(3.0) function from JavaScript. I am using the Flash documentation as a reference:
When the page loads I am presented with a Flash Player err...
The problem is when using function publish from NEtStream object.
Error event is "NetStream.Record.NoAccess".
I think problem is with configuration FMS.
How i connect(it connect successfully)
connection.client = this;
I'm trying to upload images with Uploadify but I run into IO error. I have got http://github.com/leeh/uploadify_paperclip_demo and it works on my computer, so I decided to implement functionality of my application to this example step by step to catch the error and discovered that the reason of IO error is my local proxy.pac (I use FF): ...
I'm working on a menu system in flash. If the mousewheel scrolls up each menu item shift up and visa versa for mouse wheel scrolling down.
The problem I have is there seems to be multiple "steps" going on.
In my mouse wheel handler I trace out the text "wheel" to test.
If I mouse the mouse wheel just once "wheel" gets traced out t...
Are there any standard practices for Video encoding, streaming, etc?
Hi, Im trying to build a script that attaches and positions an instance of a movieclip for each node of an xml sheet. However, I can't seem to get it to loop properly. The script is simply attaching and positioning a single movieclip according to the last node in the xml file. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?!!
Here is my scrip...
It`s not a secret that is very difficult to create beauty user interface using Java. Flash has powerful tools for it. We use Flash to show some nice face and Java to process business logic(DB, calculation etc). How they can connect (over HTTP or TCP/IP not important) without additional technologies?
I need to be communication between Flash and The Server or javascript. I'm wondering which one would be better AMF or XML ? ( I'm in the facebook canvas page )
I'm working with a good quality usb camera at the moment. The video quality of camera is quite good when viewed in the viewer supplied with the drivers (I presume it's implemented using C++). And as to be expected Flash cannot deliver the same level of quality.
But what are my options to improve the quality of an incoming local video s...
I have a problem with the following Flash AS3-code:
When I change "Delete1" to "Delete", the menu item disappears.
When I call it anything else but delete, then it reappears.
Why? It also occurs when I comment out hideBuiltInItems...
// create new context menu
var mymenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
mymenu.hideBuiltInItems(); // hid...
I am working on a Flash AS2 script that adds an instance of a movieclip for each node in an XML file. I have also included titles for each node in the XML file and I would like to display these when a user clicks on one of the individual movieclips. I have played around with clipevents and attachMovie but for the life of me I can't figur...
In as2 it was very easy to access query string just using _root, but this doesn't seem to work on as3.
<embed src="loaderInfoExample.swf?a=123" quality="high" bgcolor="#0000ff" width="250" height="50" name="loaderInfoExample" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-fla...
i have a code
var timeline:TimelineLite=new TimelineLite ;
timeline.append(new TweenLite(MyClip,1,{y:367,ease:Expo.easeOut}));
I need the corresponding code in Action Script 3.
EDIT: How can i perform this animation with out using the GreenSock plugin functions?
Here "TimelineLite" is a class, and "append" are the member functi...
I have the need to change a variable in a child flash file. The setup is a parent flash file has called a child flash, and placed it in movieclip. I can send a variable using Javascript to the parent flash file, but not directly to the child flash file. Is there a way that I can access the child flash file directly with javascript? O...
There this link in Flex that was working and now isnt... Flex is giving me a headache with this one because it is not throwing any errors either.
In the script part of the XML I have this:
private function onLinkClick( event:TextEvent ):void {
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest( event.text );
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
public class Main extends MovieClip
// state
private var iname:String = "image.gif";
private var w:int;
private var h:int;
private var loader:Loader;
// constructor
public f...
Here's my code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$("#video").html('<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HPPj6viIBmU&hl=en_US&fs=1&"&g...