
How to remove part of the string starting from special char (or word) in ActionScript?

so I have a string "bla dla dla vre bla 54312" I want to turn it into "bla dla dla " by saying something like function(string, "vre"); how to do such thing? ...

Clamp MovieClip to only be draggable inside stage?

I have a MovieClip that I want the user to be able to drag inside the stage, but I don't want it to be able to move outside the stage. Currently I'm using this._parent.startDrag(); to allow the MC to be dragged, but I don't know how to stop it from being dragged outside the frame. ...

How to get data from http protected URL

so I have a Track system with some kind of protection. So to get some data from any URL you have to pass protection like this and then (in browser) you can see some pages (if you havent passed login youll get no conte...

How to delete part of a string in actionscript?

So my string is something like "BlaBlaBlaDDDaaa2aaa345" I want to get rid of its sub string which is "BlaBlaBlaDDD" so the result of operation will be a string "aaa2aaa345" How to perform such thing with actionscript? ...

How to put spaces before Capital letters in actionscript?

So I have a string "SmartUserWantsToLive" I want to generate from it or any such string with capital letters strings like "Smart User Wants To Live". How do I do this? ...

Can HTML5 do most of what Flash does today?

What can it do? and what can't it do? (in relation to flash) ...

protect flash files

Hello Ive a website that create avatars for users and provide them with link for avatar to use it in their website or singuters etc , my problems is the website based on flash . the main page has 1 swf file that load other swfs used to create avatars , if someone knows the link for the these swf files he can download them which means h...

Website created by Flex Builder works on every browser that use flash ?

Does websites created by Flex Builder works on every browsers that use Flash ? ...

Macromedia Flash 8 - Ireland Map, on mouseover dublin, dublin expands

Macromedia Flash 8 Question: I have a map of Ireland, just a gif, and there are several small buttons representing various point of interest around Ireland, which are scattered across the map. This part works fine. THE PROBLEM: Dublin is too small to contain all of its points of interest (approx 20). THE SOLUTION OnMouseOver Dublin, I...

Flex: Would a computational engine for a Connect-4 type game be too slow?

OK, I was just fooling around in my spare time and have made this cool interface and game-playing code for a Connect-4 type game, written in Flex and playable by 2 human players in Flash. It accurately detects wins, etc. I'm smart enough to know that I've done the easy part. Before I dig into an AI for game play, I wanted to ask if this...

Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant

I keep getting the error: "Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Team" on my constructor for this class: package ncaa.Data { import ncaa.Data.Team; public class PositionedTeams{ public var Position:int; public var TopTeam:Team; public var BottomTeam:Team; public function...

Open Flash Chart - How to add multiple points for a single value x?

Is there a way to plot multiple data for the same value x? For example following points: [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 6], [2, 9], [3, 11], [4, 11]... Many thanks! ...

Flash Media Server VS Sip Server: Difference for Voip

When using Flash Media Server and when using Sip Server ? What is the difference ? What would you recommend ? . Thanks ;) ...

Control flex application from embedded Flash control

I have a flex application and have embedded a flash (SWF) file into it using <mx:SWFLoader>. There is an "Exit" button on the Flash file. I want to be able to handle the button click event on the flex application. So when that button in the flash file is clicked, I want to perform an action in the parent flex application. How can I do t...

how do sites like toufee or mouvee work ?

Hi, Was just wondering how do these sites (and many other softwares that generate flash movies from audio clips,images , docs) work ? how do they compile the media files(audio/image/vid) into a flv movie on the server ? Can the same be done using some open source tech. Any info or hint or some direction where i'd get more info regardin...

UI design in flash games

This question is more UI/Design-ish than hard-core programming is. Background: I've been coding in VIM/C++/OpenGL for a long time. I've come to realize that this (VIM/C++/OpenGL) isn't the way to learn about programming fancy/cool-looking/futuristic UIs; and that the design of such UIs belongs more so in the artistic/designer world of ...

Drawing outlines around organic shapes

One thing that seems particularly easy to do in the Flash IDE but difficult to do with code is to outline an organic shape. In the IDE you can just use the inkbucket tool to draw a stroke around something. Using nothing but code it seems much trickier. One method I've seen is to add a glow filter to the shape in question and just mess wi...

Darwin Streaming Server doesn't gives content

Hello! I have problems with Darwin Streaming server 5.5.5 on Debian. When i'm trying to open some stream, for ex. rtsp://sample.com/sample_100kbit.mp4 player reports it can't load stream and breaks connection. "Access History" section reports file was requested, so, at least initial connection is working, but nothing more. What can be w...

Return Focus to a Flash App...?

I have an interactive flash app on my website - the app and the website are both under my control, so I can edit both of them (that is, this isn't a user-submitted content site, where I could maybe only control the game content, or just the website). This is the flash app's embed code: <object name="flashApp" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE...

Actionscript 2.0 input text properties

I need to set input form properties to max 3 characters and number only. Can't find it in the documentation. ...