I'm a developer on nice space MMO using Flash. On new PCs performance is quite good, but some features shouldn't be enabled on older PCs because the framerate drops to shit if we do. Flash wasn't made for this, but hey, pushing boundaries is fun.
An example is fullscreen mode. Of course every user can manually enable it, but "adve...
Hi guys,
I'm working on a Flash frontend for a Magento powered store. This frontend will be an alternative to the HTML shop so it will sit in a subdirectory and use the same Magento installation as the main HTML site.
The Flash application will get the data from dynamic XML files. It needs to get almost everything as the HTML site (cat...
this is one of those upsurdly basic questions for which google does not work. I have usually dispatched events from my classes and dealt with the user interface in the document class. But now i want to separate all the UI in a separate class, accessible by other classes.
I have added it as a child to the main/document class, but how do...
I'm trying to implement a small program with Flash and php that records audio and converts it to mp3.
Currently I have Red5 server up and running, I can connect to it with no problems and I can publish flv recordings to the server. When I listen to the flv with Wimpy FLV player it seems to be fine. The problem comes when I'm trying to c...
I have been using the standalone Flexbuilder3 for a while now on my mac without a problem. While I debate whether its worth the hefty upgrade to FlashBuilder (or to switch to FDT) I'd like to have both applications installed and accessible on the same machine. According to the official docs, this should be no problem. However, in rea...
package designLab.events {
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
// Import designLab
import designLab.layer.IntroLayer;
import designLab.shadow.ShadowCaster;
import designLab.utils.LayerConstant;
// Import Papervision3D
import org.papervi...
I'm wondering if there is a way for a SWF to check at runtime whether it is running as an online SWF or an AIR app? I need to use the same SWF to run both online and locally, however when running as an AIR app, external assets are located in a different directory. I'd like to check whether a SWF is local or online so I can change th...
There's only room for three lines of text in the interface, but the content is external and variable, and if it ends up taking up more than three lines, there needs to be some sort of 'view all' button functionality. I can kind of think about what that function needs to look like, but I'm not quite sure what the best way to do it in AS3 ...
Hey guys,
When using the Facebook Connect AS API, the user will be prompted to log in to FB in a pop up window. At this point I want to block interaction in my flash movie and wait for them to complete logging in (or potentially close/cancel and not log in). I have seen examples where people put up a Flex "Alert" box with some hint li...
Hi guys,
I´m having a problem trying to play a flashMovie(swf file)...
Here is my code:
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" .....>
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="movie" value="n...
I like finding out about tricky new ways to do things. Let's say you've got a class with a property that gets set to the value of an argument in the constructor, like so:
public class SomeClass{
private var someProperty:*;
public function SomeClass(_someProperty:*):void{
someProperty = _someProperty;
That's n...
I want to create a Flash or animated video that starts with a red dot on a black background. Gradually the dot increases in size and is actually text which says something such as "Buy American". How can this be done?
My Flash project is made of several .swf files, one of them loads XML gallery. everything works fine on my machine, but when I upload it to the testing server gallery content doesn't load.
All my paths are relative to Main swf file. I can't makeabsolute URLs, b/c I have to deliver "working" zip package.
What could be wrong?
I am hoping someone can shed some light on this issue for me... I have a movieclip that is scrolled by means of a 'sensor' on each side of the stage. The clip scrolls fine in both directions, however here is my problem:
When the users mouse leaves the stage, the movie clip stops dead in it's tracks, and this does not provide a noce smoo...
Is it possible to convert a float to a currency string in Flash AS2?
i just checking Flash Builder 4 ( i come from Flex builder 3 ), and it was painfull to see that old CSS visual editor, that it was very convenient for skinning components, has dissapear when select version 4.
Also creating new project appear option between Mxml and 'Mxml+Spark'.
What is this spark?
Do you recommend using this? W...
I need a starting point to develop an on site chat to communicate site visitors with site owners.
I'm looking for an open source chat application written in java/j2ee.
Do you know any good applications that I could use?
I'm also not sure about the architecture of the solution. Currently I'm hesitate between:
server site solution: an ...
I have read a lot about the new policy-policy of flash player and also know the master policy file.
Now image the following situation:
There are two servers with services (http) running at custom ports
Now I open a swf from server a (eg. servera.com:2222/websiteA/A.swf) that wan...
I have an application which I build two versions of. One for the web and one an AIR app for the desktop (they share most of the same code). Part of the functionality of the app is to load external SWF files created by other users. Some of these SWF files load external FLV files progressively.
On the web this works fine. However, the...
Hello all,
I have two noobish questions about Flash, Actionscript, Flex etc.
1) With these technologies is it possible to create a simple web browser that can render websites?
2) Is it possible to run these technologies on the server side? I am guessing no as Flash requires a browser to run within?
Thanks all for any help