
Load images into separate movie clips from a XML, Flash, Actionscript 3.0

I have an xml image bank, pretty standard, and I have a loader, along with movie clips that I want the images loaded into, the problem that I am running into is I want the images to load into separate movie clips, so I’m using a case statement to specify where they go. However, I can only get them to load into a single movie clip, I assu...

Resizing video best practices (frame size)

I have read the following which is from Best Practices for Encoding Video with the VP6 Codec on the Adobe website here - http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/encoding_video_print.html. It is talking about common video ratios (320x240, 640x480) Although these ratios are standard, and should be used to avoid distorting the v...

Debugging a release only flash problem

I've got an Adobe Flash 10 program that freezes in certain cases, however only when running under a release version of the flash player. With the debug version, the application works fine. What are the best approaches to debugging such issues? I considered installing the release player on my computer and trying to set some kind of non-g...

HTML5 or Flash?

I have to write a web application for a client soon. Looking at the specs, there is no reason why the project couldn't be an HTML5/CSS/Javascript project, but the client is arguing that it has to be Flash. The project has a number of dynamic elements and is web-based. It'll only be used in-house by a small number of people and all of th...

UIComponent in Swc

In Flash, if i create a custom Movieclip, and compile it to a SWC, i can use it in .fla files (by linking to the .swc).. var mcInstance = new CustomMovieClip(); addChild(mcInstance); All the arrangement of graphics on the custom movieClip's layers is preserved. If i subclass UIComponent and compile to a swc, I can use the custom Clas...

How to optimize frame rate in Flash/Actionscript?

I'm building an application in Actionscript using Flash assets, and my frame rate becomes very low (~7 fps) when I attempt to render 20+ assets on the screen, even though most of those assets are stopped movie clips. I've tried setting .cacheAsBitmap to true, which helps a bit, but not enough. What else can I do to get the frame rate up?...

Our Flash Streaming Player Occasionally Stutters like a Skipping CD after a Period of Time

We offer a streaming player for a number of our clients, who are responsible for their providing us with their own audio streams. We have written a very simple flash player that can play all of the streams that we support (icecast/shoutcast/live365/mp3 over http/etc). Unfortunately, we have found that when listening, our player sometime...

how to add a sharethis button to my flash file?

Hello guys, I have been searching for this solution for some time have not found any good solid solutions. Everything I have seen is either 2 years old and does not work. What I would like to do is use a MC in my flash file to act like a button and when clicked open the sharethis pop up to share this particular video's url. The site AP...

Flash CS5 Publish Website Problems

Hey there, I just got Flash CS5 and I finally finished my website layout. But after publishing it and uploading it online, my browser says I don't have the newest version of flash and that I need to install it. Since I know that I have the most recent version (Flash Player 10), I don't understand why my website won't show. Do you guys ...

Flash Audio pause button with volume slider

Flash CS4 - Action Script 2 I need to make a controller for audio that contains the following items 1 (!) Button that pauses and replays the audio file (consists of 2 pictures: 1 on, 1 off) Volume slider to controll the volume (consists of a bar and slider) I have searched for tutorials that combine the two, but couldn't find it. Th...

Sync Flash AND HTML request on form submit

I got a regular HTML form, responsible for simple text input, as well as a custom Flex application, allowing files to be selected & customized. Now I can't figure out how to "bring the two together" in my backend when I hit the submit button - to save the files with the meta info from the form in my database. What to do? Suggestions ve...

What is the "proper" method for determining if a swf is running within an AIR application?

I've got a Flex Web project and a Flex AIR project that use a common code-base. The common code defines several run-time loaded Flex Modules. I want the Flex Modules to behave differently depending on whether the running base application is WEB or AIR. What is the proper method for determining from the module code whether the module i...

Can two functions in a class be accessed simultaneously in AS3?

In a custom queue, there's a push() and a pop() function. The pop() may be called any time on an Event.COMPLETE, so does this mean that code can be running in push() and pop() simultaneously? If so, is there a way to prevent the code from being run in both functions at the same time? ...

How Adobe AIR program can to index all images on a user's computer?

What is the fastest way for a Adobe AIR program program to index all images on a users' computer? Using Open Source ActionScript-3, MXML Libs and classes. Fastest - Same pc configuration, different time (seconds) To index - get a list of absolute links (like c://bla-bla/file ) and save them into file (index.txt) All images (like JPEG...

How to get folder size in Adobe Air?

How to get folder size in Adobe Air? ...

How to grab all cookies in Flash

For a site I'm developing with a user login that uses cookies to store the session ID, a separate section of it uses Flash to provide content and such. Is there some way it can access the cookies that were set the by login? The name of the cookie will not the be same every time, as it is randomly generated, as well as its value. I then n...

How can I do a non-www to www redirect without breaking Flash security?

So I have a SWF file here (direct link, it autoplays, sorry): http://www.elativemarketing.com/images/portfolio/ann-taylor/anntaylor-video-alia-holiday.swf that, when I have these .htaccess rules enabled: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. RewriteRule ^ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] Fails out with this error: Error: Sl...

Load an SWF into a WebView

I'm having problems with this. If I go to an SWF directly in the browser, it works fine. If I attempt to use loadUrl on an SWF file it stays blank and loads nothing. ...

Force compile-time linking of all classes in a SWC

Using Flash CS4, I am making a game that has a dozen or so sounds and a couple of music tracks. To cut down on publish/compile time, I have moved the sounds and music into an (external) SWC, which is located in a "Library Path" for the project. This works, but with a caveat... Until before I externalised the assets, I had been dynamical...

Retrieving GET variable via PHP, send to SWF on same script?

Is it possible to retrieve a GET variable within a PHP script and subsequently send the variable data to an SWF on the same script/document? I want the user to select an item on a PHP document and then use a Flash application I am developing to manipulate that data. I know how to load data from a PHP script into an SWF via URLLoader, ...