
Reading XML In Flash From An ASPX Page

Hi guys, I have created an aspx page which dynamicaly creates an xml string and posts it back to the client. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; var flashAssets = Asset.GetScro...

Flash versus Flex

I've tried looking everywhere for a concise list of the advantages and disadvantages of using Flex vs. Flash. Coming from a programming background, I absolutely love Flex. It's easy to pick up, and since it can use flash classes, why would I want to use Flash without flex? Flex: Pros: good for RIA development provides many user-inp...

Starting Flash Development

I want to make a flash based site. I like something like this: http://bfish.free.fr/ Is this hard? I have done a little Flash work, but I can learn. How can I accomplish my goal? ...

MovieClip inside another MovieClip for a drawing applet. Why and how?

I'm trying to figure out a simple drawing program in Flash and it's giving me trouble. The main drawing area is a MovieClip named drawZone. However, when displaying something, the author uses another MovieClip embedded in the drawZone Symbol named zone. The drawZone Symbol has 2 layers, a mask layer and a masked sublayer that contains th...

Is it possible to access static fields declared in a host application by movies loaded dynamically using SWFLoader

Is it possible to access declared static fields in a host by a dynamically loaded movie (provided the loaded movie is from a fully trusted domain). My main concern is to make sure we don't expose data to loaded swf's, but want to still listen to events (via hosted apps callback functions) fired by the loaded swf. UPDATE SWFLoader (f...

How do I wait for an external .txt file to load in ActionScript 3?

How do I wait for an external .txt file to load in ActionScript 3? If I use URLLoader, I have no guarantee that the file has loaded, since it dispatches an event when it's complete. I'm calling the loader function from another class, so I can't simply stick the next actions into the event listener. ...

When an swf (or other external remote resource) is loaded using SWFLoader, is there any client side caching performed.

Would like to know if when an external remote resource (say SWF, or JPG) is loaded using the SWFLoader (or even Image component) in flex3, if there is any client side (ie. browser caching?) or the loaded resources. In particular would a second request then to access a previously accessed resource just use the cached resource or would a ...

as3 swc component preview through code

I am developing an as3 swc-based component that populates its contents entirely through actionscript in the constructor (e.g. sprite.graphics.lineTo...). When I drag the component onto the stage, it is empty. If I export my movie, everything works perfectly, but I also need the live preview to work. I could get around this with a placeho...

How can I make my entire flex widget have rounded corners?

I am creating a Flex widget and would like to make the corners rounded. In other words, I don't want some component inside the widget rounded, I want the actual widget to be rounded. I have seen this done in many places so it cannot be too hard, but all of the solutions I find on the internet do not work. People say to set the corn...

Java applets vs Silverlight vs Flash (Flex)

Everybody talks about Silverlight and Flash and Flex and how cool etc... Java applets are very similar to Silverlight and Flex, but Java applets exist since 1995. What is the reason we don't have any cool Java applet applications around? My guesses so far: start up time of Java applet, restricted network connectivity, lack of dev tool...

crossdomain.xml not working

Hello, I needed to add a crossdomain.xml file to my website so that an embeddable flash widget can access its rss feed. The widget is throwing an error, and it looks like it's because my crossdomain.xml file isn't being seen as a valid xml file. In noticed that if you browse to the crossdomain file on my site the browser opens the downl...

I would like to download the Remote SharedObject from an FMS server through RTMP

I'd like to contact an FMS server through a script and download the persistent Remote SharedObject. The Flash program connects to the FMS server, opens a NetConnection, makes a SharedObject.getRemote call. I'd like to access this info through PHP, Ruby, Perl, etc to work with in a script. I understand this info is sent to the Flash pl...

Flash: Doing Nothing Programatically?

I received a Flash job to do the other day and none of it was done programatically. All transitions, rollovers, etc., were done with the built-in button states, layers, and all that stuff that I hardly ever work with except through code (since you can do it all by programming custom MCs). All the tweens actually seem to have been done by...

What are some good blogs to follow in the RIA space?

so far, I found Anthony Franco, Raju Bitter...but I want to know what others follow: I want some really good blogs to track RIA, UI Design, Ajax, Silverlight, Flash, Flex.. ...

Flash motion tween

Hi, I need to do a motion tween in Flash CS4 that leaves a trail. Something like spraying. I created a circle that represents spray dot and I'm trying to move that dot with motion tween but I need it to leave a trail (color spray). Is that possible? Tnx ...

Using ExternalInterface in Flash

Hello all, I'm trying to edit some flash to make an external javascript function call, but with no success. Here's my actionscript 2.0 code: //testing external .js calls import flash.external.ExternalInterface; //attempting to make external js call ExternalInterface.call("createPlaylist","It's my Life!"); and here's my javascript; ...

Is there a way to override action scripts operators, in particular I would like to override the equals operator

Is it possible to override the equals() operator (ie. for customer classes where equality may be determined by 2 or more fields matching). ...

How to know where live point is in a stream?

How to know where live point is in a stream? NetStream.seek ( 99999999999999 ) basically sends me to the latest point, but how do I find the current exact endpoint of the stream? ...

Java Applet to manage file uploads to server

Looking for a descent looking Java File Upload Applet (or even Flash) that fits the following requirements: Free/cheap (yes looking to use in a commercial web application) Preferably allow multiple file selection Ability to create/edit folders on destination server? (within a secure root folder) Ability to overwrite files in the destin...

embedding flash in rich text editor

I've been trying to embed a flash widget inside a rich text editor (http://code.google.com/p/lwrte/), by adding an tag to the iframe's HTML using mozilla's .insertHTML function (http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midas-spec.html), but for some reason it never shows up - using firebug i can see that the embed tag is there, but it has stripped...