I'm trying to use Selenium IDE to click on a swf in a html page. The DIV id and Embed id change depend on the timestamp e.g. id="FLASH_0_23458974594", I've tried using id=/^FLASH_([0-9]+_)0-9/ or id="FLASH_glob:*" but the IDE is not picking up the swf. Am I doing something wrong here?
Here is my entire Script as I can't seem to figure out where the problem is.
The symptoms are that where I addChild(book) , is not the appropriate place for this to be added properly and sequentially with the thumbs as well. As a result, and to my surprise, the only way I can get these to appear so far is by writing a faulty trace state...
Is there a way to render HTML pages within flash?
My client provided me with a .flv file to place on their home page as a banner. I have searched the internet for a while but did not come accross to a proper way of doing it. First of all, is it "the" way of doing such banners? or are they supposed to provide me with a .swf instead? If .flv is ok, then how do I embed it (no play con...
I need to store a lot of data coming in from a server into memory, so I have to write my memory-storage algorithms based on how much I can safely use without hanging up or crashing the browser.
Is there any safe size limit like 1MB or 100MB, that contents of global variables should not exceed?
I am using SWFObject version 2, and using its dynamic publishing feature. Typical JavaScript code to embed flash like (based on its featured example from its documentation page):
However, in IE7, I always see 'Click to Activate' message. I heard that SWFObject was supposed to cater this issue, however, my experi...
I'm developing an applications which I've got running on a server on my linux desktop. Due to the shortcomings of Flash on Linux (read: too hard) I'm developing the (small) flash portion of the app in Windows, which means there's a lot of frustrating back and forth. Now I'm trying to capture the output of the flash portion using flash tr...
I'm using an external swf containing a number of font classes to load and register the fonts for my flash site at runtime. (exported in the library panel Flash IDE then registered in the frame script)
In this particular case the swf contains a number of different weights of the same family. eg. font roman, font italic, font light, font ...
I normally extend one of these classes when I want to control it - but would I be better off creating a class that composes one? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
I have a flash movie that runs fine in FF, Opera, Safari but not in IE. When I right click on the blank box that sits there now, I don't even get the usual flash menu that shows.
Could someone please look at link text
I have the oddest problem (but aren't all programming problems odd?). I have a winform that contains a webbrowser object that opens a website that has flash on it. This winform is running on a touchscreen computer (I can't find the brand or model number).
Here is what I know:
flash objects embeded in a website that is accessed via t...
I have a winform program that allows users to upload Shockwave Flash movies to a server. To get the videoDuration I create an instance of the "ShockwaveFlashObjects"-activeX, loads the movie, and then read the videoDuration until it change from "0.0" to anything else. I get that by reading the GetVariable("videoDuration").
Often it work...
Hello all. I've been trying for some time to use the ExternalInterface.call method in flash, to no avail (see here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757390/actionscript-javascript here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/818089/using-externalinterface-in-flash and here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/825316/flash-trace-output-in-fi...
If I have a sprite, with which I have drawn some stuff, how do I erase part of what I have drawn? Preferably I could use drawRect with some "alpha=0" paint.
However, I don't believe beginFill lets you set an rgba color (like you can in bitmapdata). Setting alpha = 0 in beginFill doesn't really do anything -- it just draws nothing.
I'm using Box2D (the AS3/Flash version, if it matters) and I'm trying to calculate how much weight each body is carrying.
I know how to iterate through all the bodies, and I know how to poll the Collion Detection routines, but it seems the collision forces die off to zero once weight is applied. Is there some sort of "total static force...
I have a flash file I want to programatically find the dimensions of in my code. Right at the beginning of the code I have the string:
[SWF(width='700', height='500')]
And several subclasses later I want to pull these "700" and "500" values up as variables.
Is there a way to find this?
I've tried referencing this.width and this.heig...
When you load in an external swf at runtime is there any way to get the background colour of the swf? - That is the stage background colour.
The loaded swf is uploaded by users, who may or may not know the correct colour.
I know that normally this is specified in the html code to embed a swf, but if you run a swf in the standalone player...
Is it possible to add que points in a live dvr f4v stream?
I am planning to port a flash player to Android OS. Presently Android is not supporting the Flash. I have looked into GNash, an open source flash player but the problem with this is that it is not supporting the latest version flash files and we can't open the youtube with GNash.
Are there any open source light-weight flash players whic...
I am doing initial design work for the back end of a site that will use mainly Flash for the front end. I am not a Flash dev myself, and I don't care about general comments for or against Flash. What I want to know is:
What is the current state of the art in communicating with the server to use dynamic content? Is AJAX an option? Wha...