
Required Flash Player for Flash Catalyst

I know that Flash Catalyst is still in Beta, but I'm trying to look ahead. A lot of our users are on intranets whose IT staff require a lot of lead time to upgrade the Flash Player on user's computers. Right now most users are on Flash Player 9. So my question is, will SWF files created with Flash Catalyst require Flash Player 10? ...

Dynamic resizing of absolutely drawn Flex 4 component (drawing code generated by Catalyst)

Hi, I have some code generated by Flash Catalyst, and I need it to be resizable & rotatable. At the moment, I have no idea how to get this to happen. The basic idea is: I have a windmill. windmill contains windmillBlades. windmillBlades rotate. windmill resizes. When the windmill resizes, the windmillBlades should scale dynamicall...

Design tools for creating skins for Flex 4 components

I'm looking for a tool to create just the skins for different kinds of Flex 4 components. Are there any? I'd like to be able to create the components myself and have the designer/artist do the skin, but I don't think they'd like the idea of doing them by writing MXML files. ...

Create iOS content with Flash Catalyst or Flash Builder?

Flash Professional CS5 has the option to create apps for iOS (i Phone). I don't see the same for Flash Catalyst or Flash Builder. Is there any way to import Flash Catalyst or Flash Builder projects into Flash Professional? Do I have any other options? ...

How does flex know where to look for .swz files?

I don't do flash myself: in this company, flash is generally used just for design elements, so the designers build the flash and my job is just getting it onto the site. All fine so far, but now one of the designers wants to move to using Flash Catalyst. Here's my understanding of how it works. If I'm wrong, please tell me. 1. Flash Cat...

what's the difference between classic text and TLF text

what's the difference between classic text and TLF text ...

Allow end user to define state transitions in a Flex mxml application

Adobe has a great tool for designers called Adobe Catalyst to develop AIR based desktop apps which designers can customize to define state transition in a screen-flow based application. Now Is there a way in which an end-user who gets that application can change the conditions for state transition and the the content of the state. For ex...