
callback to model object

I am trying to figure out how to define a callback to my model object, via the Mate Frameworks LocalEventMap. <EventHandlers type="{WebServiceEvent.RT_GET}" debug="true"> <HTTPServiceInvoker url="/services/rtGet.asp"> <resultHandlers> <CallBack method="rtGetHandleResult" arguments="{resultObject}"/> </res...

Host and load KML File in Flex project (IGN)

Hi, I'm looking at a tutorial to display placemarks using a KML file on a flex application. I'm using IGN API (openscales) in flex project. The example works perfectly (http://openscales.org/userguide/examples/srcview/source/KMLExample.mxml. <os:KML url="http://www.parisavelo.net/velib.kml" proxy="http://openscales.org...

Can I use TextMate with existing Flex projects created in Flex / Flash Builder?

I am wondring if anyone has a good resource for opening existing Flex projects that where created in Flex / Flash Builder and run them using the TextMate bundle for Flex and Actionscript projects. Basically I just want to know if I can walk into an existing project and configure this easily or am I pretty much stuck with using Eclipse ?...

Is Red5 production-ready?

I'm considering using Red5 instead of wowza and Flash Media Interactive Server. But it looks like a new project and it hasn't even reached full v1, so I'm worried about using it in a production environment. Has anyone used it in a real production environment and would like to share the experience and document it with others? ...

FlexUnit4 async test - asyncHandler's usage isn't clear

Hi, There is the doc page about FlexUnit4's async approach: http://docs.flexunit.org/index.php?title=Writing_an_AsyncTest Here is the concept that's confusing for me: // timer is a Timer instance set to tick once with a delay of TIMER_TIME. [Test(async)] public function testAsync() : void { var asyncHandler:Function = Async.asy...

Skype - How to use flash or flex or action script?

Question. How can i get started with flash/flex or actionscript, to use the Skype4Com, and make something small like this site: https://imo.im/ After login with my SkypID, i can make a voice call from browser using Flash? How, can i get started on this, can someone show me a way please. Thank you ...

Display HTML text in the Spark TextArea

The Below code is running well... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" > <fx:Declarations> <mx:HTTPService id="httpRSS" url="http://www.petefreitag.com/rss/" resultFormat="objec...

Flex 3 Webservice Request (setting value in the request from text field)

I have basic web service and I’m having problems sending proper request. If I send only text in the elements on the request the call is successful, but if I try to get value from text field and send in the request the value isn’t sent. I’m not sure why this is happening. Here is the code: import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent; private...

how to make transition animation when changing photos in Flex

I have an image in Flex I want to change the image with actionscript to show some other image say every 3 seconds or so. I also want to make transition between the image and the next one for instance fade in/out. What is the best way to do so? ...

accessing a class within mxml tag

I would like to provide my own sortItemRenderer within an AdvancedDataGrid like so: <mx:AdvancedDataGrid sortItemRenderer="MyRenderer"></mx:AdvancedDataGrid> MyRenderer is a class that I wrote, but Flex doesn't see it and gives "defintion not found" error, because it is not within the mx namespace. What is a clean way to make this to...

How to implement sortable list of object in Flex

I have list of object that I want each item to be rendered with some renderer that include a delete and edit buttons with some text. What is the best way to make the list of object re-order-able in drag/drop fashion so the user can drag on item on top of another to change the order of the list. ...

How do I get the visual width and height of a rotated component?

I'm playing around with code like this: <s:Button id="test" label="test" transformX="{Math.floor(test.width/2)}" rotationY="20" x="20" y="20" /> The button is rotated on the Y axis and the rotate pivot is in the middle of the button. This will create a button that looks something like this: The rotated button is, visually, filling...

Comparing hours and minutes in AS3

Is there a way to compare the current time to a bunch of times (loaded from XML) and have it figure out which is the closest to the current time? ...

Asdocs seems unable to find embedded assets.

I'm running asdocs from a .bat file with flex sdk 3.2.0 (I have replaced my long project root folder with PROJECTROOT): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0\bin\asdoc" -source-path . "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0" "_PROJECTROOT_\Components\src" "C:\_PROJECTROOT_\assets" -doc-sources . PAUSE" ...

Adobe Air - How to make a hello world?

I am using Fedora 12 (linux) Installed Packages adobeair.i386 2.0.2-12610 @adobe-linux-i386. I want to make a simple "hello world" application which is able to run in my desktop and also via http://localhost/air/index.php Can someone please show me step by step, a working example? Thank you Regards N.B: What are the differences ...

Problem when trying to upload image from Flex to PaperClip with creating thumbnail

I'm trying to upload an image from Flex to Rails. It uploads fine if I just want to upload the original but when I tried to add Thumbnail I got the following error: [paperclip] identify '-format' '%wx%h' '/var/folders/RH/RHekFGKME9uDJbX4d4DG3E+++TI/-Tmp-/stream,23830,0.jpeg[0]' 2>/dev/null [paperclip] An error was received while process...

PopUpButton with TileList and custom renderer

Hello, I have prepared a simple test case for a PopUpButton opening a TileList with black and red entries and it mostly works, but has 2 annoyances. I've searched a lot, tried several variants (added [Bindable] members in my renderer; added color member to the bids array; created my public override set data() method; ...) and has bee...

Flex 4 lifecycle and drawing stuff manually

I have a component which inherrits Group. I made a property called dataSource:ArrayList. I wish to draw a Line for each of the entries. When the 'function set dataSource' -method is invoked I do the following (simplified): var newLine:Line = new Line(); newLine.stroke = new SolidColorStroke(); newLine.xFro...

Can I reserve an object in browser cache?

I have a flex application about 2M need to send to browser, so I want the browser to reserve the file in cache forever unless I upgrade the version. I have set the ETAG and last-modified tag in http reponse header, but sometimes, when the user click the refresh, the swf file still be reloaded. So what http response header can I use to...

Ajaxifying flex lists

In html, it's possible to use jquery or javascript to refresh a list of stuff every 10 seconds or so to make it appear like it's live. Is the same thing possible with flex Lists? I heard it's possible to create flex with other programming language. Not sure what the details were, I think they said with javascript too. But I'm working...