
synchronous and asynchronous call in flex

Hi, what is synchronous and asynchronous call in flex. Why Httpservice is asynchronous and how to make a call to asynchronous call. Thanks, Ravi ...

Advanced DataGrid image renderer

hi, I need to develop Advanced Datagrid like the below attached image. So I had developed the Grid with some columns but do not know how to rendering the image in the result part of the grid. Any one please help me, how to rendering the images in the result part. c ...

Getting data into flex charts from csv

I am developing a flex charting web application which gets data from csv files. This application is supposed to be installed on the website of a client. The client uses a web server management system where the URLs generated are pretty long and contain non-alphanumeric characters. An example is given below: http://www.example.com/EXTERN...

Advanced DataGrid CheckBox

Hi, I have a scenario like, Advanced DataGrid have a checkBox and if i select the header checkBox all the field checkBoxes has to be selected that means multi-select checkBox. If any one having the sample code, please send me. Thanks, Ravi ...

Response for a Flex request

The response for the flex object will be in the http type if we use that service. Can we have that response in object format. ...

Dynamically adding radiobuttongroup

I'm trying to make a quiz in flex and am loading data from an xml file. For each question I want to create a radiobuttongroup so I can associate radio buttons to it. How can I accomplish that with actionscript? I can see that addChild method works for DisplayObjects and I presume that radiobuttongroup is not one because I'm receiving err...

Disabling radiobuttongroup

Since Repeater component won't generate radiobuttongroup in mxml, and since I can't do the same through ActionScript because radiobuttongroup doesn't have an id property when I try to create it that way, is there a way to disable radiobuttons at all? As far as I can see, the only thing I can set and access is groupName property of radiob...

ComboBox dropdown scaling does not follow DisplayList...

I've been working on an application (with ComboBoxes) that requires scaling the entire application based on screen resolution. I thought it would simply require changing the "scaleX" and "scaleY" properties of the top-level application, but discovered that the ComboBox dropdown doesn't appear to scale accordingly, as in the following ex...

Scrolling issue in Flex 3

In Flex 3 I have component that displays html taken from a db just by using the htmlText property of a TextArea. The component contains multiple TextAreas for different areas of content (ie header, left column, right column). This is contained inside a canvas element which has a fixed height. As the length of the content varies, my comp...

Preventing error from being thrown in child swf

I want to load user submitted swf files into a parent Flex application. I'll be loading the swf from a different sandbox and i will deliberately not be granting security access. Often flash applications will have functions that try to access the stage, and in this case the child swf would throw an error because it would not have access....

Runtime Shared Libraries

Hi, What is RSL and what is the use of RSL? Have any sample example , Please shared me,. Thanks, Ravi ...

How do I create variable paths using e4X?

I need to know how I can parse a variable path in Flex 3 & e4X. For example, I have two XML strings where the name of one element is the only difference. <NameOfRoot> <NameOfChild1> <data>1</data> </NameOfChild1> </NameOfRoot> <NameOfRoot> <NameOfChild2> <data>2</data> </NameOfChild2> </NameOfRoot> Cu...

Flex DataGrid / ArrayCollection sorting

I am attempting to create a resortable data grid in FLex 3. I have the grid set up and have accomplished the drag and drop functions as necessary but i need to get the row index of an item based on the data in the rows. The datagrid is being used as a playlist and the current index (before sort) needs to be updated with the index of i...

Drag&Drop in Advanced DataGrid

Hi, I have a Advanced DataGrid for displaying the number of rows from the Database and one row strictly should not allowed drag option. Is is possible? Please share one sample example. Thanks, Ravi ...

Sorting in Advanced Datagrid

Hi, I have a Advanced Datagrid with sorting. I think it is string sorting by default. But i need the sorting in number. How can i achieve the number sorting. for example: i have row numbers like 1 to 100 . i need number sorting like 1,10,100. thanks, ravi ...

How set background of row dynamic using flex?

Look my source: Template: [code] <mx:Script source="ListStatus.as" /> <!-- Template --> <mx:DataGrid id="grid" width="100%" height="100%" doubleClick="editRecord();"> <mx:columns > <mx:DataGridColumn width="30" resizable="false" draggable="false"> <mx:itemRenderer> <mx:Component> ...

Deploying flex application to tomcat without eclipse plugin

I am using flex sdk to develope my application, now i want to deploy it into tomcat server with blazeDS how to do it with out the eclipse plugin? ...

Adding Tab dynamically

Hi all. I have a tab and want another tab with click of button. Another tab has VBox (Contains charts,grid etc). It gives an error while adding code addChild(), removeChild() on button click. The error is of null object reference. Please suggest me. Thanks ...

How to improve the performance of Flex App ?

I am working on a flex application.The application occupies 100% of the browser screen, but it is slow to load.How should i improve the performance, what are the best techniques one should follow for improving the performance of a flex App. I did try some stuff though, i am not using relative layout instead i am using absolute layout an...

detect change in Flex Form elements (textinput, textarea, combobox, checkbox..)

I have various (read lots of..) flex forms in my app, and I now want to create a system by which the user is notified that he hasn't saved if he modifies anything in the form... now.. I don't want to rewrite every form I have.. is there some nice way to implement this? Extending the TextInput (and others..) classes somehow? thanks ...