
Flex: rotating buttons and changing focus

Hi, I've got a problem with rotated buttons in Flex. They seem to contaminate other components' focus rectangles. Take the following source code, which couldn't be much simpler: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"> <mx:VBox width="100%" height="...

Flex can't cast an Object to MyType despite the debugger indicating the object is MyType.

I make a remote call to a method defined on my Java back end (using BlazeDS). This method returns a MyType object. On the Flex side the return value is of course wrapped inside a ResultEvent object and stored as an Object. The debugger clearly shows that the ResultEvent contains a MyType in its result field. So naturally you'd expect tha...

convert /encode video(.flv) files to any format in flex 3?

hi in my website i need to upload the video from the user and save to sql data base and retrieve it from the data base . for this front end am using is flex 3. to save it to data base am using python(CGI) and sql. Thanks for your good reply ...

first value should be selected when loading the data in ComboBox

Hi, I had a comboBox and loading the datadynamically from the server. i need to display the first value in comboBox as a selected value and based on the value data should be populated on the grid. Please send me a sample example on the same if nay one knows. thanks, Ravi ...

Flex Date and Time Stock Chart (HOLC) - Need Help

I am trying to show BOTH the date and the time in Flex 3.5 Stock HOLC (high, open, low, close) Chart. This data shows up but not in the correct format... Problems: 1. The time are out of whack.. they do not line up with proper time.. (is it because they are not military time)? 2. The dates (days) do not show up on the bottom labels ...

inner class in AS

for example: package{ public class A { var test:String; public function A() } } class B{ } the code is in the same file, we call B is inner class, then how to call the constructor of class B ...

loading a large number of images

I have this code which works fine when selecting a small number of images. public var fileReferenceList:FileReferenceList; public function browseFiles(event:Event = null):void { fileReferenceList= new FileReferenceList(); fileReferenceList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT,onMultipleFileSelect); fileReferenceList.browse("image...

Flex :Do all continaers inherit all properties of UIComponent and Container

Dear friends, Being subclasses of Continaer which is again subclass of UIcomponent, do all container in flex 'inherit all properties of UIcomponent and Container' ? Is there any exception to this rule ? Please help me on this. Thanks in advance. ...

If timer is started and running , donot reset it once again using flex3

I'm having 2 problems. 1 - I have a text area in which I am matching a string. If it matches then a timer will start. But that condition will likely be satisfied more than once, so I would like to give a condition that if timer is already running don't do anything, if(!timer.running) then start timer. But it still resets the timer ever...

Flex 3 skinning the Datatip of a hslider component

Hello stackoverflowers, Does anybody know how to skin the datatip of a hslider component. I have created a 3 skins with degrafa. One for the track, one for thumb and one for the datatip. I had no problem attaching the skins for the track and thumb of the hslider component. But how can i skin the datatip? Does anybody know? DJ ...

Function Call inside of Component

Hello. I want to call an App function inside a (I know about the Component scope already). What I mean is this: <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ public someFunction():void { // bla bla bla } </mx:Script> And: <mx:Component> <mx:Label text="{data.something}" click="someFunction()" /> </mx:Component> How can I do some...

Flex: Setting a style that is not suported by a component

Dear Friends, I am not very good in 'style' in flex. I am wondering if flex enforce style settings and throws compilation errors if a style that is applid to a component that is not supported by it. Has any one tried it before ? Please help me if you have any idea in this regard. Thanks in advance. ...

Map with Advanced datagrid in flex

I had a map like Map** helloMethos() { } I need to display the values to the advanced datagrid with the Map. I had searched, Advanced Atagrid supports only list of Arraycollection to display the values in grid. is it Correct? Please help me out if am wrong. thanks Ravi ...

Flex: Can List be used to display control in equally sized tiles

Dear Friends, In one of the application I am working, List has been used. I am required to display items in the form of tiles. I do not want to change the component as of now. Is there any way to achieve this layout in list only. Please let me know if you have any idea in this regard. Thanks in advance. ...

flex 3 : sorting date column in datagrid

How to sort date column in datagrid with date format of 'DD/MM/YY'. please give me sample. Thanks in advance ...

my html text is not displaying in Flex

I'm getting nothing with this: mainAns.htmlText = '<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">The differen <B>is</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>'; Maybe it has something to do with the quotes? the text will be retrieved from a database. I dont see what I am doing wr...

Collapsing a Spark BorderContainer dynamically does not collapse its children

protected function lbHideQuery_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { if (lbHideQuery.selected) { lbHideQuery.label = "Show Query Panel"; origHeight = canvas1.height; canvas1.height = 0; } else { ...

Trying to set flex richtexteditor's default font-size

I just want to lock or set a default font size for the rich text editor. I tried setting font-size = 16, which although it did set the default to 16, also made all the labels etc... in the editor to font size 16. ...

Simple chat prag in flex 3?

hi i want to know how chat process take place in flex. How flex is connection to the server and how the chat text is transferred between clients , whether i have to use any other software for connecting with the server .Please any one help me... ...

datagrid itemrender instance in flex

Hi, I have a itemrenderer in datagrid and I am trying to get the instance of itemrender in datagrid keypressevent as follows var col:DataGridColumn = _datagrid.columns[_datagrid.selectedCells[0].columnIndex]; var myItemrend:MyItemrender = col.itemRenderer as MyItemrender; But the above myItemrend instance is null. How can I get the it...