
My flex 4 program has a button controlled animation. it works but is playing once once, if i click the button again it doesnt work...

i'm pasting part of the the code here <s:Parallel id="panelIn" target="{back}" > <mx:Move xTo="-400" duration="2500" easingFunction="Bounce.easeIn"/> <s:Fade alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.0" duration="2500" /> </s:Parallel> this is the animation protected function button1_clickHa...

Flex 4 + create Common Template (layout) for all pages

Hi, I am new learing to flex. I want to create the common Template to my application just like tables in HTML and want to get this layout to all my MXML files without writting the complete code every time. I want to create header/footer and display region at middle to this template. And want to import or something in my project so tha...

Flex 4 Spark VideoDisplay in Popup causes memory leak

Hi, I'm currently building an air app with FB 4. I have a custom control that contains a VideoDisplay control, and which loaded using the PopupManager. Using the profiler, i've noticed that every time the my popup is loaded the memory for it gets allocated, but when it's closed the memory is never recovered. There's nothing else hol...

Flex 4 htmlText - <a> with <img> doesnt work

Wow - I cant believe I actually have a question for Stack O'Flow! Been here many times but never needed to ask till now so thanks in advance! I have a Flex 4 app that I want to embed htmlText with an anchor tag and an image. The image does not display no matter what I do. I have even tried textflow with no luck. The image simply will ...

Flex4: if I want different icons, should I create a skin class for each button ?

hi, i have a sequence of buttons and each button has its own icon. I was wondering if I have to create a Spark skin file for each button in order to assign its icon. thanks ...

Flex 4 - CSS type selectors in MXML components

Does anybody know the reason why CSS type selectors cannot be used inside MXML components, and/or a trick to make it work? I see absolutely no reason for a such simple functionnality not to be supported, and I'd really like to understand. After all I read about CSS in Flex 4 being so much better than in Flex 3, I find myself quite disa...

Flex4, Spark s:VideoPlayer

2 questions: 1) Is the new spark s:videoPlayer recommended to play videos ? Or should I build by myself with DisplayVideo components... adding controls.. etc etc ? 2) How can I customize the s:videoPlayer components ? What's the easiest way, for example, to fade in / fade out controls, when the mouse move over the video ? Should I ext...

Flex 4: Popup Anchor : Right to Left Display of Drop down

Hi, I customized flex 4 combobox to display popup in an auto width layout. But combobox shows dropdown list from Left to right as you can see in the Left side of image. I actually want to display dropdown starting from right side, as described in the highlighted image. Thanks ...

How do I update an xml file with msbuild with two namespaces?

This msbuild below task can take into account one namespace, but in the case where I'm updating an mxml (flex) that has a mix of namespaces, can I use this task or another msbuild task to do the update? <XmlUpdate Prefix="fx" Namespace="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" XmlFileName="myFlexApp.mxml" Xpath="//mx:A...

Flash video slooow in AIR 2 HTMLLoader component

I am working on a full screen kiosk application in Flex 4/Air 2 using Flash Builder 4. We have a company training website which staff can access via the kiosk, and the main content is interactive flash training videos. Our target machines are by no means 'beefy', they are Atom n270s @ 1.6Ghz with 1Gb RAM. As it stands the videos are a...

flex3 to flex4 migration and rsl ( performance )

Hi , I am facing some strange behavior after upgrading my flex project from flex3 sdk to flex4. First the performance has decreased significaly so i did some research and read this: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Linking+RSLs+by+Default which says in short the in flex4 all the flex libraries are loaded as rsls to the p...

Flash player 10 Filereference.save and file extensions

I'm using Filereference.save() to save a XML file. It's working fine with default filename.But is there a way to force a file extension on the saved file? I'm using "untitled.xml" as the default filename, but if the user changes it to say "myfile", it gets saved as "myfile", rather than "myfile.xml". ...

$(document).ready(function() {}) is being run before the Flex app loads in my page

Hey guys, I have a page with an some normal javascript, a swf file and some jquery. I'm running my jquery code inside the $(document).ready(function() {}) function. But the code is being run before the Flex component (the swf file) has finished loading. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks for reading! ...

Can I extends a sub class of Proxy class?

I want to create a complete (and real) 2-dimensional array. In order to use a maximum of Adobe code, I want to use ListCollectionView which can manage sort and filters. But to use a second dimension, I need to override getProperty method, like following code. package { import flash.utils.flash_proxy; import mx.collections.ListC...

Why does Flex recognize paddingLeft as a property on a component, but not as part of a style?

In my application this works: <s:VGroup width="100%" paddingLeft="100"> ... stuff ... </s:VGroup> This doesn't: <fx:Style> @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"; @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; .myStyle { paddingLeft: 100; } </fx:Style> <s:VGroup width="100%" ...

flex List Size not updating when itemRenderer resizes itself

I've got a list with a custom itemRenderer that's just a rectangle of specific size. The list <s:List id="thelist" width="100%" dataProvider="{thelistdata}" itemRenderer="ListItem" borderVisible="true" /> Note the list's border is visible to help with debugging The itemRenderer <s:Rect id="box" width="50...

How to access datagroup's Itemrenederer's component?

Hi all, I have a datagroup where I use a custom itemRenderer with a datagrid inside. What I want is to access each datagroup's itemRenderer's datagrid and get it's dataProvider All I know is that you can access the ItemRenderer by using myDataGroup.getElementAt(index) Thanks in advance ...

Flex Return type Web service

Hi, I have a web service, created in java, which returns a Vector: @WebMethod public Vector<Data> getData(); I am using Flash Builder 4. I am trying to call the web service in Adobe Flex. When I import the web service using Connect to Data/Services -> WSDL, the return type that Flex selects for this web service is Data[]. How do I c...

Flex : How to link data to a datagrid ?

Hello, I'm following flex tutorials but i'm not doing exactly as they do, so : What i want I have an input text, with a button 'search'. I want when this button is clicked that the data returned by the function search are displayed in the datagrid. What i have : The text input : <s:TextInput includeIn="DetailServeurs" x="58" y="3...

HTTPService/ResultEvent with Flex 3.2 versus Flex >= 3.5

Hey everybody, through a design decission or what-so-ever Adobe changed the content of the ResultEvent fired by a HTTPService Object. Take a look at following example: var httpService:HTTPService = myHTTPServices.getResults(); httpService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,resultHandler); httpService.send(); /** * Handels the login...