
Edit Multiple States At Once in Flash Builder 4

While in Design mode in Flash Builder 4 (gumbo, beta 2), is it possible to edit multiple states at once? In the "states" window, it would seem like I should be able to shift-select multiple states so changes made will affect all the selected states, and if all are selected it will not add the state selector to the property in the mxml ta...

ListItemRenderer background color

Using flex4, I have a list with an item renderer: <mx:List id="queueView" dataProvider="{presenter.queue.items}"> <mx:itemRenderer> <fx:Component> <mx:VBox> <mx:Label text="{data.name}"/> <mx:Label text="{data.artist.name}"/> </mx:VBox> </fx:Component> </mx:itemRenderer> </mx:List> I have altern...

Any Flex 4 migration experience?

My current development stack is MySQL + iBatis + Spring + Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.01 + BlazeDS 3.2 and Flex 3 with Mate 0.8.9 framework. Now Flash Builder 4 beta 2 is out. There are cool features like Data Centric Development (DCD), form generation etc... Do you know how Spring Blazeds Integration works with BlazeDS 4? What about M...

Flex 4: Build a Group with a background

I'm trying to build a simple component extending spark.components.Group to have a background color, more specifically a spark.primitives.Rect component stretched to fill the background. This is what I've come up with thus far: <s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="libra...

Animating child elements in Flex 4

Anyone know how to animate the size/position of child elements of a layout in Flex 4 ? Example: I have a list component with a custom layout. I want when I change the positions of the child elements I want them to animate their move to the new positions. ...

Scroll to selected item in Flex 4 Spark List component

I'm setting selected element in s:List component with Actionscript, it works, but List doesn't scroll to selected item -- need to scroll with scrollbar or mouse. Is it possible to auto-scroll to selected item ? Thanks ! ...

Flex-4 Beta2 : Background image stopped working

AFter upgrading a project from Flex4 Beta1 to Beta2, I've found that the background-image style is no longer supported on Halo components. Eg: <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" backgroundImage="@Embed(source='myImage.png')" /> Note that jira issue SDK-23050 points out the following : backgroundImage is not...

Migrating to Flex 4

How much of an impact will migrating to Flex 4 have on our code base? We have about 40k LOC written in Flex 3. I'm hoping that there are no breaking changes in the Flex SDK, and that we can smoothly transition to the new features of Flex 4 while minimizing any disruption. From what I've read Adobe is developing a new set of GUI component...

Flex 4 Remote Object Method Question

I post this previously in Adobe Forum but haven't got any answers so far. How do I do this in Flex 4? <mx:RemoteObject id="srv" destination="product" channelSet="{channelSet}" fault="faultHandler(event)"> <mx:method name="getProducts" result="getProducts_resultHandler(event)"/> </mx:RemoteObject> I got Could not resolve <s:...

flex 4: custom css value.

is there any way to create a custom css value for a component and have it available to the skin class that component is using? for example, if i define this in a css file: s|Panel{ skinClass: ClassReference("PanelSkin"); myCustomValue: #CCCCFF; } is there a way to make myCustomValue available in the PanelSkin ? ...

Restrict MouseEvents to Mask in Flex Skin?

I have a ButtonSkin (Flex 4 Skin) with a Rect, a Label, and a Group, the Group masking the Rect. On rollOver, I animate the Label's x to this.width, and on rollOut, back to the original position. The problem is, when I rollOut, if I roll to the right (where the label is hiding behind the mask), it doesn't register rollOut, until I go p...

Flex 4 Datagroup Item Renderer coordinates

I'd like to have an overlay that draws lines between selected items in different Flex 4 List controls. The problem is I can't figure out how to access the x, y coordinates of the list's item renderers. Any help appreciated. ...

Flex 4 Bubbling custom event

Hi, How to create a bubbling custom event in Flex 4? To create and expose a custom event in MXML, you need to declare it at the component that will dispatch the event with this line: <fx:Metadata> [Event(name="select", type="my.engine.events.SelectionEvent")] </fx:Metadata> This allows you to: <my:CustomComponent select="do...

List management problem...

I have a datasource, which I show as a list in a Flex UI. I refresh the list periodically, One of my UI requirements is to gracefully show when the datasource removes an item from the list, So I'm correlating the current list against the incoming datasource. The correlation process is this: Refresh the datasource. Loop through the e...

Flex 4 and ScrollBar stepSize

I want to specify amount to scroll with VScrollBar. So in Flex 3 we have "lineScrollSize" but how this property called in Flex 4? I thought it VScrolBar.stepSize — but it dose not do anything. Somebody please help me. I just whant my content to scroll faster on mouse wheel. ...

Add AIR 2 to FB4?

I downloaded and installed FB4 beta 2. I want to try out some of the new AIR 2 beta features, but AIR 2 is not packed with FB4 by default, how can I set this up? Thanks! (Also if possible I still want to be able to use FB3+AIR1 for regular projects) ...

Flex 4 & AIR 2 NativeProcess API: The NativeProcess could not be started

I'm trying to build an application using AIR 2's new NativeProcess API's going from Brent's little video: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/adc-presents/preview-command-line-integration-in-adobe-air-2 but I'm having some issues, namely I get an error every time I try to start my process. I am running OS X 10.5.8 and I want to run diskutil and...

Whats the itemChangeEffect equivalent in Spark List?

In flex 3, with List component, you could add an effect to the itemChangeEffect property, allowing you to animate the addition/removal of the items in the list control. The equiv in the spark list appears to be the rendererAdd and Removed events, but this doesn't allow complete control over the effect, since removal is done as soon as t...

calling a function in file1.as from file2.as?

How can I call a function in file1.as from file2.as? here is the code. package com.modestmaps { import com.modestmaps.overlays.MarkerClip; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.filters.BlurFilter; import flash...

addEventListener to loader? or loaded swf?

I am loading an external swf file using the following code: //add close button var reqButton:URLRequest = new URLRequest(btn_close); var loader2:Loader = new Loader(); loader2.load(reqButton); addChild(loader2); loader2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeInfoBubble); function closeInfoBubble(event:MouseEvent):void ...