
webkit float issue

I have some problem where i set 2 floated div elements, one of div contain select element, when the page loaded the divs didn't have the problem, but as soon i click on of the element(s) on select box, the div that positioned in right shift to bottom? Here some example code about what i'm talking: #div1,#div2{float:left} #div1{width:2...

css footer - trying to split into 2 columns

I'm trying to split my footer so that there is left aligned and right aligned text. I have the following but the two elements are displaying one after the other: #footer { clear: both; background-color: #330066; padding: .5em; font-size: 0.8em; color: #fff; } #footer p .left { text-align:left; float:left; }...

Dynamically allocating and setting to zero an array of floats

Hi How do I automatically set a dynamically allocated array of floats to zero(0.0) during allocation Is this OK float* delay_line = new float[filter_len]; //THIS memset(delay_line, 0.0, filter_len); //can I do this for a float?? //OR THIS for (int i = 0; i < filter_len; i++) delay_line[i] = 0.0; Which is the most efficient way ...

ie7 weird float right problem

hi guys here is the html code that is giving me problem in IE7 <div style="position:absolute;top:276px;left:194px;" class="drag layer_3"> <img class="deleteitem" height="12px" width="12px" title="Remove" src="/static/redclose.png" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;"> <img src="/static/18.png" > </div> this is how it is supposed to ...

making a video play continuously even when changing html page with javascript and without frames

I would like to have a video play continuouly even when html page changes.The new google videos page works this way. My page utilizes javascript. ...

make textarea visible on top off al the other textinput

Hello, I created my own validation control. something like this control.mxml: <mx:states> <mx:State name="ExceptionState"> <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{hbox1}"> <mx:TextArea id="txtError" styleName="errorMessage" width="140" minHeight="26" wordWrap="true" editable="false" /> </mx:AddChild> <mx:SetProperty n...

Float to String: What is an Exponent part?

Hi there ;-) I've written a small function in C, which almost do the same work as standart function `fcvt'. As you may know, this function takes a float/double and make a string, representing this number in ANSI characters. Everything works ;-) For example, for number 1.33334, my function gives me string: "133334" and set up special in...

Convolution Filter - Float Precision C Vs Java

Hey! I'm porting a library of image manipulation routines into C from Java and I'm getting some very small differences when I compare the results. Is it reasonable that these differences are in the different languages' handling of float values or do I still have work to do! The routine is Convolution with a 3 x 3 kernel, it's operated ...

Float image right within li of ol, text left, works in Chrome, not IE/FF

I would like to have an ordered list that has the text on the left and an image for each li within it on the right of the li. So I floated the image to the right and it puts the image correctly on the right and text on the left, but the image is 14 pixels too low in IE and FF. Chrome does it right (see images below). This appears to me t...

IE7 Not Playing Nice with My Floating Sidebar

I'm trying to get a dynamically sized sidebar to float in the upper right portion of my web pages (but below the header and nav) and have the main content on the page flow around it (sort of in an "L" shape except with the bottom part of the "L" really thick). The width and height of the sidebar will vary from page to page so I can't us...

IE floats to the right - sorry, I just can't understand the solutions available

I have a fixed width parent div within which I am floating right an image with the tags: <div style="width: 200px;" class="buggybox imgr" id="g0"> <img class="imgposr" src="../images/irrigation/hip4microwave2.png" alt="Microwave" width="200" height="133"> </div> with the expectation that the text will wrap around the image. Unfo...

Converting between types in Objective-C

Being a starting Objective-C developer, and not having the patience to actually do some studying, rather than just diving into things, I ran into the following: I have a CGFloat, and I want to divide it by something, and use the result as an NSInteger. Example: CGPoint p = scrollView.contentOffset; //where p is a CGFloat by nature NSI...

Python: printing floats / modifying the output

I have a problem which prints out a float variable. What I should get is for example: 104.0625, 119.0, 72.0. I know how to control the number of decimals but how do I control the number of zeros specifically, i.e. when the float is 104.06250000 the program should print 104.0625 but when the float is 119.00000 or 72.000000 etc., I should ...

How to "fill" an IntPtr parameter with a float value?

Hi, I am using dllImport to use a C library in C# .NET. One of the methods in this library uses data type void* as parameter. I found out, that I can use the data type IntPtr in C# matching the void*. Now I simply don't know how to set the value of this IntPtr parameter. In fact I want to put a float value into this parameter. How wou...

How to get the containing div to stretch vertically to accommodate a floating image

Here's the basic problem: I want the div that holds the image to stretch vertically to accommodate it. ...

What do these three special floating-point values mean: positive infinity, negative infinity, NaN?

How can we use them in our codes, and what will cause NaN(not a number)? ...

Is there any difference between these two statements?

float ff = 1.2f; Float fo = new Float(1.2f); double fg = 3.2d; Double fh = new Double(2.1d); Can I use '=' between the (1) and (3) or between the (2) and (4)?? ...

The second floating div in chrome clears down before first div.

Two divs are next to eachother, both floating left within a wrapper. In IE and firefox they appear correctly, but in Chrome, the 2nd floating div clears down below Div A. When I remove "float:left" in the css, it goes to the correct position in Chrome, but clears down in IE and firefox (as it should). I dont know why it is appearing this...

Div Alignment FireFox, IE7, IE6

I am having problems aligning a couple divs in IE6, IE7, IE8 and Firfox 3. They all don't render correct what IE8 and Firefox like the rest don't. Is it possible to do this via floats and clears.. they dont need to have any spacing between them, I just drew it this way.... Also, the div's should be fixed widths. ...

How to get Floating DIVs inside fixed-width DIV to continue horizontally?

I have a container DIV with a fixed height and width (275x1000px). In this DIV I want to put multiple floating DIVs each with a width of 300px, and have a horizontal (x-axis) scrollbar appear to allow the user to scroll left and right to view everything. This is my CSS so far: div#container { height: 275px; width: 1000px; ...