
Proper Usage and Formatting of a Float in Objective-C (or C)

Hi everyone, I have an iPhone app. I am storing a float value, (distance), in my sqlite3 db. (The field in the db is formatted to float) I am able to store float values correctly in the db no problem. However, I can't seem to figure out how to pull the value back out of the db the format and present it correctly. Here is my code for pul...

CSS Div floats to the left of the page?

Hi I have many pages, all with the same div and the same css applied to them all... but for some reason three of these pages, the container just floats left of the page? It looks fine in Safari/FF but in IE these pages just float the div left? I think the other browsers might be compensating for this error, but IE not? Any ideas :( ...

Internet explorer CSS FIX. Having trouble with floats in internet explorer

I have a simple problem but have not figured out what might be solution just yet. I used css reset to fix the issue with internet explorer but no dice. I also do not want to use relative - absolute positioning. If you go to s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y-c-a-m-e-r-a-s-f-l-o-r-i-d-a-.-n-e-t via firefox, chrome, or safari it looks the way i wanted which ...

How can you force a floating div to be the height of its parent?

HTML markup: <div class="planRisk"> <div class="innerPlanRiskRight"> <div class="rmPlanFrequency">10 </div> <div class="rmPlanSeverity"> 5</div> <div class="rmPlanRiskFactor">50 </div> <div class="rmPlanNumSolutions">2</div> <div class="rmPlanPercentComplete">34% </div> <div class="rmPlanDeletePlanRi...

CSS - Faux columns with background color instead of repeating background image?

Greetings, I have a two-column (floated) layout set up where the columns need to "look" like they have matching heights. The "shorter" column has a background color, and needs to look like it's the same height as the main content column that expands to fit its contents. I know that it's relatively easy to implement this layout by appl...

IE Print CSS and spanning page breaks

I've been working on trying to fix an issue with print CSS and IE where things would disappear when printing in landscape mode. It appears the issue is that the element I'm trying to print (a large DIV with content inside it) spans two pages when put into landscape mode. What is happening is when the element spans two pages, the first ...

CSS: What does clearing INSIDE a floated div do?

Quick question! Does putting a "clear" element INSIDE a floated div do anything? Like: <div style="float: right"> blah blah <div style="clear: right"></div> </div> Somewhere somehow I got the impression that this helps the div expand to contain the content inside of it. What does it actually do? Anything? Thanks! ...

Firefox float positioning and Firefox div:hover not working how it should?

I'm working on a tricky bit of styling that's working on Safari/Webkit but not on Firefox/Gecko. I can't figure out just what's going wrong. Here's the HTML that I'm using: <div class="showcase"><a href=><div class="showtit"><span class="showname">Stripes!</span> <span class="showtype">a theme</span> <span class="showdate">October 2009...

Proper usage of Floats (For those who love CSS standards)?

I would like to know if I'm using floats in the right way (efficiently) in this code bellow. There are basically 3 columns (with float left, left and right assigned respectively). Am I using too many floats? Will this cause me problems if I add or delete columns? This is my index.html: <div id="content"> <div id="left-column"> <h2>...

CSS Rendering List Items in 2 rows

Let's say I have a series of elements designed to render via float:left inside a fixed-width container as follows: Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 | Item 5 | Item 6 This is fine, Item 5 and Item 6 are pushed to the second row because the container has a fixed width. Now, is it possible to have something similar to above, except th...

Efficient algorithm for searching 3D coordinate in an array

Hi All, I have a large array (>10^5 entries) of 3D coordinates r=(x, y, z), where x, y and z are floats. Which is the most efficient way to search a given coordinate r' in the array and give the array index. Note that the r' may not given with the same accuracy as r; say, if the array has stored coordinate (1.5, 0.5, 0.0) and r' is give...

Centering Multiple floated divs within a container

Alright, here is a link to the site I am working on. http://danberinger.com/preview.html I currently have the message inside its own div(#messagebox) and the picture in its own div (#picture). Both of these divs are floated to the left. I put them inside a container div called #intro_container. I would like to center this containing...

CSS layout problems, floats, nested divs

Alright, I have received some helpful information on this personal site I am working on already. Somewhere in my jumbled mess of nested divs I have created some problems for myself. I have floated both that image and the text next to it inside another div and centered that div, which is fine. But in order to start a new paragraph belo...

How to detect a floating point number using a regular expression

What is a good regular expression for handling a floating point number (i.e. like Java's Float) The answer must match against the following targets: 1) 1. 2) .2 3) 3.14 4) 5e6 5) 5e-6 6) 5E+6 7) 7.e8 8) 9.0E-10 9) .11e12 In summary, it should ignore preceeding signs require the first character to the left of the decimal...

Why are these floats wrapping in Internet Explorer?

My website, ReadyMadeWeb.com, looks great in FireFox, Safari, and Chrome, but of course IE has different plans for the floats used the in the #content area. You can see what I mean if you view the site in IE. The main column is pushed below the first sidebar. The content boxes and the de.licio.us sidebar both sit within another div. ...

clear:both on div inside a 2 column liquid layout breaks everything in FFX.

Use Firefox for this example. (Works fine in IE7) I have narrowed down an example at: (Where you can do -> view source) http://www.handbooster.com/example/tricky.html The problem is that the clear:both attribute on the red div forces it below the left floated blue div. This might well be correct and expected behaviour as that is how F...

How to test floats resoults with doctest?

Hi I'm developing a program that makes some floating points calculus. is there any way to test the my functions (which deliver floats) with doctest? ...

excel turning my numbers to floats

Hello, i have a bit of asp.net code that exports data in a datagrid into excel but i noticed that it messes up a particular field when exporting. eg .. i have the value of something like 89234010000725515875 in a column in the datagrid but when exported, it turns it into 89234+19. Is there any excel formatting that will bring back m...

Creating a form with floats, what is the general design when you need 2 columns, p and label?

I want to design a form. The form has 3 sections: user info, shipping and billing. Each section will have 2 columns, so form fields and their labels with be on both the left and right side. What technique should I use? How does this look? <div id="forms"> <div id=contact> <div class=left> <p><label>Firstname<la...

iPhone NSXMLParser parsing string and storing in a NSNumber variable and different data types

Hi, I am trying to parse a XML File using NSXMLParser, I also have a Container class, in which I have a few instance variables. One of the elements that I am trying to parse in the XML is: <book sn="32.859669048339128" pn="-116.917800670489670"> I am trying to save the value of sn and pn in an instance variable of object Container: ...