
How to stop IE7 clearing floats because of width property

I have a containing element with a number of floated elements in it. That containing element also has a percentage width value applied to it. In IE7, content following the element containing the floats is cleared because of the width value which gives it hasLayout (I think!). I don't want the containing element to haveLayout, but I do ...

Latex: Text cannot be placed below image

I love latex! But sometimes, it does not love me... I'm having a problem with an image and some text. I have this code: Some text...\\ \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.75]{picture.jpg} \caption{The caption} \label{fig:picture} \end{figure} Some more text... Basically, I want this: Some text. (Above image in...

How do I merge cells of the same column in LyX?

I have 3 subfigures I want to arrange so that 1 will be in the left and 2 will be in the right (one above the other): Figure 1 | Figure 2 Figure 1 | Figure 3 Figure 1 should appear only once of course - across the entire column. I thought I should use 2x2 table to arrange them, but I can't find a way to merge the two cells ...

Creating a fixed length output string with sprintf containing floats

Hi, I'm trying to create a file which has the following structure: - Each line has 32 bytes - Each line looks like this format string: "%10i %3.7f %3.7f\n" My Problem is the following: When i have a negative floating point numbers the line gets longer by one or even two characters because the - sign does not count to the "%3.7f". Is...

jQuery SlideDown and Float issuse

I'm having an issue with jQuery slideDown when the contents of the object I'm sliding down is floated. What happens is that that the div slides down WAY past the height of the contents, and then 'snaps' to the proper height. I think (merely a theory) that the div is sliding down based on the height it would be if the contents inside w...

Floated lists in a div - IE 7

I have some page elements which are meant to appear in a two column list. <ul id="modules" class="module_container"><!-- begin modules --> <li> <div class="single left" id="component_194"><!-- begin component --> <p>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat...</p> </div><!-- end component --> </li> <li> <...

Objective c ERROR: incompatible types for argument 2 of 'NSRunAlertPanel'

Here is the code: float charlieSoundVolume; charlieSoundVolume = [charlieSoundLevel floatValue]; NSRunAlertPanel(@"CHARLIE",charlieSoundVolume, @"", @"", @"Ok"); This gives me the error: incompatible types for argument 2 of 'NSRunAlertPanel' Will NSRunAlertPanel not accept floats? Any ideas?? Elijah ...

CSS: Problem in IE7 with a floating element. Clearing it doesn't work.

Hi, I have this page. The register form should be on the right on the sign in form, but it doesn't... I added "clear:right" to the registering div, but it doesn't work.. Any idea? Regards Javi ...

Column div float issue

I'm trying to create a two column layout. the left column contains a list of links. The right column contains the main content, which consists of a list of paragraphs with images. For each item, the paragraph should be to the left of the image. Items are separated by horizontal lines. My issue is that no matter where I put a clear float,...

Indented blockquote around float

I have a blockquote that flows around a left-floated image. How can I make the blockquote indented 2em from the left margin of the page when it is above or below the image but indented 2em from the right side of the floated image when it is along the same line as the image? I am using HTML and CSS. ...

Rounding a float to 1/4ths in Objective C

what's the most elegant way of rounding a float to it's closest 1/4ths in Objective C? For example: 3.14 should be 3.25 2.72 should be 2.75 6.62 should be 6.50 1.99 should be 2.00 etc. ...

Float: Right IE7 Bug

I can't figure out IE7 float right bug! This is killing me. My NAV bar looks great everywhere except IE7. I already created a specific IE7 CSS and have tried various approaches, but still no success. link text It appears the LI elements are floating outside the #NAV inside the .container. Anyone of a IE7 fix for FLOAT:RIGHT? Many t...

Convert list of Fractions to floats in Python

I have a list of fractions, such as: data = ['24/221 ', '25/221 ', '24/221 ', '25/221 ', '25/221 ', '30/221 ', '31/221 ', '31/221 ', '31/221 ', '31/221 ', '30/221 ', '30/221 ', '33/221 '] How would I go about converting these to floats, e.g. data = ['0.10 ', '0.11 ', '0.10 ', '0.11 ', '0.13 ', '0.14 ', '0.14 ', '0.14 ', '0.14 ', '0.14...

Floats incorrect? - Python 2.6

Hi, I have a programming question, as follows, for which my solution does not produce the desired output This particle simulator operates in a universe with different laws of physics to ours. Each particle has a position (x, y), velocity (vx, vy) and an acceleration (ax, ay). Every particle exerts an attractive force on every other ...

Float Clearing Problem in IE6 - They're Clearing By Themselves!

I'm building a page that has a UL list with its items floated to create 2 columns. See http://epraxadev.com/valencia/food_truck_festival/index2.php It works perfectly in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE8, and IE7. The only problem is in IE6. In IE6, instead of the list elements stacking in neat 2-row columns, with the thumbnail floated to th...

Which is the first integer that an IEEE 754 float is incapable of representing exactly?

For clarity, if I'm using a language that implements IEE 754 floats and I declare: float f0 = 0.f; float f1 = 1.f; ...and then print them back out, I'll get 0.0000 and 1.0000 - exactly. But IEE 754 isn't capable of representing all the numbers along the real line. Close to zero, the 'gaps' are small; as you get further away, the gaps...

Prevent figures/listings from being inserted into specific parts of a LaTeX document

I have a part A in a document with some text and listings/figures in between. The figures and listings are positioned using htb. Following this part A, there is the bibliography. However a couple of figures do not fit and are therefore are offset to another page, which is fine. But: I do want to limit the offset space to part A and not ...

Packing 32bit floats into 30 bits (c++)

Hi all. Here are the goals I'm trying to achieve: I need to pack 32 bit IEEE floats into 30 bits. I want to do this by decreasing the size of mantissa by 2 bits. The operation itself should be as fast as possible. I'm aware that some precision will be lost, and this is acceptable. It would be an advantage, if this operation would not r...

Float, Double, Char, C++ Errors. What is wrong?

I am learning C++, but I ran into an error which I don't understand. Here is my source code, comments included (personal reference as I am learning.) #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { float h; //a float stands for floating point variable and can hold a number that is a fraction. I.E. 8.5 doub...