
Why does my LaTeX subfigure not work with an a0poster?

Here's my problem. I have a bunch of figures already written in a LaTeX document, and I'd like to reuse them for a poster. The code for the figure looks like: \begin{figure}[htp] \begin{center} \subfigure[Figure A]{\label{fig:Sample-a}\includegraphics[scale=5]{Image1.png}} \subfigure[Figure B]{\label{fig:Sampple-b}\includ...

How to create own and fancy \sub<float> command

I'm using packages subfigure and float to create figures and tables that I want to create and I'm trying to create my own environment graph with its own counter and caption (solved there, thanks to dmckee). Now I'd like to create \subgraph command which will do exactly the same as \subfigure command. I tried create my own command with p...

Control font size in graphics in LaTeX when scaling in minipage/subfig?

Hi, I am using pgf/tikz graphics and I'm wondering how one can control the scaling of font sizes in the graphics when using them in minipage/subfig environments? Is there a way to manually set a permanent font size for pgf/tikz graphics or in latex in general so as to make font sizing invariant to scaling? Ideally I'd like to be able ...

how can I set the subfigure labels in latex to uppercase?

I made a figure within my latex document using the subfigure package, containing three subfigures. The part where the subfigures are now automatically labelled (a), (b), (c) needs to be uppercase, though. i.e. the result from the latex code in the finally rendered PDF is (a) img1 (b) img2 (c) img3 but it needs to be (A) i...

How do I merge cells of the same column in LyX?

I have 3 subfigures I want to arrange so that 1 will be in the left and 2 will be in the right (one above the other): Figure 1 | Figure 2 Figure 1 | Figure 3 Figure 1 should appear only once of course - across the entire column. I thought I should use 2x2 table to arrange them, but I can't find a way to merge the two cells ...

How to place a wide figure with subfigures in Latex?

I am trying to write a report and stuck with a wide figure. My document type is PRL using revtex4.1 with two columns. I have a wide figure which consists of 8 subfigures. I am trying to place it bottom of a page but it insists to go next page. Here is code for my wide figure: \begin{figure*} \centering \subfloat[s1]{\label{fig:s1}\inclu...

Subfigures in beamer documents

Hi all, I'm using beamer package to produce slides. I put many figures on a slide by using the subfigure package. The problem is that for captions, the subfigure are labeled "a", "b".. "m", "n" and so on, for subfigures appearing on different slides. How could I reset the subfigure numbering when passing to a new slide? Thanks in advan...