
FLVs on timeline are glitching out

I have a Movieclip with about five FLV movies embedded on its timeline, one after another. I am loading multiple instances (about 5-10) of this movieclip onto the stage. Once added to the stage, they each play there timelines in a loop. The problem is that when one of the instances switch over to playing a new FLV, then some of the oth...

java script & ajax video player not work in php file

Hi All: PHP + java script code + flv player: I am trying to play a .flv video on a web page and i have the file name to play from mysql data base so i need to use php. In the code below there is a script that runs a video player (favideo from Adobe) this video player work fine when the web page have the .html extension and it wont work ...

flv file loses quality when uploaded to server

When i view an flv file inside a swf file it looks fine locally, but when its uploaded text loses it shape. The bitrate for the flv is 1,500+ kbps. Ive attached a picture. The one on the left is local, and the one on the right is over the web. Anyone know what might be happening? ...

Seeking in remote flv files using PHP

I'm string to seek in a remotely hosted FLV file and have it stream locally. Streaming from start works, but when I try to 'seek', player stops. I'm using this script to seek to remote file $fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); $out = "GET $path_to_flv HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $out .= "Range: bytes=...

Multi-bitrate/dynamic rate for progressive FLV playback

Is there a way to get multi-bitrate playback working with progessive playback without having to download all versions of the file? People all coming up with all kinds of cool ways to make progressive feel like streaming. I wouldn't be surprised if there is also a hack for this. Any module names or reading resources that people in the kno...

how to detect .flv movie file URL ?

when theres a flash video, how can i detect the current flv URL ? viewing the source doesn't reveal it. However, I wonder if theres any approach to figuring out the .flv URL (Where it's hosted at the moment it's being streamed). I see that there are firefox add on's that does this. I wonder how these work, and whether it can be implemen...

Play FLV in ActionScript 2

Hey, I am very new to Flash and Actionscript. I am trying to simply play an FLV file. I have the following: import flash.MovieClip; import flash.Video; import flash.NetConnection; import flash.NetStream; class Program { private var container_mc : MovieClip; private var video_mc : Video; public function new() { var mc : flash.M...

How do I play an FLV file in HAXE??

Hey everyone, It is very difficult to find good resources for Haxe information so I am hoping someone out there can help me. I have an FLV movie in the same directory as the SWF I am generating. I cannot get the FLV to play. I can get this working in AS but I need to know what I am doing wrong in my Haxe code. Hope someone can help. ...

is there a way to embed flv files in java forms?

I want to play some flash videos in my desktop application are there any tools (library,jar file, class... etc) to embed flvs in any java forms? ...

How to compress an FLV movie in java?

How can we compress the flv movie? Is there any free library which i can use? for compressing the video i can go for reducing the resoultion as well, even framerate reducing is acceptable to me. ...

FLV's not being served by web server (302 response)

I have a web app. IIS 6. .NET 3.5. I have 2 websites on the web server. One of which is already correctly serving FLVs. The newer one is not. I have added the MIME type information to the HTTP Headers in the website properties ['.flv', 'video/x-flv'] (as FLV is not an extension IIS recognises by default). When I goto the URL, Firefox ...

Embed Flash Transparent FLV

Hi, I am trying to embed a flash movie (.flv) into a webpage with a transparent background. Requirements: - Flv runs in transparent mode - I must be able to view html contents below. - Movie does not auto play - Movie is contained in a div and positionend absolutely using CSS - No video controls or overlays, you shouldn't know it's an ...

How can I download YouTube videos using .NET code?

Does anybody know the VB or C# code to programmatically download a video from YouTube? I have gone through all related questions on this site and the only code I have found (which uses the WebClient Class webclient.DownloadFileAsync) returns the text source of the video, but not the Flash video (.flv) file that needs to be downloaded? ...

Flv file set thumbnail from frame

Hello, I have many videos in .flv and .mp4 formats. I store then in one Windows folder and re-name after downloading so that it becomes easy to find one that I want to play. It would be best if I can create thumbnail from one of the frames of video file. Is there a program/utility in which I can open the .flv or .mp4 file, play, paus...

How can I programmatically extract a preview image - like the first frame - from an FLV file in Java?

Updated: Since my original request appears to be almost impossible, what's the next simplest solution? Invoke the swftools app? Make a JNI call to the ffmpeg lib? Original: This is related to "how to extract flash frames programmatically" but I am constrained to Java libraries only (and no JNI calls to C please). This also implies no ...

Quantify streamed video

I'm developing a PHP application which will charge users for the videos they watch. The business model is "everyone pays for how much she watches". For this purpose, I need to; Implement secure video (FLV) access. (Authorized sessions will gain access) Calculate how much video (FLV) data is sent from the server. A trivial solution for...

get flv length before uploading to server.

I'm using the FileReference class to upload flvs to a server. Is it possible to check the flv length not size before allowing an upload? ...

What's the best way to resize an FLV without lowering the video quality?

I'm making a flash site. And there's a video playing, and it moves around and changes size as the user navigates around the page. I notice when it gets small, the video quality gets bad on it. Any ideas on how to retain its quality, and resize it in a different way? To note: The video quality was bad when the css for the flash video was...

Getting an FLV from YouTube in .NET

I'm writting FLV media player and want to know if there is there anyway of accessing the underlying FLV files used by YouTube from a URL? There used to be a bunch of ways of doing it, but YouTube have changed things about and I now can't find any way of doing it... From what I've seen so far, the YouTube API doesn't seem to give access ...

How can I convert flv file to a mp3 file by using php?

How can I convert flv file to a mp3 file by using php? ...