
menus that expand when you mouse over, done purely via CSS?

Someone told me once they it is possible to create menu's via CSS only, how can you? ...

What is the name of the "flyout" on web pages

On and on there is a flyout feature when you hover over the departments. It works similar to a menu but an actual rectangular window with full lists of links are displayed on hover. I am trying to find the name of that feature. I wonder of "flyout" is appropriate? And as a second question are there jQuery plugins ...

Flyout menu with scrolling

Guys, I'm trying to create a flyout menu that has scrolling build in if its larger than the screen. I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the native overflow-y scrolling properties. Everytime I seem to set that overflow-y:auto then the the menu that flys out is nested within the parent div with a scroll bar. Anyone has any i...

no flyout cs menu dropdown

Hi Guys I wanted to make a menu that does not flyout when you hover over the first child li. For example: Home | Services | Products | Contact Us under services, for instance, you have a dropdown that enumerates: Services A Services B Services C all vertically like the usual drop down, however, if services A have submenus i don't...

How to display a flyout menu on clicking an image in Grid header in MVC?

A grid is displayed using the following code in MVC. <%= this.Grid( "routes-" + mc , "Testing", Model.Routes, new GridBuilder<RouteModel>() .Column( "chk", () => Html.Image( Url.Content( "down.gif" ), "Select or deselect tests" ), (m) => "<input type='hidden' name='routeLinkId' value='"+ m.RouteLinkID +"' /...

flex 3 flyout air widget

hi im working on an AIR app in flex 3 app widget and need to make a window or panel fly out from the side . any ideas? thx in advance ...

Prevent Sidebargadget from destroying Flyout on lost focus

Does someone know how to prevent the flyout windows in a Windows Sidebar Gadget from being destroyed / hidden when it loses focus? I hope this behaviour isn't hardcoded in the sidebar engine or can somehow be workarounded..... but as soon as the Flyout loses focus the object gets destroyed and I could, so far, not find a way to prevent ...

Closing a window when it's "no longer needed".

This is kind of a hard question to describe, and I've searched for about an hour now to no avail. Essentially, picture a small 'flyout' window like the Windows 7 Wireless Control or the Volume Slider from the system tray(notification area). When you click on the icon, the application pops up with focus, and if you click off of it, the w...

CSS IE hover issue with flyout menu

I'm trying to create a CSS only menu that will work in IE7+ and FF. Of course, the menu currently works in IE8 and FF. The problem is when you hover over Store Departments > Women's Clothes > Grocery and then just stop hovering (meaning, go directly from hovering over the Grocery to hovering over the document). Then hover over Store Dep...

ASP.NET: Menu make parent items non-hyperlinks?

I have an asp:Menu control driven by a web.sitemap file. For example, the menu is like: Fruit - Apple - Orange - Strawberry Color - Blue - Red - Yellow In the sitemap, the specific fruits are children of the "Fruit" siteMapNode (likewise for the colors) The menu is setup as dynamic so Fruit and Color are static and the specific frui...

inline image flyout using jQuery UI

I am experimenting with an idea. I have a block of HTML text, including inline images. Some of the images will have (what I think are called) flyouts. That is, hover over the image to bring up a control panel to its left. In the future the control panel will toggle display mode, change image size, etc. For now, I just want it to appear. ...

How can I make DIVs flyout in response to a hover event (like the National Geographic site) using jQuery?

I have an issue similar to the question raised here, but a somewhat different case. The functionality I'm looking for is almost identical to the National Geographic website (, where the "sneak peek" appears when hovering over one of the main links, and stays visible while interacting with it, or hovering ove...

jquery ui flyout menu question.

what i want to know is if there's any way i could transform this flyout menu: into a regular drop-down menu. more exactly i am trying to find a way to skip to click "flyout menu" so make the menu appear! the original menu and options are here:

CSS flyout problem with li:hover

Hey there I'm developing a custom theme that has a left navigation menu consisting of images with a javascript mouseover function. I have a few submenus which are sub uls under the main list and I'm trying to create a CSS based flyout so when I mouseover a link with a submenu I get a flyout. I've made this work before but I'm having some...