
Adobe Flex - LinkBar font size does not appear to change!

I have a LinkBar which is linked to a viewstack. However, as I change the fontsize of my LinkBar, when I run it, the font size does not change at all! I've tried changing the font using CSS and it doesnt change the font size! Any ideas? Here is the code: <mx:Canvas x="0" y="0" width="30%" height="100%"> <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text...

How to use our own fonts in web sites, which is compatible with all users?

I need to use different hi-style fonts in my webpage. But i had fear that, if the user had no such font, then they will be displayed with default font. How to use different new font that should be compatible with all users? ...

Font properties

Hi there, I have a text file with the following info in it, on a single line: -16777216 Arial 7.8 Bold (-16777216 is the color of the text in ARGB format).. How would I be able to set this text as the font properties for a label at runtime? I have googled this but couldn't find anything related specifically to my problem. Can anyon...

CSS: Fixedsys font won't appear in Google Chrome browser

I'm creating a web app for personal use, and having the monospace font Fixedsys installed on my Vista machine, I would like to use it inside textareas (to show scripts). This works fine in Firefox using e.g. #textfield { font-family: fixedsys, consolas, monospace; } ... but in the Google Chrome browser, fixedsys is ignored and the...

Convert string to font & Color

Can somebody please help me with a regex (or something else), I'm really struggling to get this done and can't find anything anywhere that helps me to finish it. I have a program where the user places some controls on a form. and when they click the save button it goes through all controls on the form and saves their details to a text f...

XeTeX (via TexShop) font rendering partially broken on Snow Leopard

Certain elements (such as grqq{} quotes or decimals from the dcolumn package) are missing when rendering with TexShop and XeTeX on Mac OS X 10.6.1 (Snow Leopard). Switching to the dvipdfmx engine did not help, it only misses other characters. My TexShop version is 2.26 (latest atm. I believe). The problem persists for the couple of font...

How do I find the fallback font of a unicode code point?

I'd like to use DrawGlyphRun to draw multilingual text. How do I find the fallback font of the character which is not in the specified FontFamily? if (glyphTypeface.CharacterToGlyphMap.TryGetValue(text[n], out glyphIndex)){ //draw the character using glyphIndex } else { How do I find the fallback font of character text[n]?...

Parsing font info and converting it to System.Drawing.Font

hello all, i have a text file that contains font information like this: Arial, 12.5 ...and I need to read that info into label.Font like this: label.Font = new Font(fontNameFields[0], Single.Parse(fontNameFields[1])); ... but I always get the following error: Index was outside the bounds of the Array. Can somebody please help me w...

Index out of bounds of array error when parsing font string?

hello all, i keep getting an "Index is out of bounds of array" error on line # 574 which is: label.Font = new Font(fontNameFields[0], Single.Parse(fontNameFields[1])); ... The following text file i am parsing contains this exact information: Label "hi tyler" 23, 76 Arial,12.5 ...I can successfully parse all the other info (just not...

Convert string to Font.

I've been having a hard time trying to get the right answers for my problem. And have spent numerous days searching online and in documentation and have found nothing. I have a Text File that contains a bunch of text. And on one of those lines inside the file will contain some Font info like this: Tahoma,12.5,Regular Note that the fon...

TeX Font Mapping

I am using a package written on top of XeLaTeX. This package uses fontspec to specify fonts for different parts of your text: latin, non-latin, math mode, ... The package comes with several sample files. I was able to xelatex most of them that depend on regular ttf or otf files. However, one of them tries to set the font of digits in ma...

Having trouble displaying thai characters in Silverlight 3

Hi I am writing a small utility too using silverlight 3 and WCF for our localization team to check and correct the translations stored in .NET resource files (*.resx). The tool displays all the text from selected resource file in a grid and allows the user to edit it if required. I have got it working for almost all langauges (Korean, ...

iPhone Implement a list of customized styled text in a scrollview

I need a small FAQ page with Question in bold font and answer in normal. And the list if long enough to span out of iPhone Length so it should be scrollable. I considered implementing a UITextView which gives me scroll functionality automatically. However it does not allow me to custom style the text (i.e. style different lines different...

What is the name of the CentOS font?

What is the name of the font used in the CentOS logo? Link to CentOS Site ...

Crash due to missing standard Fonts (VB.NET)

Our automatic crash-report system has started sending in more and more reports of this kind of crash: System::Windows::Forms::Application::ThreadException event occured SENDER: System.Threading.Thread EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException MESSAGE: Font 'Arial' does not support style 'Regular'. SOURCE: System.Drawing CALL STACK at Syst...

Font name not found on Linux

In Java I have code that works well on OSX but not in linux. This code loads a font file and uses Font.createFont(). Here's the code: log.debug("Loading ttf file AmericanTypewriter.ttf"); InputStream americanTypewriterInputStream = MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("AmericanTypewriter.ttf"); log.debug("File AmericanType...

why classes such as Font, are immutable?

not only it distress the programmer, it distress the GC (making a new instance every time). or why aren't they structures? thanks. EDIT: do you think that at least it could provide as some method such as ToBold(), that create a new instance, just in bold? ...

Compress/Deflate @font-face fonts

I am using the @font-face CSS property to load a special font for headings on a website, and I want Apache to send the font compressed to reduce loading time. However, the "AddOutputFilterByType" declaration in Apache 2's deflate module only accepts mime types and, as AFAIK, neither opentype nor truetype have registered mime types. So,...

Fonts for use in embedded GUI

I am looking for fonts for use in an embedded GUI application with a small display and keypad. Are there any free fonts available that people have used? What about the licenses for free fonts? Are there any special requirements for an application like an embedded GUI? For example, include the License in the source code. Take the GNU Fr...

What are the best fonts for numeric data entry?

I'm creating a GUI application that requires the user to provide lots of numeric data. What is the best font to display the user's data? I assume that a mono-spaced font would be better in this case, as multiple lines will have the same number of characters. ...