
I need to match a font from a designer to something similar for web

I don't know if this is an Illustrator spec or where exactly, but a designer gave me this spec for a font: Helvetica Neue (T1), 35 thin, 20 pt, off/ 454545, on/70a63a There are other similar ones for different areas of the page, but if you can tell me how to match this one using CSS, hopefully I can figure out the rest. Thanks!...

How can I delete fonts from my code, under Windows?

This article showed me how to install fonts from a script, but now I'm faced with the problem of removing them. How can I do that ? Any language is ok, I'll convert the info to what I need later. EDIT: Okay, so I now know how to uninstall fonts ( most of the part at least ). I'm issuing calls to RemoveFontResource. After that I use Send...

Automating HTML font embedding PHP backend

Hi, I understand that css3.0 supports the Font-Face tag, correctly in the latest Opera, Safari, and Firefox browsers, but that Internet Explorer still requires the microsoft .eot format. Is there a reliable way to generate an eot file server side from a .ttf given that the hosting server may not be Windows? I need the entire process a...

CSS font-size property from Percent to Pixel, How to?

Hello I want to convert the font-size property value from percent to pixel lets say I have this html code <div style="font-size: 180%;"> <a href=""&gt; link </a> </div> How to find the equivalent value for font-size: 180%; in pixel? Thanks ...

Mac Flash CS4 font not showing up

Hi, I just installed a couple of fonts on my Mac. The font shows up in my Photoshop, but not in the Flash font list. I already clear the font cache, reboot, put fonts in all folders (/Library/..., /Users/... etc) What could be causing it? Thx ...

Is Tahoma's font safe for the web?

Should I use Tahoma in webdesign? If I couldn't opt for anything different (i.e. because the designer used it in his design), with wich fonts could I make an stack of replacement fonts in a CSS stylesheet? ...

Has anyone had success using custom otf fonts on the iPhone?

It looks like there a few working solutions for using custom true type fonts (ttf) on the iPhone, most notably However, this method does not support open type fonts (otf). Has anyone come across a way to make use of otf typefaces?...

Embed font in webpage

Ive googled alot trying to figure out how to embed fonts on a webpage. As i understand it you should upload the fonts to your webpage in .ttf and .eot formats. and the use @font-face in a stylesheet. I have placed the Kingthings_Italique.eot and Kingthings_Italique.ttf in the root of my webpage. Createt a stylesheet like this. .MyStyl...

italic, bold and underlined font on iPhone

How do you set a font to be both bold and italic. There is a boldSystemFontOfSize and italicSystemFoneOfSize, but I can't see the way to set a font to be both italic and bold. As a second question, is there a way to set an underline on a font, or do you simply draw a line under text. ...

How to fix: Fonts corrupt when I export a crystal report 8.5 to PDF?

hi all I have created a sample report using Crystal report 8.5 and vb6.0 Every thing goes normal till I try to export the report to Pdf format by its export icon. As soon as I do that, the report texts are damaged and nothing could be readable. How to fix it? Thank you ...

How Add Default Text Size Function - Javascript

I found the following script for increase and decrease font size but does anyone have any idea how to do the function for default font? var min=8; var max=18; function increaseFontSize() { var p = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for(i=0;i<p.length;i++) { if(p[i].style.fontSize) { var s = parseInt(p[i].style.f...

Fonts in R plots

What graphics devices let me use system fonts for text within charts? The base graphics system only has a small amount of documentation around the par(family=...) options. Ideally I'd like to be able to use any font I can browse through a tool like xfontsel on Linux or the equivalent utilities on other platforms. My current solution is...

Is there a de-facto relation between the font size ranges {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and {xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large}?

In HTML/CSS font size can be specified in the following fashion (deprecated but all browsers support it): <font size="n">text</font> with n an element of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Another possibility is the following: <span style="font-size: s;">text</span> with s an element of {xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-la...

Java: Fonts and Pixels

Hello, I'm making a game and in the menu I want to display the text in the center of the screen. Is there a way in Java to get/calculate the width of a piece of text in a specified font with specified size and style. Martijn ...

Determining font and size for text from HTML

I need to determine what font and size will be used for each HTML element. They may be set in various css, div, span, or on the element itself. If I were to do this manually I would start by looking at the element and work backwards until I came to span, div, or css that had a font and/or size. That is the value I want. The browser can ...

Sifr Font last word get cut in IE8

Sifr 3 font cut last word in IE8. Click here for snapshot Following is the js code <script type="text/javascript"> var cochin = { src: '<?=jsPath?>sifr/fonts/eurostile.swf' ,ratios: [7, 1.32, 11, 1.31, 13, 1.24, 14, 1.25, 19, 1.23, 27, 1.2, 34, 1.19, 42, 1.18, 47, 1.17, 48, 1.18, 69, 1.17, 74, 1.16, 75, 1.17, 1.16] }; sIFR.activ...

iPhone fonts for Windows

I would like to support the default fonts provided by iPhone on my Windows server. Some of the fonts exist by default but others, such as "Zapfino" and "MarkerFelt" are not. The idea is to create PDF files on iPhone and render them on a Windows machine. Since there is no (known-to-me) way for embedding fonts in a PDF created using the i...

How to make GhostScript PS2PDF stop subsetting fonts

I am using the ps2pdf14 utility that ships with GhostScript, and I am having a problem with fonts. It does not seem to matter what instructions I pass to the command, it insists on subsetting any fonts it finds in the source document. e.g -dPDFSETTINGS#/prepress -dEmbedAllFonts#true -dSubsetFonts#false -dMaxSubsetPct#0 Note that...

How to fix @font-face glitches in Firefox 3.5

In existing code I had CSS @font-face declarations for .EOT embedded fonts that worked flawlessly actually, in internet explorer. So now I read that Firefox does embedded now too, in 3.5, except it embeds .ttf fonts directly. So I altered the @font-face declaration for firefox and gave it a shot: @font-face { font-family: FontX; sr...

Use external fonts in android

hello.. i want to use external fonts in my app. i have tried adding new fonts using asset managers but it did not work. Typeface face; face = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "font.otf"); textview.setTypeface(face); but it did not show the text... plz help.. ...