
Zend_Pdf calculating length of text string in current font for line wrapping

Hi Does anyone have an easy way to calculate how many points across a page a piece of text will consume in a particular font and size? (easy = minimal lines of code + computationally cheap). Zend_Pdf doesn't appear to have a function that does this, except for some very expensive calls for each character to getGlyphForCharacter(), getU...

How do I set font colour with the PDF::API2 Perl module?

I need to add colour to some text in a PDF document using PDF::API2 - how do I do that? ...

What is the best way to detect/catch a change in font size?

I would like to catch an onFontSizeChange event and then do stuff (like re-render because the browser has changed font sizes on me). Unfortunately, no such event exists and so I must hack a way to do it. I've seen people do things like place an 'm' in an invisible <div> element and then test for changes in the size to the element. Does...

Itextsharp error

Hi all, I am trying to write a form to help users make canned pdfs im working with Itextsharp.dll and im walking through the tutoral HERE and im getting an error that seems to be over the keyword "FONT" if i hightlight over the first error i get Error 1 'Font' is an ambiguous reference between 'System.Drawing.Font' and 'iTextSharp...

How do I "fake" slanted text in LaTeX?

A font I am using does not have the slanted/oblique variant to it in LaTeX (NB: not italics), and I would like to have slanted text in places. Is there an easy way to slant text without having to generate entirely new font files and such? One suggested solution was to do: \renewcommand{\textsl}[1]{\tikz[baseline=(X.base)] \node[xslant...

Facebox content looks terrible in Internet Explorer 7

I'm using the Facebox jQuery plugin from FamSpam to load external page content (from the same server) into a Facebox popup. The content looks great in all browsers except IE 7. It looks like IE 7 is rendering this content the same as it renders other content when in 'Quirks Mode'. The fonts are not solid and sharp, the font that the tex...

Cufon Not Working

Can anyone tell me why Cufon isn't working on the following page: [URL removed] I've used Cufon numerous times in the past and now that I'm at a point where the project is ultra time sensitive I run into an issue. Web Inspector in Safari is telling me: "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Cufon" All of the files are linked up correc...

get font from combobox and apply it to richtextbox (

I am building a word pad clone with extra a few extra features. I am trying to get two combo boxes (one with font names, the other with font sizes) to apply their selected attribute to the selected text in a richtextbox. This was my latest attempt, and I think I'm starting to get close, but I still get an error for InvalidCastException -...

Using custom fonts on a Label on Winforms.

Hi there. I have a label on my Winform and I want to use a custom font called XCalibur to make it appear more shnazzy. If I use a custom font on a label and then build the solution and then .ZIP the files in \bin\Release will the end user see the labels with my custom app I used regardless if they have that font installed or not? If t...

Apache FOP: Displaying UTF-8 Characters in PDF (without embed?)

Hi, I'm trying to use FOP to export a PDF with UTF-8 characters, preferably without needing to embed the font. The following code: <fo:block font="10pt Helvetica" text-align="justify" space-after="10pt" space-before="8pt" keep-with-previous="auto" keep-together.within-page="auto"> <fo:block font-weight="bold" color="gray">Summary</fo...

Is there a way to know what fonts to use on the web?

I know that all computers and Operating systems (windows,linux,os ect.) come with there own set of fonts, Is there a list of the most common fonts that are most likely to be available on a persons computer. I want to use some nice font's on my site but it's hard to find what is a good choice that the most amount of people will be able ...

How to Install OpenType( file type : otf) Font on Application Start using C#

I have to install a Myriad pro web.otf font on the client machine using C# . Please Suggest. i tried installing as per the code mentioned in the post [DllImport("gdi32", EntryPoint = "AddFontResource")] public static extern int AddFontResourceA(string lpFileName); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("shfolder.dll", Ch...

javascript code doesn't change font color anymore

Someone made a nice code for me, but after some changes to have the output lined out in a table, the array picks font doesn't change anymore which are controlled by the following CSS. .win { color: lime; font-weight: bold } .loss { color: red; font-weight: bold } Can somebody help me edit the code so the array picks are lime and red ...

Preloading @font-face fonts?

Is it possible to preload or otherwise cache @font-face fonts, most likely with javascript, before the page loads so you don't get that ugly jump when the page finally does load? ...

How can I change the text color and size in install script?

How can I change the text color and size in install script [install shield project]? I want to change message[szMsg] color and size in the welcome dialog box[SdWelcome]. Message is a warning message to grab the user attention so I am willing to to red and bold ? How can I do this ? Any guide ? ...

Does sifr flash display the fonts if they are not installed in the pc?

I want to use the Sifr functionality with the Margarosa font and so i have created my sifr swf with the required margarosa font. This works fine and the effect is visible properly in my pc as the margarosa fonts are installed in my computer. But when i check it in another computer where these fonts are not installed, the effect is not di...

How to use custom font with Webview

Now i want to display some unicode characters and i have used tag: something herer . But it seems that webview can not find the Arial font because i can only see UFO - Characters . Do i have to copy arial.ttf to somewhere or how can i use this true- type-font with webview? Thanks. ...

Accessing the list of all glyphs in a font

OSStatus err; const char* file = "Lucida Grande"; CFStringRef fileName= CFStringCreateWithCString(0L, file, 0L); ATSFontRef ref = ATSFontFindFromName (fileName,1); FSRef oFile; err = ATSFontGetFileReference (ref, &oFile); char path [1024*4]; CFURLRef theURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef( kCFAllocatorDefault, &oFile); CFURLGe...

Can cufon style form text input and textarea?

Is it possible to do this? I haven't been able to find anything in the documenation that says you CAN'T do it, but the following selector is not working for me: Cufon.set('fontFamily', 'Museo'); Cufon.set('fontWeight', '300'); Cufon.replace('input.text, input.password, textarea'); Any ideas, or does Cufon simply not support this? Th...

VB.NET: How to compose and apply a font to a label in runtime?

Hi, I'm developing a Windows Forms Application in Visual Basic .NET with Visual Studio 2008. I'm trying to compose fonts (Family name, font size, and the styles) at runtime, based on user preferences, and apply them to labels. For the sake of both a simplier user interface, and compatibility between more than one machine requiring to u...