
Make all text with font Helvetica have the font Arial in jQuery

I need some jQuery magic that will look for all text on a page with a given font (say Helvetica), and change the font of only that text to something else (say Arial). ...

Fonts appearing abnormally large in IE7

I have the following specified on body: body { font: 63.5% Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; In Virtual Machines, I am unable to setup an IE7 installation to reproduce this problem, but on others' machines, some with IE7 render the font on the page abnormally large. The actual CSS and html are hundreds of lines long across multiple file...

wxPython TextCtrl transform to UPPERCASE

I was looking for a way to transform text entered into the textctrl field to uppercase. I tried using a validator and transforming the value of the key event object to the uppercase letter char value using 'ord' however I could not find any 'set' methods. I may be able to access the event class variable directly as class variables in p...

Get font face under cursor in Emacs

I've been developing my own custom color theme, and it'd be really useful if I could get a list of font-faces affecting the text under the cursor. Something like Textmate's show current scope command. That would save me the trouble of doing M-x customize-face and looking through available options, guessing at which one affects the curr...

Font 'Times New Roman' does not support style 'Regular'

Anybody hear of this one? System.ArgumentException: Font 'Times New Roman' does not support style 'Regular'. I've got a WinForms app that is deployed via ClickOnce. For some reason a number of users are getting this error. I can see getting this error because of picking a non-standard font, but Times New Roman, Regular? Is there a servi...

Superscript / subscript in hyperlink in WPF

I'm trying to make a Hyperlink that contains text with super- and/or subscripts. I've found two ways to do this, and both of them suck. Solution #1: use Typography.Variants. This gives a terrific superscript... for some fonts. <StackPanel> <TextBlock FontFamily="Palatino Linotype" FontSize="30"> <Hyperlink>R<Run Typography.Varian...

Detect whether a font supports variants (like superscript and subscript)

WPF has the Typography.Variants attached property that lets you do superscript and subscript. However, it only works for some fonts. For other fonts, the variant is utterly ignored, and the text is shown normally. (Code sample and screenshot here) Since it silently falls back to a no-op, I have no idea that anything went wrong; but my u...

Extracting Glyph Kerning Information C++

After asking my previous question about Uniscribe glyph kerning, and not yet receiving an answer, plus further reading on google etc, it seems Uniscribe may not support extracting glyph kerning information from a font. I therefore have a simple followup question - are there any good examples (preferably with some C++ code) of extracting...

Decrease line spacing in a TextBlock / FlowDocument

Some fonts have a large amount of whitespace above and below the characters. Is there a way to correct for that, and tighten up the space between lines of a word-wrapped paragraph in WPF (in either a TextBlock or a FlowDocument)? Kind of like a negative margin between lines? There's a LineHeight property on Paragraph and TextBlock, but ...

What font type is it on the Tab bar (at the bottom)?

I just want to know what that is so that I can match with the font I'm gonna use on the view. Thanks ...

How widespread are fonts with non-zero escapement or orientation?

I had serious problems with using GetTextExtentPoint32() and TextOut() in my Win32 GDI program when ClearType antialiasing was on. The problem seems to be solved by using DrawText(). The problem is MSDN states that DrawText() only supports fonts with zero escapement and orientation. What are the chances that I encounter a font violating...

SSRS reports viewed in Safari rendering issues

We are using SQL Server 2005 and SSRS to produce reports for a .NET2.0 C# web application. When viewing reports in Safari or Chrome we are having issues with: Missing toolbar controls - Export, Resize etc. Font size is very large. Example: When viewing in IE7/8 the font appears to be 12pts. When viewing it in Safari the font is 24pts...

How can I change the font size in GTK?

Is there an easy way to change the font size of text elements in GTK? Right now the best I can do is do set_markup on a label, with something silly like: lbl.set_markup("<span font_desc='Tahoma 5.4'>%s</span>" % text) This 1) requires me to set the font , 2) seems like a lot of overhead (having to parse the markup), and 3) would make ...

Changing Body Font-Size based on Font-Family with jQuery

Hi there, I'm trying to use Myriad Pro as my primary font with Arial and such as a fall-back like so: font: 13px "Myriad Pro", "Helvetica", "Arial", "sans-serif"; I want to change the font-size when Arial or Helvetica are selected. This is what I have in jQuery but it does not work: $(function(){ if ($("body").css("font") == "Aria...

Check if charcter is included in a font

How can I check if a weirdo character I'd like to use is included in the used font? ...

Cufon gives double line height without control

Cufonning a font onto a page with a Cycle jQuery plugin enabled, slowly scrolling through a set of messages. Each message moves off the viewport but then takes forever for the next one to appear. There is almost a one second gap between the first one leaving and the second one appearing. Any reason why this is happening? Here's my code:...

Is it currently "safe" to use arrows from htmlentities instead of arrow images?

In the real world, are there any issues with using the htmlentities in Grade A browsers for → right and left arrows per this link? Can everyone reading this page see these arrows ? Apparently if the character is not in your font set, they won't appear, but so far my work has been to english speaking audiences...don't the arrows come s...

@font-face isn't working in Firefox 3.5?

I have an OpenType font being referenced in a CSS file, but it doesn't seem to work in Firefox 3.5. It works perfectly in Safari. The font is being referenced relatively, and is hosted on the same server, but in another sub-directory: @font-face { font-family:'Font Name'; src:url(../fonts/Font-Name.otf) format('opentype') } Has anyone...

Turn off anti-alias for font in Emacs 23

Hi, How to I disable anti-aliasing for fonts in the Windows version of Emacs 23? Thanks. ...

Programmatically change font color of text in PDF

I'm not familiar with the PDF specification at all. I was wondering if it's possible to directly manipulate a PDF file so that certain blocks of text that I've identified as important are highlighted in colors of my choice. Language of choice would be python. ...