
Is it possible to dynamically load a font into a users computer

I remember reading somewhere that you can dynamically load a font into a user's computer so that you can include any font you want in a website. Is this possible - is my memory playing tricks on me? ...

Do I need to buy a license for a font to use it in an iPhone game?

I am using the Calibri font in a game that I am developing for the iPhone, and I'm unsure if I need to pay for a license for it. I use the font in Adobe Photoshop to generate textures that are then used and displayed at runtime. I will not embed the font binary in the game. Do I need a license for the Calibri font? If I do, does anyone...

How can I get Available Fonts in WPF

Using the System.Drawings System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families brings me up more families than the ones supported for WPF, or at least there is something wierd with some of the fonts that doesn't get rendered. Is there another way to get a Collection of all Fonts current available? ...

How can I change the FontFamily in a WPF RichTextBox without modifying previous text

When you use the FontFamily property of the RichTextBox it changes the FontFamily of the whole content inside the FlowDocument. The same way you can Execute a command like EditingCommands.ToggleBold, where it only changes the word under the caret or just the new text to be written, there should be a way to do the same thing with the Fon...

Cufón font security

I've been trying to research a safer way to implement Cufón that would store the actual font data in a MySQL database that could be queried and returned when necessary, without having to store the converted .js file on the server (and break EULA). Is this even possible? I'm still in the beginning stages of testing this out. I've alread...

wxpython: how to get StyledTextCtrl to render all text in monospace font?

What's the right way to use a monospaced font for all text in a StyledTextCtrl? I'm using it over the simpler TextCtrl because I need the FindText() functionality which is oddly missing from a standard text control. I'd also like to avoid hard-coding a specific font face, and instead rely on the monospace font defined by the system if p...

Image Replacement not working

I had used the CUFON image replacement for one of the site.The following is the api link in that they say Using Cufon.replace() with CSS selectors Cufon.replace('#message'); Cufon.replace('h2'); Cufon.replace('#content > h3'); when i tried its not working can anyone help me how to achive this ...

Default script in Font dialogs

Hi guys! I'm working on a WinForms application that shows standard Font dialogs to let the user select a font. Since I'm in Russia the default script is "Cyrillic". The problem is that when the application is deployed on the customer's PC in Denmark the default script is not changed - it is still "Cyrillic". The customer would prefer "W...

Make narrow characters with CSS.

How do I reduce characters' width of Arial-like fonts with CSS? ...

Photoshop Mock Up Font isn't same as in HTML

(Beginner to HTML) I have made a Photoshop mock-up of the website I want to make, but the text I have used in the mock-up looks different when viewed in Firefox. The text is Arial font, size 18pt and regular weight, and I have implemented this into HTML code, but it looks different. Is there a way to make the font look the same in HTML...

Get font name of odttf files generated by XPS document writer

I have pdf file using only 2 type of fonts. But when exporting the pdf to xps format, there are odttf files as many as glyphs elements in generated xps document. Now I want every glyphs with the same font type to have the same FontUri value. But how to identify if 2 odttf files is the same font type? ...

FPDF, FPDI - using fonts embedded in the source document

Hi There, I am using FPDF / FPDI to build a pdf templating system. One pdf is used as the background and has a number of editable regions defined within it (stored in database). An editable region could be an image, or text, or both, however this is not my question, just a bit of background. Some of the backgrounds (FPDI source pdf) ...

What is the standard programming font used in Textmate?

It looks very readable. I specifically like how the text is a little bit bolder than Consolas, sort of like Comic Sans. Is it downloadable for windows? ...

How to replace or modify the font or glyphs embedded in a PDF file?

I want to replace the font embedded in an existing PDF file programmatically (with iText). iText itself does not seem to provide any data model for glyphs and fonts, but I believe it can let me retrieve and update the binary stream that contains the font. It's OK even if I don't know which glyph is associated to which font - what I w...

How to test if a font is installed using VBA?

What is the easiest way to check if a particular font is installed using VBA? ...

Unbounded element infinity symbol shows as rectangle in XMLSpy

I need to have screenshots of my XSD, and XMLSpy has great-looking and descriptive graphical view of XSD Schema. However, below unbounded elements, it tries to show a little infinity symbol in Arial and fails miserably, displaying small rectangle instead. I've tried changing the font as XMLSpy FAQ suggests, and I've tried using Arial MS...

C# - Read & Preview Font

Can I read and preview fonts (mainly ttf and otf) in C#? What other languages can/should I use? Read: Info like font family, font name Preview: Use the font to display some text Any way to display all supported font characters? ...

Customizing Label Fonts in Swing

In my swing application, I have different types of text I'd like to display. For example, I want to display a heading text before a list of choices, something like: Select choice: a b I want the "Select Choice" label to use the "Heading" font (something I define), and the choices to use the "Choice" font. This pattern w...

How to increase/descrease font size in Dojo DataGrid

Hi there, How can I increase/decrease the default dojo datagrid font size, should I do this in CSS or there's property I can set when extending the DataGrid class. Thanks in advance! David ...

Is there a way to ignore Visual Studio errors thrown by XAML?

I know you can do it in CodeBehind with something like this... #pragma warning disable 67 ... #pragma warning restore 67 But is there a way to do this type of thing in XAML? For example, I have the following in my App.xaml... <FontFamily x:Key="ExtendedFontFamily">Verdana</FontFamily> And it keeps throwing me these VS errors (even...