
What are good web development fonts?

I am searching for a list of fonts I can use in CSS. Since these fonts may be copyrighted, which fonts should I use that are available across Windows (as of XP), Mac OS X and, say, Ubuntu 8.04? I don't want to rely solely on the newer OSs. A great bonus would be if the same fonts existed on mobile devices. ...

Measure a String without using a Graphics object?

I am using pixels as the unit for my font. In one place, I am performing a hit test to check if the user has clicked within the bounding rectangle of some text on screen. I need to use something like MeasureString for this. Unfortunately, the code doing the hit test is deep within a library which does not have access to a Graphics object...

Retrieving available font sizes on Windows

When I open the Windows Common Font Dialog, it lists, for each font, a bunch of sizes. For all of the OpenType/TrueType fonts, it has the same list - 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18... For bitmap fonts, the list varies according to the available bitmaps. "Small fonts" has 2,3,4,5,6,7, while plain old Courier has 10, 12, 15. I don't know, b...

(C#) How to get the point to pixel relationship for my screen?

Hello. From what I've understood the relationship point to pixel will depend on the screen resolution. So how can I calcule it at run-time in c#? Thanks ...

(C#) How to draw an "a" with Tahoma with height = 6

Hello I've been trying to do this, but for some reason this is just giving me weird results: int bpp = Screen.PrimaryScreen.BitsPerPixel; string fontName = "Tahoma"; Font font = new Font(fontName, 10 * bpp, GraphicsUnit.Point); Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(20 * bpp, 20 * bpp); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm); TextRenderer.DrawText(g, "a"...

Is it possible to use Open Type Fonts (.otf) in SQL Reporting Services (2008)

When you try to select a font of type .otf that has been installed on Client & Server then the font does not appear in the dropdown list of available fonts. The font can be used fine in word. ...

Carbon/Cocoa fonts look different.

I'm trying to draw in the currently selected system font using the ATSU api in a Carbon app. And the fonts are coming out bolder than all the other native apps. Here is a screenshot example of what I'm talking about: The top line is XCode, and the middle is my app using a non-bold font and the bottom is my app using a bold font. I use...

Good font for code presentations?

(update: I know there's several questions regarding fixed-width fonts for coding... that's why I mentioned it in the first sentence of this question. I'm specifically investigating fonts for projected presentations and printed handout notes.) There's a couple of good questions regarding screen fonts for coding. I'm putting together so...

visual studio property missing characters

I've just started up visual studio express 2008 for the first time in 6 months, and the when I expand the properties window, all the name/values are rendered as squares. Event the ellipses (...) are squares! The weird thing is, all other text is OK, the code, toolbar, menus etc. What font/character set does visual studio use for this te...

How can I programmatically make certain parts of a label, in a windows form, bold?

The windows form that I designed has 1 label. The text of this label changes dynamically depending on what data the user selects. Currently i'm creating a string and assigning it to the label's text property. I need a way to make certain parts of the string that I am creating bold. How can I accomplish this in c#? ...

Best font for coding

Possible Duplicate: Recommended Fonts for Programming? What font do you use when writing code? Specifically, this font should be: Freely available Easily installable on multiple platforms (Linux, Mac, Win, etc.) Easily installable on multiple platforms (emacs, Eclipse, vim, TextMate) I currently use Lucida Typewriter, Bold,...

actionscript 3 and using fonts

How can I make my strings and text attributes bold in my actionscript code? I'm working with the code behind pattern so i have an mxml component with a text attribute. I then have my actionscript component where I concatenate three text attribute and set them as the text property on the mxml text component. I want to be able be flexib...

DevExpress and C# font changes

I am trying to change the default font in a DevExpress utility within a C# program. Right now I'm using: DevExpress.Utils.AppearanceObject.DefaultFont = font; However, this code is only changing the menu font on the form and it should change all of it. I've also tried enumerating through the controls on the form and changing the text as ...

Programatically installing font in Windows

What's the trick to make a font file copied to the fonts directory and then added using AddFontResource available after a reboot? ...

Why provide fonts as swfs for sifr?

I'm working with a designer who has supplied some font files as swfs for sifr. Could someone explain why this file format is being used for a font file? Does this have to do with legal restrictions about supplying regular font files for download from a web site - i.e. by providing them as swfs they are less usable for anything except...

Are there legal ramifications if you supply non-opentype fonts for sifr?

I am working with a designer who wants to provide Carlson & Georgia as swfs for sifr in a web application. After reviewing this reference on open type fonts, I do not see any reference to these fonts. Are there potential legal ramifications to providing these fonts as swf files on a web site for sifr to use or are these fonts common en...

What is this font? and CSS Help

This font in this image from the WhiteHouse looks very professional. What is the font? Is it just Times New Roman? Also, does anybody know how to use CSS to create something just like the image below? (So I can keep everything else in that image but change the text) Thanks!! ...

how to use custom font in html pages for UIWebView ?

Hi, I am having the "Futura.ttf" font file. I am displaying a HTML page in the UIWebView, but my requirement is that i want to use the custom font in my css file. so is there any way that i can use the custom font in my css file ??? All suggestions are welcomed. Thanks. ...

"Font shape undefined" with latex and isodoc

I'm trying to create a simple invoice with pdflatex and the isodoc class. Unfortunately, the "INVOICE" opening is appear in all lowercase, and I suspect this warning is the reason why: LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/lmr/bx/sc' undefined (Font) using `T1/lmr/bx/n' instead on input line 19. My best guess at this crypti...

Setting the font name and size in AS3 List control (flash.controls.List)

Using CS4, how do I set the font of a List control? I tried this: var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); myFormat.font = config.settings["list font name"]; myFormat.size = Number(config.settings["list font size"]); list.setStyle("textFormat", myFormat); No dice. ...