
Helvetica Neue baseline rendering problem with Firefox/Mac

Consider this HTML: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <style type="text/css"> body { font...

Font smoothing in Delphi

I had cause to need a label with a large font on a Delphi form and noticed that its curves were still slightly jagged. I compared this with the same size and font in MSWord which was much smoother. After research I found code that allowed me to smooth my fonts but it's messy and I was wondering if there was a better way? Looking in t...

Testing whether a Font is monospaced in Java

Hi there, I'm trying list all of the monospaced fonts available on a user's machine. I can get all of the font families in Swing via: String[] fonts = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); Is there a way to figure out which of these are monospaced? Thank...

xaml font spacing - can it be set in points?

When using fx. Word, I'm able to specify how much the font spacing should be reduced in points (ie. Condensed 3 pt). In XAML I can only use values from the FontStrech enum. Is there any other way specify the condensing in XAML, or is the only alternative to use a transformation to achieve something similar? ...

Incorrect / missing font metrics in Java?

Using a certain font, I use Java's FontLayout to determine its ascent, descent, and leading. (see Java's FontLayout tutorial here) In my specific case I'm using Arial Unicode MS, font size 8. Using the following code: Font font = new Font("Arial Unicode MS", 0, 8); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout("Pp", font, ...

All about choosing the right font for a website

I actually have right now two questions: 1) What font faces are preferred for a website? Right now I really like 'Segoe UI', but it's only available on newest Windows systems like Vista and 2008 Server. So I have defined a sequence: font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; I do not really like the look of all of...

How do I specify font height at different orientations?

The common way to create a font with GDI is to use the desired point size and the target device's vertical resolution (DPI) like this: LOGFONT lf = {0}; lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(point_size, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72); ... HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); Assuming the default MM_TEXT mapping mode, this converts point_size i...

Why do only some of my system fonts work in my HTML?

I have Din Engshrift and other obscure fonts installed on my machine where I do development. But when I try to access them from HTML, they look completely warped. Fonts like "Courier New" work fine. What causes that? ...

How to set default font for all the windows in a Win32 Application?

I want all the controls (edit,list control, etc) in my application to be having the same font which is not the system default. How do i do this? Is there any Win32 API that sets the application default font? ...

Is there a way to check what fonts are installed on machines via the web?

Is there a way to test what fonts are installed or maybe a way I can read out all of them? I want to do a survey in our product to see what fonts I can use on our projects. ...

Extra items on stack when parsing CFF font data

I've written a few routines to parse CFF font data. Occasionally I am getting extra items on the stack when processing an hvcurveto and vvcurveto command. For these two commands the stack depth should be either 4, 5, 12, 13, 20, 21, ... or 8, 9, 16, 17, 24, 25, ... For some fonts I'm getting a stack size of 10. There's an extra...

Java: Altering UI fonts (Nimbus) doesn't work!

Hello! I'm referring to this Nimbus reference. I tried to set global Font to be slightly larger: UIManager.put("defaultFont", new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, 0, 16)); only for the menu but nothing else (buttons, labels). I tried to change labels and buttons fonts with UIManager.put("Button.font", new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, 0, ...

Free 3 0f 9 Extended Barcode fonts

I am looking to add the tab caharcter into a barcode that will contain a username & (tab) & and the password. Does anyone out there know how, or knows of a site I can go to with the information on it. Thanks ...

Basic Html style font-family question

<span style="font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> content </span> Does this mean that there is going to be a priority list for the specified font families on the client, i.e. if no 'Segoe UI' will check for Tahoma, no Tahoma will go for Arial and so on? Answer with YES or NO will be good enough! ...

Embedding only selected characters from fonts with ActionScript?

I would like to embed just a subset of characters from a font (for example only a certain number of Chinese characters instead of the whole character set). The traditional way I've known how to do this is using the "Include these characters" input box method outlined below:

Using fonts that aren't on iPhone

I'd like to use some fonts that aren't part of the iPhone OS. I've seen games that use non standard fonts. I can install the fonts, create images for each one in Photoshop and then use those images in the iPhone app. However, I don't think that is a practical way to go. If the color or tint needs to be adjusted (because of background...

writing text with diacritic ("nikud", vocalization marks) using PIL (python image library)

writing simple text on an image using PIL is easy. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.text((10, y), text2, font=font, fill=forecolor ) however, when I try to write Hebrew punctuation marks (called "nikud" or ניקוד), the characters does not overlap as it should. I guess this question is relevant also to Arabic and other similar lang...

Futura font in Flex application

I'm developing a Flex application and wish to use Futura font to render text. My dev OS is Windows and so unlike Mac, the font does not come standard with the OS. I have downloaded and tried several different versions of Futura fronts from various websites but they give transcoding errors such as "Unable to transcode FuturaMDBold.ttf". ...

Accessing font kerning information in Java2D

Little background.. I'm in the process of making an OpenGL game using Java and LWJGL. I've written a TextRenderer-class that renders text using cached pages of glyphs. The glyphs itself are rendered in Java2D to BufferedImages and packed into texture pages along with the glyph measurements. TextRenderer draws the characters as textured ...

Font backward incompatibility

I am using Segoe UI for my winforms application. On XP, this font doesn't exist and I would like to have my app use Verdana instead. What's the best way of achieving that. ...