
WPF Wavy Underline Bold/Larger Fonts

In a previous discussion, bstoney provides a very nice example of how to wavy underline some text in WPF. It works great for normal fonts, but for bold and/or larger fonts, I find that the tiling gets off such that the tops of the wavy underline are clipped and they appear below the bottoms instead. I'm hoping to avoid learning all abo...

How to install Open Type Fonts using Wix

Hi All, I want to install a set of Open Type Fonts as part of my msi istallation, I am using Wix to create the msi. Any advice? ...

Show glyphs associated with selected OpenType features using WPF

I know that you can enable OpenType feature when rendering text in WPF: Is there a way to know which glyphs in OpenType font belong to selected OpenType feature, such as Stylistic Alternates or Ligatures, using WPF. ...

in C# can I explicitly set height of font and/or adjust whitespace width between lines of multiline textbox?

I want to implement my own textbox (editor) with line numbers to the left of it. Well, so I am implementing the line numbers in another, narrow multiline textbox. However, I want to be able to adjust the font in the main editor and generally make it to be big size, whereas I don't want to have the line numbers to be of equally big size f...

How to use Open Type Fonts in Java ?

Is there a way to read Open Type Fonts in Java the same way as i do it with TrueType Fonts ? This works perfectly for TTF but i did not figure out yet how to do the same with Open Type Fonts. Font f = Font.createFont( Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new FileInputStream("f.ttf") ); Please note i cannot relay on installed fonts. I provide the font...

Need a way to scale a font to fit a rectangle.

I just wrote some code to scale a font to fit within (the length of) a rectangle. It starts at 18 width and iterates down until it fits. This seems horribly inefficient, but I can't find a non-looping way to do it. This line is for labels in a game grid that scales, so I can't see a work-around solution (wrapping, cutting off and exten...

Moving a MAC font to a PC - How?

This has been a rather problematic issue on numerous occasions. We have alot of our designers using Macs for design and the fonts based on there but when we need to see designs on a PC the fonts are not there. I was wondering if anyone knows a rather efficient and painless method of moving/copying a font from MAC OS X to PC (Windows). ...

Is Helvetica a browser base font?

Can anyone tell me whether Helvetica is a browser base font? If so, it is not loading in my PS CS 4. Where can I download it from? ...

"Sketching font" alternative to Comic Sans?

In sketching (or mockup) tools such as Balsamiq and WireframeSketcher Comic Sans is used to give that "sketchy", hand drawn look. My only problem is, I'm so tired of that font. Any suggestions for alternatives? Edit: WireframeSketcher does not default to the Comic Sans font, but it's the one used to show an example of a "sketchy" look....

How can I determine what font a browser is actually using to render some text?

My css specifies "font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;" for the whole page. It looks like Verdana is being used instead on some parts. I would like to be able to verify this. I've tried copying and pasting from my browser into Word, but it's not preserving the font. Is there some way to determine which font is actually being us...

sIFR encoding the non-breaking space char - %20

Gotta be something I'm doing wrong when converting the ttf with OpensIFRr, but I'm seeing %20 chars for non-breaking spaces in all sIFR'd text. I'm using the jQuery sIFR plugin (3.04) with the following: <div><h1>My Example Text</h1></div> ... <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var $j = jQuery; $j(...

how to set LaTeX font size in millimeter?

hi, I need to set the font size in millimeters in my LaTeX document. how can I do that? thank you! ...

Why is emspace or enspace breaking the CSS font line-height in the HTML?

Confused about how the browser - any browser - because it's happening in all, goes about calculating emspace and enspace. Here's what's happening: I am using a free font called Gentium. font-size is 16px line-height is 19px All looks fine. Non breaking spaces - &nbsp; not a problem - that exists in the font as a character. thinspace &th...

Java Locale Font question..?

[EDIT] this happend on OSX with Java 1.5! (but may also happen on Windows!) It seems japanese users of my Java Swing program cannot write japanese symbols in JTextFields. Actually they can write them but do not see them. They only see blocks which somehow indicates I think that the font does not support these symbols. I set my own font...

Can't create games with pygame

I make a game with python 2.5 and pygame. but,I can't complete make. because this errors occured. C:\Python26\TypeType\src\dist\Main.exe:8: RuntimeWarning: use font: MemoryLoadLibrary failed loading pygame\font.pyd Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 8, in <module> File "pygame\__init__.pyo", line 70, in __getat...

helvetica ttf or alternatives please!

Hi there, Is Helvetica available in ttf format? If not, what might be some good alternatives? I would appreciate any links to download on ttf format, thanks! ...

Why won't my website use the Tahoma font?

I have my fonts set in my style.css ( and my website still seems to use sans serif. What is the problem here? My site: ...

Load external font and use it in C#

Hi, I'd like to load a font from an external server and once is loaded (I guess that's necessary) use it to create a few textfields. I'm trying: font_uri = new Uri("http://localhost/assets/fonts/wingding.ttf"); bf_helvetica = new FontFamily(font_uri, "bf_helvetica"); TextBlock test_tb = new TextBlock(); test_tb.Text = "This is a test...

Drawing Unicode characters on iPhone

Why is it so hard to figure out how to draw Unicode characters on the iPhone, deriving simple font metrics along the way, such as how wide each imaged glyph is going to be in the font of choice? It looks like it'd be easy with NSLayoutManager, but that API apparently isn't available on the phone. It appears the way people are doing this...

Flex / Flash: How to embed the same font in multiple SWCs

Hi, I have the following project structure: - A Flex Project (SDK 3.3) - Multiple SWCs with grafics and textfields that are used as components in the Flex project. Since I have a lot of SWCs that all use the same font in dynamic textfields, I do not want to embed the font in every SWC. Instead I want to have a library (RSL?) with the fo...