
How can I manage a cache texture in OpenGL?

I am writing a text renderer for an OpenGL application. Size, colour, font face, and anti-aliasing can be twiddled at run time (and so multiple font faces can appear on the screen at once). There are too many combinations to allocate one texture to each combination of string and attributes. However, only a small subset of the entire d...

SIFR vs Cufon vs Typeface.js

With browser support / licensing issues of @font-face (a feature of CSS3), which intermediate option do you prefer? Cufon,Typeface.js, or SIFR? Cufon is new but has been getting a lot of praise from the web design community, how does it differ from Typeface.js ? ...

How to get the size range for fonts

What I want to do is have the user select a font from third party font selection combo box and select the font size. How do I go about having the correct range of sizes for that font? ...

Can font size be disabled in QFontDialog::getFont()?

Hi all, I want to allow users to pick a font but the size they choose will have no effect. So it would be best to have that part of the dialog disabled. Is this possible? Thank you! ...

How can I determine all the codepoints that do not have glyphs in a font using FreeType?

This question is closely related to However, I am looking for a solution that does not use the Windows API. Freetype in particular looks promising, and I was wondering if anyone familiar with it could provide poin...

fonts on org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite are messed up on Linux

I extend org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite and create many widgets on it, (labels, table, text etc). The problem I am facing is that the labels' text is getting truncated on linux while it appears fine on windows. When I change the linux's font to gothic the truncation is little less but still there. Is there way to homogenize the wind...

Small Caps Font Property?

I'm looking for a way to create a .NET Font object that formats the text like in Word when you check the "Small Caps" check box. I'm not seeing a Format Style on the Font object to do it, and I was wondering if A. There is something that I'm missing or B. There is a third party library out there (preferably free) that will do it instea...

What is a minimal set of unicode characters for reasonable Japanese support?

I have a mobile application that needs to be ported for a Japanese audience. Part of the application is a custom font file that needs to be extended from only containing latin-1 characters to also containing Japanese characters. I realise that this will make it rather large, but that is not todays problem. Note that I have no control ov...

What is your developer's font when VPN'ing to a remote machine?

Once in a while, I would VPN to my computer at work. I usually use either Consolas or Bitstream Vera Sans Mono on my choice of IDE. But the problem is that, when remoting into a machine, an ClearType setting is turned off and thus both Consolas or Bitstream Vera Sans Mono look quite terrible and hurt my eyes after an hour or so. What w...

How to determine the size of a string given a font.

I have a small form that displays some progress information. Very rarely I have to show a rather long message and I want to be able to resize this form when needed so that this message fits in the form. So how do I find out how wide string S will be rendered in font F? ...

the right way to select monospaced fonts in Swing

I'm messing around with DefaultStyledDocument and am trying to figure out the right way to set a style to the proper monospaced font. By "proper" I mean that the font selected is: A monospaced font that exists on the user's machine A font specified by the user's preferences (is there a standard way to do this in Java?) If there is no s...

How to embed a Font in a PDF with RDLC

hi, i am using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalReport to generate some PDF, everything works like a charm, but now evil marketing wants to use a custom font (they are using such crazy arguments as "corporate identity" and stuff). i already goggled around and now i know that i need ReportViewer 2008 SP1 or greater the font has to b...

bold fixed fonts in Java Swing

I'm trying to use fixed width fonts in Java. I can use Courier or Lucida Console, but when I apply a "bold" style, it makes the characters larger in width and that's not acceptible in my application. Is there anyway I can force the bold characters to have the same width as non-bold characters? ...

How do I Embed a font with my C# application? (using Visual Studio 2005)

What is the best way to embed a truetype font within the application i'm developing? Basically i want to make sure a particular font is available to my application when installed on another machine. I have the *.ttf font file and just need a way of embedding it or automatically installing it when the application is run. Do i need to set...

How do you choose a font for a website?

I am not web-designer, more of a web app server side developer. Like tone deaf, guess I am font blind…Perhaps I dont know what I need. When you look at Facebook its font-family:"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; stackoverflow font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; gmail font-family:arial,sans-serif; nyt...

Which font-family spec do you use that looks great on mac AND windows?

Arial on windows looks bad, but on mac it's cool. What font-family set do you use in your website do help both mac and windows with a nice looking font? ...

Generating non-anti-aliased fonts with WinForms

I have a requirement to generate a bitmap containing some characters rendered without anti-aliasing or ClearType. In Win32-land, I would have created a font with lfQuality set to NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY and drawn with that. I have tried to do this with WinForms in the following manner: using(Font smoothFont = new Font("Arial", 30, Gr...

Visual Studio Fonts and Colors: need more customizability

For example, I want class fields, method names, and properties to be boldfaced, but I don't want them to be boldfaced inside method bodies. e.g., public static void **WriteStuff**(string notEvenUsed) { var x = 0; Console.WriteLine("Stuff"); } I want WriteStuff to be in bold, but not WriteLine, x, or notEvenUsed. ...

How important is disposing a Font, really?

I'm aware that the best practice is to call Dispose on any object that implements IDisposable, especially objects that wrap finite resources like file handles, sockets, GDI handles, etc. But I'm running into a case where I have an object that has a Font, and I would have to plumb IDisposable through several layers of objects, and review...

Font licensing on the web?

I'd like to do nice typography on the web-- that is, fonts other than the limited set of "web safe" fonts. Reasonable choices (considering accessibility and SEO) seem to be Cufón or sIFR or maybe @font-face. Which approach has some blessing from font foundries? Are some foundries more web-friendly? I know there are free font houses, ...