
Can you recommend any information about least ambiguous letters/numbers?

I'm interested in generating short codes (up to 6 characters) which are unambiguous for human readability: i.e.: 2Z8B5S would be a very bad code because B looks a lot like 8 and 2 looks a lot like Z, etc. A good code would be something like: AE37HT, say. Obviously, I could try to figure it out myself, but I was looking to see if there...

How do I change the font color in VB6?

I have some code that displays values from a record set. If the value is less than 8000, I wish to change the color of the displayed text. I tried this: If (recordset(1).Value) < 80000 Then font.color = &HFFEFEF End If But it didn't work. How do I do it? ...

Putting Unusual Fonts into Web Pages

On a web project for a client, we want to use a type of "script" font that looks like handwriting in a few places throughout the site. The problem is that these are not typically system fonts and so we don't think we can advise the client to use them (client likes the look); they may or may not render nicely at the client. We are plann...

java font format exception on osx with java 4 update

I'm getting a java.awt.FontFormatException: Unrecognised Font Format error, and I believe this has been happening only since performing the 10.5 java 4 update, though I can't verify that to be exact. My java version after the update is 1.5.0_19 I'm using jruby in rails to generate a font with the following code: font = java.a...

Helvetica or Arial as base font in CSS?

One of my friend told me "Use font family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif in your website", when I asked him why then "blank" he don't know, some usability expert in his company told him this thing. But when I tried helvetica, arial, sans-serif then I noticed that I bold and un-bold is not working properly with this font whereas I use ari...

Embedding bold font in AS3 Flash dynamic field

Hi all, I have already googled and read a lot of different topics relating to this problem, but still cant solve mine. I have this dynamic text field in a movieclip, and I embeded upper case, lower case and numbers. I exported that movieclip, then used it in my class and it's loading data from xml. However, after I embedded the bold fo...

How to use DOS font in WinForms application

I want to use in my WinForms application a font used in .net console application. What font do I need to use? Lucida Console is not the font that is being used in .NET Console application as I see it. So Lucida Console is not the one I want. ...

What is the best way to present source code, both offline and in books?

Being somewhat typographically obsessed, I am curious: what is the best way to present code - both online and offline. In particular, I'm interested in: What kinds of typefaces and sizes work best online and offline? Is it better to use proportional fonts for code (e.g., like Stroustrup does in 'The C++ Programming Language')? Serif, s...

Cross-platform fonts in WxWidgets GLCanvas

Hi, I'm developing a cross-platform app w/ wxWidgets and opengl... I'm not sure what the best way is to have fonts work in the glcanvas. I've tried using FTGL but I think the version included in Fedora 11 must be broken or something since I can't get the example code on the web site to compile. I could try using GLUT or SDL but I'm not...

Text rendering with openGL: Can't rotate text, positioning not working properly

Hey, This is my scenario: Using visual studio 2008. Project is in c# Using Tao framework along with ISE.FreeType to render text. The font is already loaded and converted to texture bitmap: //Creamos la fuente fuenteActual = new FTFont(fuentes.FontMap[fuente], out ultimoError); //Convierte la fuente a...

Modify character spacing in a PDF form field

This question was originally posted by esilver but he seemed to answer his own question, which then didn't make any sense. In his post he mentioned 'combing' of which I have found no reference to. Here is what his question is and my slight amendment is at the bottom: esilver's question: "I'm trying to build a web app to programmatical...

Fully Embedding True Type Fonts into PDFs

I am having problems creating PDF documents with fully embedded True Type fonts. I am printing from MS Word (and Indesign) to the Adobe 9.0 print driver. I can get .otf fonts to embed with no problem, but .ttf files will not embed. Is it possible to fully (not subset) embed these fonts? I am specifically having problems using WingDings. ...

Embed FontDialog in another WinForms Dialog

I would like to embed the FontDialog control into a settings dialog box for my C# WinForms application, but if I drag the control over it, of course, just adds it to the list of Dialog controls at the bottom of the designer. But instead of opening a separate dialog, I would like it to just be part of the settings dialog I already have.....

What's a good way to render outlined fonts?

I'm writing a game in python with pygame and need to render text onto the screen. I want to render this text in one colour with an outline, so that I don't have to worry about what sort of background the the text is being displayed over. pygame.font doesn't seem to offer support for doing this sort of thing directly, and I'm wondering ...

How do you map mac fonts to Windows fonts

I need to display a file that comes from a mac on a Windows machine. The font name in the mac file is "Helvetica". Windows does not have Helvetica but it has "Arial" which is the close. However, if I pass "Helvetica" to a WPF control the font family is ignored. How can I get programmatically the closest font from "Helvetica" on Windo...

List of installed fonts OS X / C

I'm trying to programatically get a list of installed fonts in C or Python. I need to be able to do this on OS X, does anyone know how? ...

How to determine if web page user has font installed?

Is there a way to determine over the web if a user has a particular font installed? ...

Processing CSS bolder and lighter in Pango

I am using Pango in an application implementing part of the CSS specification and so far I have been stumped by the font-weight: (bolder|lighter) attribute. According to specification, 'bolder' selects the next weight that is assigned to a font that is darker than the inherited one. 'lighter' is similar, but works in the oppos...

How to use fonts in opengl in java?

The title pretty much sums it up - its the easiest thing in the world in C++ and Windows, but Java seems to struggle with this issue. I would like to stay away from solutions involving loading bitmaps of fonts, and instead try go for a native truetype font loader, if possible. Kerning and antialiasing is quite important in my applicatio...

Can sIFR work with Smarty templates?

I have WHMCS installed, and am editing the templates (Smarty). I cannot get the sIFR js to work. I have read all the relevant questions here, and I've read the tutorials on sIFR v. 2 and v.3. Right now I'm on hte latest nightly build with sIFR so that I can use the font. I did however, generate the font online stead of using a flash ...