



Hi, I'm developing a cross-platform app w/ wxWidgets and opengl...

I'm not sure what the best way is to have fonts work in the glcanvas. I've tried using FTGL but I think the version included in Fedora 11 must be broken or something since I can't get the example code on the web site to compile. I could try using GLUT or SDL but I'm not sure I want to include those as dependencies...

EDIT: Turns out it's just a different version than the one that is documented on the web site and has a completely different API.

Even if I have a font library though, all the ones I've seen require a path to a font file, and I have no idea how to do that in a cross-platform manner.


Transliterate this tutorial to C++ and array-embed a gzipped copy of the GNU Unifont. QuesoGLC might also be an option, but watch out for performance gotchas.


All platforms deal with fonts differently. There is no cross platform way to find fonts on a system. Alternatives include...

  • Package your fonts with your app so you know where they are.
  • Convert the fonts to a binary blob and embed them in your app.
  • Test for the OS and set the font path accordingly.