
sIFR Crashing More Often Than On Comparable Web Sites

Hi, We use sifr3 throughout our website and it tends to crash more often than what I have seen on other sites with comparable usage. Our URL is and if any one has any suggestions as to why this might be happening they would be greatly appreciated. Thank you ...

Convert into font info

can someboody please help me convert these strings/ints into a usable font thing? it keeps coming up with a red squigly line underneith the following line: mylabel.FONT = new Font(fname, fsize, fstyle); and also when i try to set the labels forecolor by doing this: mylabel.ForeColor = fcolor; the code i have is: int fcolor = Int32...

How do I combine @font-face and @media declarations?

I'd like to build a common typography stylesheet with a very small number of selectors. As such, I'd far prefer to use @media sections for the various versions rather than create different files, each with only a few lines of content. I'd also like to add some @font-face declarations, but I'd prefer not to force mobile users to download...

Assign css to specific element

I have an <li> element on the page that I want to look a certain way. Changing the css affects all the <li> elements. here is the element I want to change <li>Outside Job<span class="toggle"<input type="checkbox" /></span></li> here is my css for the <ul><li> ul li { /*font: normal 17px Helvetica;*/ color: #a9a9a9; border...

Font in transparent area

Hello, I'm using JQuery library. I make some div transparent (0.7). There are some text in that div. And I see unpleasant situation: text font is ugly. As I understand, cause all div-area is transparet, my text also. Could I make it untransparent? upd I tried to make my div untransparent: the text is great! So, how can I make my div tr...

Can i reduce the font size of iphone tableview header

Hi All, I need to reduce the font size of the table view header. My string value is a little bit longer and it doesnot fit in to the header. so planning to reduce the size. Any one knows how to reduce the size, so that i can add the string to my table view header. Thanks in advance, Shibin ...

What are the options to get \mathcal working for lower case letters?

that is I'd like $\mathcal{l}=\mathcal{L}$ to produce two letters. I know \mathcal works (predictably) on upper case letters only. Thanks. ...

LaTeX: Specifying default document-wide font

For some fonts, it's easy to replace the default font with something like: \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{somefont}. However, some fonts, like BrushScriptX want you to use a special command like \bsifamily to use the font. In the \bsifamily is defined in /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/brushscr/pbsi.sty: \DeclareRobustCommand\bsifamily...

Automatic font recognition with Python

As you may have heard of, there is an online font recognition service call WhatTheFont I'm curious about the tech behind this tool. I think basically we can seperate this into two parts: Generate images from font files of various format, refer to for a list of font file extensions. Compare submit...

Change System Font for iPhone application - entire Application

Is there a way I can change the System FOnt for teh entire application? I want to have it define for the entire APplication so that I dont have to go to individual label or individual fotn and change it.... I wnat a universal definition whcih will change all the fonts that exist within the applicaion ...

The best font for diagrams (use case, uml etc)

I'm working on my master thesis and i have some diagrams. I'm looking for a font, which can be better for diagrams than "Droid sans mono".....any suggestions? ...

How to use our custom font on our website

How to use a stylish font on my website that works on all browsers ...

iTextSharp Crashes with a StackOverflowException when getting a font

iTextSharp really, really doesn't like it when I try to create Fonts: FontFactory.GetFont(Font.HELVETICA, 12) This gives me a user-friendly StackOverflowException. So I tried this: new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 12) which does the same thing. Tried Font.TIMES, and got the same thing, too. So I tried dropping a bit lower based on this ans...

SVG, text , font with fixed width/height

Hi all, I'm trying to get a SVG 'text' element fitting inside of a svg 'rect' element. e.g. In the example below, I used a monospace text of 5 chars with a font-size of 100px and I expected to have a bounding rectangle close to the text. But there is a blank gap at the right of the text. <svg xmlns="" height=...

[PHP] Dynamic GD image width text

I'm trying to spice up my website by using custom fonts for headings. For me, the most appropriate way to do this is using PHP and GD. I have written a little script which will output the dynamic text based on the $_GET value, however sometimes the image is too wide, which moves everything else about. How can I get the image to adjust t...

Embedding Fonts in AS3 - Dynamic Text Field disappears

This is hopefully a new problem or just me missing something obvious. Please help! I'm embedding a font into my AS3 application. I'm doing everything by-the-book and it half-works. In my main class, [Embed(source="Art/moolbor.ttf", fontFamily="MoolEmbed", mimeType="application/x-font")] var MoolEmbed:Class; Then late...

Rendering and loading fonts into the FontCache on a background thread?

I am trying to show a Font picker list similar to the one in Blend: Like Blend, I am seeing performance issues when the FontFamilies are not loaded in the FontCache. It seems that the penalty I am paying is the time it takes to actually render the FontFamily for the given FontSize and save it into the FontCache. Once the rendered fo...

flash antialiased systemfonts

Hi! is there any way in flash to get text antialiased, which is rendered with a systemfont (without embedding any fonts into the swf)? if so - how to do it? thanks ...

Flash AS3 BitmapData.draw() affects text formating

Hi! I need to display antialiased systemfonts (because the swf filesize must be small, therefore i can't embedd fonts). So I wrote this script in order to manually antialias the text Code: public function renderTextField():BitmapData{ var w:int = this["mainTextField"].textWidth+10; var h:int = this["mainTextField"].textHeight+10;...

Font.createFont leaves files in temp directory

The code below does its work but leaves copies of the font file in the temp directory each time it is run. These files are named +~JF7154903081130224445.tmp where the number seems random for each created file. InputStream fontStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("handsean.ttf"); Font baseFont = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT...