
Flash/AS3 > Font Embed causes positioning error with Chalet Font

I'm trying to embed the Chalet font to some dynamic text fields and it is causing the vertical position of the text to jump up above the actual textfield. (see screenshot) Is Chalet a messed up font? (or more likely, Flash is sooo screwed up in handling fonts) This font displays absolutely fine in Photoshop and Illustrator. Anyone have ...

Embedding Custom font in aspx StyleSheet.css

Hi Folks, I am trying to embed my new fonts with the StyleSheet.css as @font-face { src:url(../Font/HelveticaNeueLTStd-Lt.otf); font-family: "HelveticaNeueLight"; font-style: normal; } .helveticaclass{ color: Red; font-size:12px; font-family: "HelveticaNeueLight"; } And apply to the lable as <as...

Windows: Getting glyph outlines for substitution characters from other fonts

I need to render fonts into a 3d game world, so I use the GetGlyphOutline outline function to get the glyph shapes to render into a texture. However, I want to be able to handle the case where characters are not present in the given font (as is often the case for asian other other international text). Windows text rendering will automati...

How can I get Arial, helvetica and sans-serif working for CSS styled dynamic HTML Textfields in a Flash 9 swf on MacOSX?

How can I get Arial, helvetica and sans-serif working for CSS styled dynamic HTML Textfields in a Flash 9 swf on MacOSX? I'm generating a number of Textfields problematically and I use CSS to style their content. It works just fine when the swf's are viewed in a browser on Windows, but neither in Safari nor Mozilla on MacOSX. I've tri...

How to prevent users from resizing the font on my web site?

How to prevent users from resizing the font on my web site? ...

Font linking in the registry

A few years back, I created a WinForms application that has been successfully deployed. The next version of the application must support Chinese and Korean characters. For aesthetic reasons, my client wanted all the text in the application displayed with the Arial font family. However, Arial doesn't support Chinese and Korean character...

Font and line spacing in different browsers

Is there any reasonable way to control font spacing across all browsers such that text will line up as intended, short of absolute positioning? Take the following example from a project I'm working on: The first is Firefox 3.5, the second is IE 8, and the third is IE 6. The form being shown is contained within an absolutely positioned...

Custom font and a CMS

I'm building a web site for an artist who has had a custom font made from his handwriting. He'd like to use this font extensively throughout the site - not for all body copy because it'd be difficult to read, but for headings, navigation, callouts, things like that. I've got the file - it's a TrueType font file. We're going to be using...

Where do you find your fonts?

Where do you go to find fonts to use in web development or other. ...

SpreadsheetGear fonts look blurred compared to Excel

I'm evaluating the SpreadsheetGear component for Excel file manipulation. However, out of the box the fonts look slightly blurred or hazy when the same spreadsheet is viewed side-by-side with Excel. Is there some anti-aliasing setting I'm missing? Or is this by design? ...

How to set RichTextBox Font for the next text to be written?

Hi, I need to set the font family for the next text to be written in a RichTextBox. I tried setting that with... <RichTextBox x:Name="RichTextEditor" MaxWidth="1000" SpellCheck.IsEnabled="True" FontFamily="{Binding ElementName=TextFontComboBox, Path=SelectedItem}" FontSize="{Binding ElementName=TextSizeComboBox...

Get good @font-face fonts

Hello, do you know some good sites within good fonts that could be used in websites with font-face? There are some sites I know, but I search for fonts that I can use in "commercial projects" and they should be licensed optimally under MIT or (New) BSD? ...

Check a Font is installed in Client machine in ASP.NET

In my ASP.NET application I use Calibri as my font in stylesheets. But Calibri is come with Office 2007 so my stylesheet doesn't work with those client machines that have not installed the particular font. So How can i check if the font is there in the client machine and if not Can i install it to the machine on the web page opening? ...

Blackberry Device - getting set/default font size

Hi, Is there a way that I can access the font size that is set on the handset? I would like to use something like the following to setup the font on a screen: setFont(Font.getDefault().derive(Font.PLAIN, 20)); replacing the 20 in the above with the font set in the application, up to a maximum that I'll determine. I'm using JDE 4.5....

Flash CS4 embedded font style issue

Hi der! I'm using some fonts embedded in SWF in a program I'm developing. I need to use some specific font style like '37 Thin Condensed' and '26 Ultra Light Italic' etc... how can I specify these style when using fonts? I want to set style using AS3 code... ...

Silverlight 3 Font Embedding and the Back Button Issue

I've hit an odd snag in font embedding. I've embedded the webdings.ttf font as outlined in Tim Heuer's blog article Embedding fonts in Silverlight 2 This works well but if I navigate away from the page with my Silverlight app to a non-Silverlight page (plain .aspx or html page) and then navigate back using the back button, the app no l...

Cufon font replacement: How can I eliminate the flash of unstyled text that occurs when the page loads?

I'm using Cufon to replace the font of selected heading elements on a site I'm working on, but whenever I load a page, there is a noticeable flash of unstyled text before Cufon replaces the text. I expect that I may be doing it wrong. Here's what I have in the <head>: <script src="/js/Monotype_Corsiva_italic_400.font.js"></script> <scri...

C# webbrowser control - I want to use / link a specific font

I'm writing a simple textviewer for the famous .nfo files. For easy layout stuff I'm using the webbrowser control to display the nfo file. I have font - nonstandard ofcourse - that I'd like to use. What's the best way to include / link the font in my application ? Do I have to include it in my application-folder and register it, or is t...

What FontFamily Fonts can I use in a ListBox?

I'm trying to change the FontFamily of a ListBox to a fixed-width font, but I don't know what's available. Here's what I have: <ListBox Margin="12,55,12,12" Name="listBox1" FontFamily="Arial" /> When I try something like FontFamily="Courier", it won't show up as Courier, which leads me to believe that font may not be available. I've...

Determine font(s) used in uipasteboard text on the iPhone.

Here is the scenerio: The user copies random text with mixed fonts. How do I determine the font(s) used? When the text is pasted from the UIPasteboard into a textview it correctly shows the mixed fonts, so I believe the information is available. UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard]; textView.text = pasteboard.stri...