
Alternate Gothic No. 2 not embedding properly

I'm writing a Pure AS3 app, embedding a font using the Embed metatag like so: [Embed(source="assets/fonts.swf", fontName="AlternateGothic No2")] public static const ALTERNATE_GOTHIC_2:Class; This has always worked for me, but Alternate Gothic No. 2 gives me issues. In Flash, the font is labeled as AlternateGothic and the style is No2. ...

ImageFont's getsize() does not get correct text size?

I use the following two methods to to generate text preview image for a .ttf font file PIL method: def make_preview(text, fontfile, imagefile, fontsize=30): try: font = ImageFont.truetype(fontfile, fontsize) text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text) img ='RGBA', (text_width, text_height)) ...

How can you use a font file in GTK

I'm writing an open source program (key-train) in Python and GTK (with Cairo) and I would like to use some more attractive fonts. I was hoping that it would be possible to load a ttf font from within the program and just use it (instead of installing it), but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. ...

Size differences between TrueType and OpenType fonts when using PIL ImageFont

I'm trying to create PNGs of letters from the fonts on my system. Seems to work okay with TrueType fonts (.ttf) but not OpenType (.otf). The images formed are the same size but the actual letters appear much smaller with OpenType - see below. I'm using the ImageFont module from the Python Imaging library. There doesn't seem to be a way ...

Visual Studio & GDI++

Hi. I tried to find a similar question here, but found something different. I prefer to use display fonts smoothing in Windows, but I don't like the way how Windows XP smoothes the display font edges. Currently I use GDI++ that smoothes the display fonts making them look very similar to text rendered in Safari browser for Windows (as fa...

make a richtextbox only have one font, even if pasted into (

I need to use a richtextbox, not a normal textbox because of the way it keeps the caret position, from line to line. But I need to keep the text at the same font all the time even if it is pasted. At the moment I have it selecting the entire text and changing the font to the original (Lucida Console) but it look horrible when you paste ...

How can I convert OTF/TTF files to EOT format?

I need to use @font-face feature and my fonts are in OTF/TTF format and Microsoft browsers support only EOT format. I tried to use Microsoft tool WEFT, but it didn't work or I didn't understand how it works. Is there any other way to convert my fonts to EOT format? ...

Attempting to use Segoe font in browser

I want to render a page with fonts mostly being font-family:"Segoe" (that line goes in the appropriate class selectors which I've verified are working), however I get back a standard font (times new roman I think). Why won't it work? I am on Windows-7 64 bit so it's installed. ...

WPF / XAML - Can text be auto sized?

For a fixed size wrappable text area, is there any way to make the font size as large as possible based on the amount of text? For example, if you have a 500x500 area with the text "Hello", the font size would be really big. But if you have a paragraph of text the font size would be smaller to fit into the area. I have looked at Viewb...

Get width of text with given font in Apache FOP

Hi, I need to programatically get a width of some text (word, specifically) in a given font, size and style, which will be generated in Apache FOP (version 0.95) PDF document. The problem is that I need to know, if given word will fit to a column with a known width, and if it won't - resize to a fitable size. So far I have used java.awt...

Using bitmap fonts in Netbeans

Is it possible to use bitmap (.fon) fonts in Netbeans? I have a font I particularly like (Raize font) and I don't see it anywhere on the list when I try to set it as the editor font. I can use it in other editors (Notepad++, pspad, visual c++ express etc). I can't use it in jedit either. Is this issue java related? ...

extract font character image from ttf file

Hi! Does anyone knows how to extract the characters image from a font(ttf) file? ...

font Issue in WPF on Some Client PCs

Hi, I have created an application in WPF & used Arial & Verdana fonts in TextBlocks & TextBoxes using the Font fallBack Syntax it is working fine but on some client PCs i m getting an Issue of Font getting corrupt (both Arial & verdana) I dont actually know that the fonts are corrupt or not i tried reinstalling the fonts sometimes it...

Turn off anti-aliasing for fonts in Flash?

Flash can use 2 types of fonts such that they can be changed at runtime by actionscript. system fonts - NOT anti-aliased so renders fast embedded fonts - anti-aliased so renders slow The problem with "system fonts" is that you can't rotate the text. Can I use embedded fonts AND turn off the anti-aliasing so it renders fast? ...

Flash Custom Font with Dynamic Text Field

I am creating a textfield using this code: window_title = p.createTextField("border"+diepixWindow.NextBorderDepth, p.getNextHighestDepth(), wx1+TITLE_OFFSETX, wy1+TITLE_OFFSETY, ww, 64); var fformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); fformat.font = "TF2 Build"; fformat.size = 36; window_title.setTextFormat(fformat); window_titl...

What fonts are included with which operating systems?

Is there a decent resource anywhere listing the fonts included with Mac OS X and (post-XP) Windows? ...

Font metrics in Flash/AS3

I have a project coming up where I'll be rendering text paths on a circle; the text has to be dynamic, so I can't just bring in a precomputed set from illustrator. Now, laying text on a circle ought not be too hard, I'll do it per character with per character rotation. The trouble is, I can't seem to figure out how to get per-character ...

@font-face and font-variant bad idea?

if i use @font-face font and font-variant: small-caps for the same selector the font will fallback to the next system default font in safari. how do i get around that? ...

C# - Design-related dispose question (take two)

I asked a question earlier today, but I think I need to approach it in a different way (on top of that there was a "hang up" in regards to DataSet). Here's a class that encapsulates the creation of a Font (in other words, it is reading data from an xml file and is creating a font, at runtime, based on what it reads from that file): pub...

Rasterizing Java Fonts

Exposition: I'm writting an OpenGL app in Java via JOGL. The built in fonts with GLUT are very basic. I want to be able to take a Java Font, render all the characters in it to a 2D array of bytes (a greyscale image representing the characters), which I can then load as a texture in OpenGL. Problem: I can load the textures in OpenGL; I...