
Java Font Rendering

I have been attempting to enhance my GUI system written in Java to use subpixel antialiasing and have been successful, except for two remaining anomalies. This is a follow on to my other question from a few weeks ago. The first problem is that setting rendering hints KEY_ANTIALIASING to VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON causes KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING t...

Java - Get font file as a File object or get its path

Hello , I have a Font object in Java for a font file ... I need to convert that object to a File object or get the font file path ... So i can pass it to another method. Is there a way to do this ? Thanks ... ---------------------------------------------------------- Edit: More explanation : What i'm doing here is calling a method...

How to embed Helvetica font in PDF using iText?

How to embed Helvetica font in PDF using iText? Following does not work: BaseFont helvetica = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); Font font = new Font(helvetica, 20, Font.BOLD); That is, this will return false: font.getBaseFont().isEmbedded() Embedding works if I provide the TrueTyp...

Differing DPI [font sizes] in QWebView compared to all other QWidgets?

Hello, I have a QWebView which displays some HTML content and I used CSS to style the text: body { font-size: 10pt; } The window with the QWebView also has a QTextEdit field, for which I have set the font like this: QFont newFont; newfont.setPointSize(10); myEditField->setFont(newFont); Unfortunately, the text displayed in the QWe...

Java Font Rendering (Redux) - Must general AA really be turned off for subpixel AA?

I have been attempting to enhance my GUI system written in Java to use subpixel antialiasing and have been successful, except for one remaining anomaly. This is a follow on to my other question from yesterday. The remaining problem is that setting rendering hints KEY_ANTIALIASING to VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON causes KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING to be ...

how to determine keystroke for a given character in Wingdings font in charmap?

I basically want how to easily determine the keystroke value of a Wingdings character? Looks like a very old version of Charmap used to have this functionality but no longer from what I see in Windows 7 version of the tool:

Get list of supported fonts in ITextSharp

I'm working with ITextSharp for a project and am looking for a reasonable way to get a string list of different fonts it has available for use. I thought maybe I could just use reflection and loop over a class of available fonts, but there does not seem to be an easy way to do this. What I really want to do is provide a drop down of av...

Proportional-Width fonts that are easy on the eyes AND yield good OCR.

I'd like recommendations on proportional-width fonts that are attractive and easy to read, but which are also easy to process with OCR. I'd love to push my OCR results from acceptable to excellent without having to throw every decent, proportional-width font out the door. Fonts I've ruled out include OCR-A (monospaced and horrid), OCR-B...

Dynamic Font Scaling CSS

I love using the MS fonts for Vista, they're great. However they're several points smaller than the common failsafe fonts, meaning a website optimized for the Vista fonts won't look nice for people with older fonts. The problem is described in this old article: It's been 3 years sinc...

How to serve gziped an otf font using htaccess+php.ini? (no mod gzip or deflate)

Im asking this here cause if i try more i think im going to lose my mind for sure it seems i can't use php_value or php_flag but linking a php.ini using suPHP_ConfigPath works (for php files) here's a list of stuff i tried in random order: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .otf AddType default_mimetype application/vnd.oasis.opendocumen...

Java automatically adjusting to the Windows 7 font size adjustment

In Windows 7, if you change the font size via the Control Panel->Appearance and Personalization -> Display "Make text and other items larger or smaller", it adjusts not only the menu sizes, but also the text content size of apps like Notepad, Wordpad, Firefox. Is there a way to get Java to automatically scale the font without having to...

avoid the auto increase font size c#

Hi, I am using MasterPage and using using a CSS in master page. My problem is in its content page, I have a messgage box comes up in some condition resulting FONT SIZE INCREASE. I do not have any font specification in my content page. I do not know how my content page font size change when I click on "OK" to my message box. Please sugg...

Weird font rendering in Netbeans on Linux

I installed NetBeans 6.8 on Linux (Mint, based on Ubuntu 9.10) and I can see that font rendering is very weird. Fonts in NetBeans are just so thin unlike any other program, be it gEdit, Eclipse, Firefox, or whatever. Does anyone know if it's possible to make fonts in NetBeans look bolder? Bonus question: AFAIK both Eclipse and NetBean...

Baseline inconsistency in fonts between Firefox/Mac and Safari/Mac or Firefox/Win

Noticing a strange rendering anomaly in Firefox 3.5/3.6 (haven't tried other versions) in Mac OS X. Looking around, I've seen similar issues reported and addressed, but most were surrounding CSS line-height being set to normal as opposed to a unit measurement. Take the following code: <style> h1{ background-color:#f00; ...

Font substitution in Ghostscript

Hi, Does anyone know if there is a way to do a global font substitution in Ghostscript. I can identify and substitute fonts on an individual basis using the font map but I would like to have it replace everything automatically if not found. I am using Ghostscript in an automated environment and would prefer to have the output be incor...

Best font size for Latex Beamer

Hi Stackoverflow - I am preparing a presentation in latex using the beamer package. I am wondering what font size "pros" who give a lot of presentations use to make sure people in the back of the room can see. The default font size seems a bit small to me. Thanks, Setjmp ...

Problems when i using GetTextExtentExPoint to calculate the extent of a string.

I created a font object and selected it into the device content, then calculate the extent of the string using WIN32 API GetTextExtentExPoint, but the extent i got is the extent while using system default font. For example, when i using system default font, the extent of the string is 36 pixel width and 16 pixel height, and 72 pixel widt...

How to disable bold (font weight) globally in emacs?

I hate bold text while coding. Is it possible to disable bold text (and underline) in every single file and emacs's interface? ...

What fonts are available on Android?

I know that android has a collection of fonts specifically designed by Ascender for Google, but what other fonts are available? I'm looking for a list like this one or even better this one. ...

Outline Font with Color in Center

Here's my challenge. I need to have paragraph text be readable on mild image backgrounds. This is easily achieved with CSS3's text-shadow. Unfortunately IE does not support this. I thought my best bet was to find a font with outline and use that. I realize too late now that fonts with outline have ONLY an outline, and no inside filling....