
Embedding all font glyphs in an external font.swf

I need access to a range of font glyphs for a localized flash application. I am using Myriad Pro which supports character sets such as Greek and others. Is it possible to embed all font glyphs by simply adding the font to the library and checking the option Export for Actionscript? ...

how is the sarcmark implemented?

These people are selling a proprietary exclamation mark for sarcasm, and without going through the Unicode standardisation process, are proposing that it's possible to download this mark (in what format it's not completely clear), and use it in your written communications (to what extent it's not clear). My question is what exactly is be...

wx.Font uses a facename & PIL.ImageFont uses a filename... Is there any way to relate the two??

Hey guys, sorry but this is going to be a big one.. ;) I'm running into an annoying little snag right now. I'm creating an RSS-style app for work which will be placed on some large LCD displays across the office. The basic concept is to have a client/server setup where the user would use a custom editor to create the individual articles...

fonts not being embedded Flash CS4 AS3

Hi Maybe you can help me with a problem I am having. The URL of the project is: It is a Drupal-powered, AMFPHP-connected AS3 web app. The data goes through to Flash with no problems, I have verified that UTF-8 is fine and all. The problem can be better seen in these URLs: http://www.maurici...

Cufon line-height problem

Hi, When I apply line-height in CSS or in javascript, it does not do it. And if I apply in the script, I get the following error. Error: missing : after property id Line: 26, Column: 44 Source Code: Cufon.replace('#header .lists li a', {line-height: '120%;', font-size: '120%'}); javascript $(document).ready(function() { Cufon....

How can I change fonts of elements between html tags in Emacs

I have this in my .emacs: (set-frame-font "Consolas-10") and I also tried this: (set-frame-font "Consolas-10") But the font between the <h2>tags are not Consolas (or maybe Italic Consolas): How can I change the font of elements between html tags (or disable italics, bold, etc.)? ...

how can i resize font of div by resizing the div using jQuery?

hello every one, can anyone please help me, how to resize font size by resize event of div using jquery ui plugin? html : <div>my testing data</div> script : $('div').resize(); //this function is called from resize plugin of ui jquery i want to increase font size by resizing the div. ...

How to part single SVG image containing many fonts

Hello guys, First of all I am not a designer. so this question is may be too easy OR even worse not a proper question at all. Anyways, I have downloaded free fonts from GoSquared (link) which provides all fonts in single SVG file. So, is there any standard way or tool to convert this single SVG files into individual icon's svg/png fi...

Flash HTML text not showing

Hi, I'm trying to display HTML text in a text field on the stage, but the text formatting doesn't show. I am embedding all font variations in the library (arial bold and arial regular) and I even have dynamic text fields on the stage that embed arial bold and arial regular. Still, this code does not display bold text: myField.htmlText ...

How can I find out why PIL isn't drawing the font correctly?

Here's the code I'm using: from PIL import Image import ImageFont, ImageDraw import sys import pdb img ="RGBA",(300,300)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) font = ImageFont.truetype(sys.argv[1],30) draw.text((0,100),"world",font=font,fill="red") del draw[2],"PNG") and here's the image that results: ( for some r...

Using jQuery animate CSS opacity fade and @font-face gives Internet Explorer very ugly font rendering?

Hello. I'm working on a site with HTML/CSS/jQuery that is trying to act like a Flash site. I've had to use @font-face to get the desired font to work. The client wants the fade in of text and content too (so it looks like the Flash file). The problem is, the font's look jagged and ugly in Internet Explorer. My CSS for the font face loo...

Font Embedding in Flexbuilder Vs. CS4

I have an all-AS3 Flex project in which I embed fonts. I'm trying to run this project from CS4. However, for some reason the text isn't showing up at all. The code in the Flex AS3 looks like this: [Embed(source='C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/ArialBD.TTF', fontWeight = 'bold', fontName='ArialBold', unicodeRange='U+0020-U+0020,U+0021-...')] //a ...

how to get all fonts using jquery?

Can you please tell me how to get all fonts using jquery? ...

Can I get the kerning value of two characters using PIL?

Is it possible to get the kerning value of two characters in a font using PIL? ...

How to change font of a menu item to regular from bold?

Hello I want to change font of a menu item from bold to regular. I looked few API's like ModifyMenu SetMenuItemInfo but looks like there is no direct API to change the font. Any suggestions whats the easiest and best way to do that. ...

How to write grey text on edit box?

Hi I want to set some text on my edit box, but it should be greyed. Is there some way to do that? I am not able to find the proper API for this. Any suggestions? ...

third font in font family is significantly larger

For my website I have chosen to use some pretty obscure fonts in my font family. The most well known font (3rd in family) is Century Gothic, which most computers have. font-family:Tw Cen MT,Gill Sans,Century Gothic,sans-serif; The problem is that 12px font in century gothic is far bigger than a 12px font in Tw Cen MT & Gill Sans. IF a...

Using iTextSharp to save to file the fonts used in a PDF file

This is pretty much a duplicate of this unanswered question, but hopefully someone in the know is watching now and can be helpful. I'm looking for the ability have some .NET code extract the font embedded in a PDF to a font file. I'm currently using iTextSharp, but I'm open to other .NET libraries (e.g. PDFBox, PDF CLown, etc...). I'm ...

Java Swing Font Chooser

In my Java Swing application I want to allow the user to pick their font. To my surprise there is no core swing library to pick fonts. I expected to find a JFileChooser but there is no such utility. This seems like a simple dialog that I'm sure exists out there. I do not really want to write it myself. I looked around on the internet an...

How to include font to clickOnce installation

Is there any way to include font to a clickOnce installation of a winforms application in visual studio. The program that we are developing requires a font that is not installed in windows by default. ...