
Editing true type fonts

In typical Persian fonts which are True Type, there is a historical problem with yeh and kafs, since these fonts are created for Windows 98, which didn't include full Persian support, and now, we have 2 kind of Kafs: Keheh(0x6a9, ک), and Arabic Kaf(0x643, ك), and 2 kind of Yehs: Farsi Yeh(0x6cc, ی), and Arabic Yeh(0x64a, ي). Old fonts us...

@font-face in it ok?

On my website, my font family is Tw Cen MT, Gill Sans, Century Gothic, sans-serif. Obviouisly, not everyone is going to have Tw Cen MT, so I have chosen to try out the @font-face method. Here is my css: @font-face { font-family: Tw Cen MT; src: local("Tw Cen MT"), url(fonts/TwCenMT.ttf) } A few questions: Will this work in all m...

installing _imagingft

It seem that some of my problems with working with fonts, are due to the luck of _imagingft module. how can I install it? what are the steps ...

Animating a font size change in a UITableView

Hey Simple little app for educational purposes, its a simple uitableview and I want users to be able to use a uislider to adjust the font size as needed. The code I have now works to change the font but only when the view is updated, ie when i pull up or down the table view to reveal other cells. I'd like the font change to be reflected ...

Century Gothic Font Usablility Question

Over the past few days, Ive asked a few questions to solve my font problem. I was using a variety of obscure fonts for my design. I was using @font-face, and trying to figure out ways of making my backup fonts in the family change size if they were used. It has been way too complicated, and I have decided to simplify things and use a mor...

How can I use multiple combinations of font styles in VB.NET?

If I want to set my Font I can use new Font=("Times New Roman", 12, Drawing.FontStyle.Bold) Instead of Bold, I can use Italic, Regular or Underline. But I want to make use of Bold and Italic at the same time. How can I do this? ...

convert font to string and back again

Hello, i have an application where my user changes font and font color for different labels etc and they save it to a file but i need to be able to convert the font of the specified label to a string to be written to file, and then when they open that file my program will convert that string back into a font object. How can this be done...

PDF: is this a valid font name ? - #82l#82r#82o#83S#83V#83b#83N

I am using a PDF converter library to embed fonts in a PDF file. However there is a problem with some documents (japanese?) where the library cannot recognize a fontname correctly /FontName /#82l#82r#82o#83S#83V#83b#83N is this a valid name for a font ? If yes - could someone give me a reference ? ...

UIWebView to use customer font TTF

I want to use use a customer ttf font as the Web View's default font. the html documents i wish to display using UTF8 characters and they needs a special font ttf to display. btw, they are unicode characters on mac, i could change my default font to that xyz.ttf. on iphone safari i could not set default font for fallback. so, i am creati...

@font-face and font-size

The idea in the following is the first @font-face is for Firefox, the second for IE, and Arial for anything else that can't make sense of the first two. Its all working except for I want to give a different size in the case of Arial, and haven't figured out the syntax to do that. @font-face { font-family: Tribeca; src: url("Tribec...

Unusual Font Conversion

Hi All, I have the following string in a file, and it needs to be converted back to a Font object. But I'm not sure how to do this one: font string: [Font: Name=Segoe UI, Size=14, Units=3, GdiCharSet=1, GdiVerticalFont=False] I appreciate any help at all, thank you bael ...

Is @font-face usable now?

I have to use a fancy font in a project but I'd really like to avoid sifr and other ugly alternatives so I'm looking at @font-face. However, I'm really confused with several blog/sites offering different views on its usability. Is is ready yet? Which browsers support it today? Thanks ...

Problem rendering non-English unicode text using freetype font on OpenGL

I am currently following NeHe tutorial lesson 43 ( The code works satisfactorily only for English text, not Unicoded languages. Fortunately, I follow a link from NeHe lesson 43 to and found another identical tutorial sam...

What's the unicode glyph used to indicate combining characters?

My application needs to display "orphaned" combining characters. I would like to use the same format as the "official" unicode charts, using the dotted circle placeholder. See, for example: Combining Diacritical Marks (PDF) A quick scan through the charts and I came up with U+25CC "DOTTED CIRCLE". That looks good, but the note on thi...

Swing: TableCellRenderer that uses boldface for some of the cells

Simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere online. How do you use a custom TableCellRenderer to render some of the table cells in boldface? I know how to use TableCellRenderer to set the background color on a cell-by-cell basis. You do something like: public class MyTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRender...

Get fontfile from a given font name

Hi I'm trying to get the file corresponding to a given system font, e.g: In my system I have the font "Algerian" with the corresponding file "C:\Windows\Fonts\ALGER.TTF", and the font Batang, with the file "C:\Windows\Fonts\batang.ttc". I've seen a couple of posts saying that I can do this by iterating the fonts folder and extracting t...

How to convert EOT font to TTF

Does somebody know a font conversion utility which is able to convert EOT fonts to ttf? ...

Embedding fonts into Adobe AIR application

Hello, everyone! Here's another issue with HTML-based Adobe Air application I am developing at the moment. The question is whether I can embed custom font into my application. If it is possible, then, how do I do this? I have my custom font file in app:/fonts directory, Firefox displays text correctly using this font when I'm viewing...

Font-lock running excessively in Xemacs with mmm-mode

I've started using MMM-mode in XEmacs for working with php/html blended pages. Normally, this works just fine, but I opened a file just now that was around 500 lines entirely enclosed in <?php ?> tags, and every single time I type a key inside, the entire thing refontifies. Before I started using mmm-mode, font locking happened on a pe...

Readable Font that is Web Safe

In a web app I work with from time to time the issue of text readability has come up. The reason is that it involves passwords which will be read off of the web page or written down. One of my co-workers pointed out the Crystal font as one that is designed to be unambiguous ("l" and "1" aren't confused, "0" and "O", etc), but I'm prett...