
Is possible to set the TextRenderingHint to be used for a whole application?

Hello, I wanto to use antialiased fonts in a C# application. I have read here how can be done with the Paint event of each form: public class SmoothingFonts : System.Windows.Forms.Form { ... private void InitializeComponent() { ... this.Paint += this.SmoothingFonts_Paint; } private void Smoothing...

How do I load external fonts into an HTML document?

How do I load external font files into an HTML document. Example: Make the text "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" a custom font from a TTF file in the same directory using HTML CSS and/or JAVASCRIPT ...

Font size differences between VB6 and VB.NET

When setting a point 10 font size in VB6: Me.FontName = "Verdana" Me.FontSize = 10 Debug.Print Me.FontSize The reported font size is 9.75. However, when the same is done in VB.NET: Me.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", 10) Console.WriteLine(Me.Font.Size) The reported size is 10. Can someone explain the difference here? My hu...

TreeView text clipped if font changed from bold to regular

I have a WinForms TreeView. The TreeView represents a summary of more detailed views and one of the visual cues I am using is to make a node's text bold or regular. The trouble is, if you change a node's font from regular to bold it clips the text as if it is trying to fit the bold text in the space for the regular text. A bit of browsi...

How to display currency symbols in blackberry application?

i am not able to display some of the currency symbols like afghani("\u060B"), kip("\u20AD"), in blackberry application. Am i missing something? ...

How to draw vertical text in Windows GUI?

I need to draw a column of vertical text (in Japanese language - it is drawn top-to-bottom instead of left-to-right) in my native C++ Win32 GUI application. I've looked through MSDN and only found how to draw right-to-left text. How do I output top-to-bottom text except drawing each character separately? ...

Old Mac extended attributes in Snow Leopard

Last year I had to convert and old Mac font from around OS 9 for someone to use on a PC. I discovered that back then the font data was stored in the extended attribute The actual file size will show up as 0 in terminal. I was able to get around this by simply printing out the value of that extended attribute using...

I am using Cufon hack on wordpress not working

I am trying to use Cufon on my wordpress, to stop the delayed appearance, I am trying to use the hack withing my page but its not working, i am using FireFox 3.5.7 for testing purpose, Can someone point me out where I am going wroong. ...

I can't edit selected text foreground color in Visual Studio 2010. Anyone know how to do this?

Let me show you: As you can see "Item foreground" is disabled. I want to believe there's something wrong on my end because being able to choose the colors you use to program in is a basic right for a programmer. No one should ever take that feature away and go unpunished. ...

Farsi/Arabic number to be outputed properly.

Ok, may be you think this dup question but I swear its not. lol You have a file that outputs as such: <div id="first">1</div> 2 <div id="third"> <? $i = 3; echo(i) ?> </div> Which outputs: 1 2 3 Now if I want to have an output as below: ? ? ? Well, I was hoping I could put Arabic/Farsi version of 1,2,3 instead of '?'. This ...

What would cause a Cocos2d iPhone font to only showing 2/3rds of the letter/number?

I am trying to use this font in a cocos2d iPhone game. The font only shows 2/3rds of the letter/number. If I open the text editor installed with OS X and use the font, the letters appear fine. Any ideas to what may be wrong? Here's the code snippet showing how I display a string using the font: CCLabel* number = [CCLabel labelW...

Clarification what exactly CSS font-size measures

I'm reading CSS the definitive guide by Eric Meyer 3rd edition. His section on font-sizes (page 107) states that font size determines the em box. If I do: span { font-size: 10px; } Does it set exactly the horizontal and the vertical of the em box to 10px? He refers to the measurement as being the distance between baselines. I guess ...

How to find, with Java, if a certain font is installed correctly on a machine

I have a PC notebook running Win Vista, when I first bought it, certain Chinese fonts won't show up, I could only see rectangles, but I played with the control setting for a while, changed some properties, and now it shows Chinese fonts correctly, but I don't remember what I did. Now some of my programs displays both English and Chinese...

GetTextExtentPoint32 equivalent on Mac OS X

I am working on a cross platform library that needs to draw text using fonts into a device context. The width of the text combined with the user selected font is proving difficult to calculate. In Windows we use BOOL GetTextExtentPoint32(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR lpString, int cbString, LPSIZE lpSize) this works without problem. On Mac OS X we u...

what technology would you use to build a webapp that requires the use of a special font?

I'm planning a webapp. I have all the wireframes defined, the interfaces designed in photoshop, data structures etc. It will be built on php and mysql however I've been unable to decide on which technology to use as a GUI. All your insights are welcome. The problem with going the html way is that the GUI makes use of a special font that...

Courier New with slashed 0 (zero) and distinct 1 (one)

Possible Duplicate: Recommended Fonts for Programming? Courier New is perfect (for me) for programming. Except that it really needs a slashed 0 (zero) and distinct 1 (one) vs l (letter l). Is there a recompile of the font with these features? (edit: this question is about Courier New :) (edit 2: Stack Overflow failed me he...

Cufon.refresh() don`t work in IE8

Hello, I need to refresh Cufon fonts after getting AJAX data. Unfortunately simple Cufon.refresh() don`t work in IE8. Debugger says, tah the line 1191 sStyle.width = roundedShapeWidth; has Invalid argument. How to fix it? ...

Change font size of UISegmentedControl

Can anyone please tell me how can I change the font type and size of UISegmentedControl? Thanks, Aashutosh ...

How does font fallback work on a non-Windows OS?

I have been reading a lot of documentation on how to create an internationalised ASP.NET application, using C# 3.5. They all seem to give the general impression that font fallback and font linking will make font choice a non-issue. However, the documentation I have seems to imply that it will be fine on Windows, but doesn't mention othe...

No effect when changing java filename mapping

I have been playing with the file for a java 1.6 application. I wrote a simple program to create a window with some text written in a text area. Here is the testing code. JFrame myFrame = new JFrame(); myFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); myFrame.setSize(200, 200); Container contentPane = ...