
How to relayout content of NSTextView so that my tab characters are drawn with width of 4 characters

I'm working with an NSTextView and one of the requirements I have is that a tab character, '\t', shall have the same width as four spaces. So the text-content would look like this: AAAA AAAA - 1 tab AAAA - 4 spaces And this is how I accomplish this: // done when NSTextView first loaded and when // delegate's textDidBeginEdit...

WPF XAML - Could not create an instance of type 'GlyphTypeface'. at design time.

I'm trying to visualize a XAML resource file at design time. When I merge the dictionary for the following XAML resource file into a XAML Window I get the error: Could not create an instance of type 'GlyphTypeface'. The problem line is: <GlyphTypeface FontUri="C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\TAHOMA.TTF" /> I have verified that the font exist in the...

Font looks different in IE than it does in Firefox and Chrome...why?

Hi, I am creating a website and the font looks different in IE (it's larger) than it is in Firefox and Chrome. Does anyone know why? And how do I fix it in IE? Here's my code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""&...

How can I bundle a font with my .net winforms application ?

I'd like to use a non-standard font for my .net 3.0 Winforms application. This font might be installed on some of my user's computer, but it will clearly be missing on some others. How can I ship the font with my program ? Do I need to install the font ? If so, is the lack of administrator privileges going to be an issue? ...

GWT default style IE font size

Hello, I am using standard GWT (2.0.1) to make an internet app and i have this wierd issue with huge fonts (edit: well, larger than normal) with the default style in IE 7 & 8, while FF, Chrome and Safari are displaying fonts correctly. At first i thought it must be on error on my side (i use UiBinder with some custom css) but then I not...

Rotate text - Managed DirectX (C#)

Hi there I am currently developing a little application with a highly-dynamic GUI which needs a lot of refreshing and drawing. To archive this, I am using managed DirectX. I successfully painted a little string in a specific font to specific coordinates, but I have no idea on how I could rotate the drawn text... Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Font in 'GraphicsPath.AddString' is smaller than usual font

For some reason if I add a string to GraphicsPath using AddString the font is going to be smaller than it looks like in the Font Dialog. SizeF sz = g.MeasureString(Text, new Font(Font.FontFamily, (int)(Font.Size - (Font.Size / 7)), Font.Style), new PointF(0, 0), StringFormat.GenericDefault); this.Size = new Size((int)sz.Width, (int...

Disappearing characters in cairo font rendering

I use cairo to render a simple text onto a cairo surface. I use a freetype font for that (Vera.ttf if that matters). It works, but sometimes characters disappear from the output. In fact only the numbers. I drew a text 'Demostream 1..' and sometimes the '1' disappears from the output and I have absolutely no idea why. The number is defit...

air: Problem. No text showing up in compiled air app

i've been testing a small Air app on different systems and found out that on one of these systems text does not show up, at all. Other (older) applications are fine, but this one does not display any text. I've been frantically trying to solve this with text embedding. To no avail. Could the system be missing a font? system: air 1.5.2...

Bold and regular font in dynamic text under a mask In Flash with AS3

Hi all ! I have this text "my text is <b>bold</b> and regular". I want "<b>bold</b>" to be... well, let's say... bold ! I have a mask layer under which there is a text field. The text field shows htmlText, and i must embed chars. If not embedded, it doesn't display because of the mask. So the solution of importing 2 user fonts ( one ...

Changing font using a font dialog c#

Can anyone tell me how I can change the font using a font dialog. I'm trying to get it so either the selected text changes or if no text is selected only the font after the marker gets changed (not the whole textbox). This is what I have so far. Thanx private void menuFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fontDialog...

How to use external fonts?

Hello, Is it possible to use a font directly from resources in Delphi and how? I have a problem with the very first steps.Example I cannot include Segoe UI Light font in resources of a project,an exception occurs.And that is only if the file's extension is 'ttf'. If the written above is not possible then how do I use an external font ...

Flex and embbed fonts shared library

Hi , I have a question regarding flex and embed fonts , i want to have a library of embed fonts that will have about 30 different fonts . Is there any way i can only load the fonts that i use? ( dynamicaly ) Thanks ...

multilingual application, which font sets to embed in flash?

Hi Building a multilingual application that should work with the most prevalent global alphabets but confused as to which font sets I should embed. For instance for Chinese there is Traditional Level 1, Simplified,Traditional (all). and Chinese (all). For Japanese there is Kani, Kanji, and All. ...

How to create smooth headlines with HTML and CSS?

I saw a lot of web pages recently, that have very smooth headlines, like this website for example: How do they go about to do that? Are there any hidden clues? At one point I heard from a technique where they used Flash (I think) to embed custom fonts onto a website and then replace normal headlines with this flas...

LaTeX font in Postscript document

Hello, I am starting off with Postscript, and would like to do something very simple: include a LaTeX symbol within my Postscript document. For example: %! /FontSize 12 def newpath 0 0 moveto ("Hello \LaTeX") show % This is where I would like % the rendering of \LaTeX % with actual LaTeX fo...

Flash TextField, dynamic size

I'm building text balloons to display variable length messages in Flash. My question is pretty simple, though the answer may not be. I have: The string I want to display. The font information. The width/height ratio I want the text field to have. How do I calculate the width and height of the text field it needs to display the text ...

Which web-safe fonts are more readable to eyes as a body text? Which web-safe fonts should not be used?

Which web-safe fonts are more readable to eyes as a body text? Which web-safe fonts should not be used? What should be the minimum font size of <p>body text</p> for better readability? What font size should we use for <H1/2/3/4/5/6>, <p> <ul>, <ol>? Should we use same font-size for <p>, <ul>, <ol> and <th> <td>? What would be the bala...

Will I have copyright problems with Microsoft if I add Microsoft YaHei Bold Font in my commercial webpage? (using CSS3)

Will I have copyright problems with Microsoft if I add the @font-face CSS3 property in my commercial webpage with the font: "Microsoft YaHei Bold" (The Cleartype Chinese font for Windows Vista).? ...

How to Get Font Properties from a Font File Name?

I'm trying to use Linq to loop through all fonts in the %windir%\Fonts folder and find the one that has a property title of "Arial" (or any Font Family name supplied), but I can't seem to access the font properties (things like "Title", "Font style", "Designed for", etc.). The following is only giving me the basic file info: Dim f...