
Can't access font resource in Silverlight class library

I have a reasonably large Silveright 3.0 project on the go, and I'm having issues accessing a couple of custom font resources from within one of the assemblies. I've got a working test solution where I have added a custom font as a resource, and can access it fine from XAML using: <TextBlock Text="Test" FontFamily="FontName.ttf#Font Na...

tooltip font in wpf

Hi everybody. Does anybody know how to change the font of tooltip for ui elements? ...

How can I add barcode support to html2ps?

We are using the html2ps Perl script to convert HTML to PostScript. I know it's not the best solution but this is what the developers here did (it was before my time). Now we need to implement support for barcode fonts that is showing each HTML and needs to be shown in each converted PostScript file. How do you do this? ...

Problem with Freetype and OpenGL

Hey, i'm having a weird issue with drawing text in openGL loaded with the Freetype 2 library. Here is a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Here are my code bits for loading and rendering my text. class Font { Font(const String& filename) { if (FT_New_Face(Font::ftLibrary, "arial.ttf", 0, &mFace)) { cout << "UH OH...

How to setup custom font in emacs?

I would like to use Proggy font for my programming in Emacs. How can I set it up? Please note it is a bitmap font. ...

WPF definition of FontSize

I know that in WPF, FontSize = 1/96 of an inch (same as 1 pixel I think). Is the FontSize dimension the height, the width, or diagonal size of a character? I would guess it's the font height, but the Microsoft documentation doesn't really indicate what it is. Also, is there an easy way to get the height and width of a font size? Answ...

Get selected font size/style

What API call is there to get the current front size and style of text? for example, If selected font is DEFAULT_GUI_FONT how would you know its size and style (Bold, Italic etc.)? ...

CSS + FONT + Image replacement

I stumbled on a site yesterday and forgot to bookmark the url. I'm stumped though because google is not helping me trace my steps. The site was basically a text to image converter for preserving your specific fonts in the browser. What made this one unique was that the text was fully selectable, however what was being displayed was th...

A set of typefaces that cover the whole Unicode character range

Does anybody know a set of typefaces that altogether cover the whole Unicode character range? we know that it is impossible to display all unicode characters using just one or two fonts. But probably, we can find a set of fonts using them the whole Unicode range could be displayed. Does anybody have any experience? Thank you so much in ...

Custom fonts via CSS 3 - how to make it look the same across browsers?

Hi, I'm trying to use the Delicious font via CSS 3's @font-face property, but unfortunately the rendered text looks pretty indifferent across browsers. Are there some tricks or general guidelines to make it look the same? Also, it seems that there's no AA in TTF's, but with OFT there is. Why? ...

How to retain Windows-like appearance of Java GUI in Fedora

Hi all, I'm using Netbeans 6.7.1 on Windows. I created a Java application using Swing. When I run the same application in my Fedora Core OS, the appearance becomes dull, the fonts and the spacing change. How do I avoid this - as the GUI is of prime importance to my application. Please help.. ...

how to retain windows-like appearance of java GUI in fedora

Hi all, I'm using netbeans 6.7.1 on windows. I created a jframe application . When i run the same application in my fedora core OS , the appearance becomes dull , the fonts and the spacing change.. How to avoid this - as the GUI is of prime importance to my application. Please help.. ...

Generate image for each font on a linux system using Python

Hello, I'm looking for a way to list all fonts installed on a linux/Debian system, and then generate images of some strings using these fonts. I'm looking for your advice as I kind of see how to do each part, but not to do both: To list all fonts on a UNIX system, xlsfonts can do the trick: import os list_of_fonts=os.popen("xslfonts"...

Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android)

I'm trying to define a GUI layout using XML files in Android. As far as I can find out, there is no way to specify that your widgets should use a custom font (e.g. one you've placed in assets/font/) in XML files and you can only use the system installed fonts. I know that, in the Java code, I could change the font of each widget manuall...

AS2 css font disappearing

I've inherited a project written in AS2. It programatically creates textfields and populates them. It refers to a stylesheet, and in that stylesheet is font-style:italic; Everything shows in italic just fine. But I've been asked to change it to normal. WHen I change it to font-style:normal; in the stylesheet, the text disappears. An...

Distributing fonts from PC to Mobile device

Hi, We have an application that allows a user to design a form and configure font properties, etc. The fonts presented are from their PC list of available fonts. This application is intended to deploy to a mobile device which will likely not have that font resident. My question involves any licensing issue that arises if we distribut...

embeding fonts or changing to safe font?

whats the better solution for embeding fonts problem? drink a lot of vodka and try to embed custom font on web site or just leave that idea and use some web safe font? ...

How to change the default font for a windows unicode locale / language

Hi, When I select a language from the language toolbar, windows automatically changes the input font to one with characters from that language. Is there are a way to change the default font to something else? Thank you for your help ...

What are some ways to speed up cufon's load time?

I'm using cufon for font replacement with jQuery for a site built on-top of drupal with a couple modules that tack on its own JS files. There seems to be a flicker in the text that I have cufon applied to. I'm profiling my JS in firebug and it looks like cufon is taking forever to load. A couple things that I've tried: adding cufon....

Xcode 3.2 fonts are too bold on dark backgrounds

I just upgraded from Xcode 3.1.4 to 3.2.1. Previously I've been using the Dusk color theme. After the upgrade I noticed that the fonts on this theme seem much bolder that for other default themes, even though they all use the same font type and size (Menlo Regular - 11). It seems that Xcode makes the font a little wider as you change the...