
How to change the font and font size in ttk::button (themed widgets)?

How do you change the font and font size in the themed button widget (ttk::button)? ttk::button .x.buttonTEST -text "TEST" -font ?? # the -font option is not valid with ttk::button ...

Remove font size in TinyMCE

Hi How can I remove certain font size options from the font size selector in TinyMCE? Regards Johan ...

Is it possible to embed a TTF or OTF font file in a C++ application?

Is it possible to embed a TTF or OTF font file in a C++ application so that application can use it without installing it on target machine? Any thoughts are welcome. (target platforms are going to be Windows and Macintosh). Purpose: Font is a private one and should not be available to the users. ...

Get width of a single character from ttf-font in php?

Hello I'm creating an dynamic image, which creates headers on my page using PHPs GD-library. The problem is, that I need a line-wrapping system. It's not a problem itself, but first I need to get the width (in pixels) of current character. I'm pretty curious about this, is there any way? Or do I need to manually specify width of every ...

How can I update fontconfig to a newer version in Red Hat 5.3?

I want to update fontconfig to a newer version but it seems that the OS is still finding the old fontconfig and I need the newer version to build qt. How do I make Red Hat 5.3 see the newer version? I do not know if this helps but when I did a search for fontconfig I found some files in a folder called cache. When I do yum update it t...

How to convert any text/font to its bezier path representation?

I have a bezier path library to draw complex bezier paths without problem. Now, I need to know how to read a text or font and extract its path information to draw it as a path instead of as text. I came across a C applicaiton, FontForge. It does exactly what I need, picks any font and extract its path information. But what I need to kno...

How to get width and height of string on the screen?

Lets say I've a string and some font (name, size, etc...). How to get width and height, measured in pixels, of such string displayed on the screen? ...

Strike-through font in objective C

Hi, How can I use strike-through font in objective C??? More specifically in UITableViewCell cell.textLabel.text = name; cell.detailTextLabel.text = quantity ; cell.XXX = ?? ...

What does the '@' mean when prefixed to Windows font face name?

With EnumFontFamiliesEx, I get two instances of some fonts, the second of which has '@' prefixed to the face name in the LOGFONT. For example, I get "MS PMincho" and "@MS PMincho". Yet for other fonts, I just get a single instance, like "Arial". What does the at-sign mean in this context? ...

Flex: embedded fonts not being applied correctly in Label and DataGrid

Folks, I am observing a problem with how an embedded font is applied to certain Flex components, namely mx:Label and mx:DataGrid. I have a CSS that declares three variations on an embedded font as follows: @font-face { src:url("buttons.swf"); font-family: "Arial"; } @font-face { src:url("buttons.swf"); ...

reasons to not use typekit?

I'm launching a new site soon and would like to use one nice font (for headings etc). I've experimented with scripts like cufon and find them very disappointing. The way I see it I have to legal options: create my own font stacks using fonts that are licensed for @font-face (like fontsquirrel) subscribe to typekit use standard font sta...

UISegmentedControl with custom prev/next buttons

Hey, I am trying to reach the following result here I know how to configure the segmented control but I was wondering how to get the same icons ... I tried to do it with photoshop but I just can't manage to achieve the same quality ! I heard there is a possibility to use the "Apple symbols font" available on Mac (which contains thes...

How do I render text with pixel heights rather than points in pyglet?

Pyglet only seems to use points. Is there a way to convert easily? Surely there must be a simple way because it's something obviously important, to be able to use pixels for text height. class Font(): def __init__(self,font,size): self.size = size self.font = font def return_surface(self,label): surface =...

Installing fonts

I have a difficult time trying to install Hebrew/Arabic fonts on my level 7 (API 2.1) or "Nexus emulator". After rw mount/remount I can do it for level 3 devices, but not for Nexus! Why? What can be done? People using real physical devices already got this to work on the hardware. That's what must be done for some of us: We need syste...

LaTeX - Making a lighter version of text, like anti-bold?

I'm making a LaTeX document for someone. A certain piece of text looks "bold" for them, even though I'm not using the \textbf command. It's just a normal default LaTeX font. Is there any command to make a 'lighter version', i.e. make the text lighter, thinner? Something that looks to normal text, what normal text looks to bold? ...

how to write programs using advanced OpenType features?

How could I write a simple program using OpenType tables in order to dynamically render text? please answer in : assembly , C , C++ , C# , java or Python (and a little WPF:-) or introduce libraries of them. comments and answers about text rendering system of common Operating Systems, or designing text engines compatible with unic...

Detecting ClearType-optimized fonts

Question: Is there a way to check if a given font is one of Microsoft's ClearType-optimized fonts? I guess I could simply hard-code the list of font names, since it's a relatively short list, but that seems a bit ugly. Would the font names be the same regardless of Windows' locale and language settings? Background: PuTTY looks reall...

Wingding chars in sql server 2005

Hi everybody! In a winforms application i 'm storing one Wingdings char in a SQL Server 2005 field of type NVARCHAR(1). Storing, retrieving and showing up this char in a control works fine. The problem i'm facing is this: how to search for records which have a specific wingding char value: for example Select * from table where FieldW...

UI fonts and languages

I am developing a multilingual web application that has a nice looking UI. I thought using CSS 3's font-face property to make it even nicer UI, but I'm not really sure if that's a good idea. According to some people I have talked to, different languages need different fonts. This means that there is no single font that can display charac...

Using a UIWebView, can I use a custom font?

I've seen all the talk on the web about the difficulty of using a custom font in iPhone OS. Is it possible, to load a font from within my bundle into the UIWebView component? EDIT: I saw it in the app called "Omer" by "Rusty Brick"... It seems to be a web view, because I see a delay and during the loading delay the custom area is white....