
Flex embedding 'condensed' typeface of a font

I am trying to embed different typefaces of a font and have a .otf for each of them. It looks like Flex only supports 'bold','italic'. But what do I do if I want to embed 'bold-condensed', 'regular-condensed' and 'black'. How would I achieve that? ...

Pygame Font not consistent

I'm working on a program in python+pygame with some other developers, and we're seeing the same font rendered differently. It's a free font that we're distributing with the game. On my machine, this particular font is rendering 10px lower than on another developer's machine. Any thoughts on why this is? ...

Why don't web fonts in Firefox work on a different domain?

I was experimenting with the fancy new OpenType font capability in Firefox 3.5 and I ran into a problem. I was trying to embed a font on a different domain than the page it would be used on, and it didn't work. I thought it may have been a bug, but from what I read on the MDC reference page, I noticed this note: In Gecko, web fonts a...

why both pdfbox and pdfrenderer can not support "Additional fonts"?

I have a pdf which contains 'UniCNS-UCS2-H' font, I tried both pdfbox and pdfrenderer, they all throw exception: Unknown encoding for 'UniCNS-UCS2-H' and this font was included in a font file :mingliu.ttc(it's a true type collection file, I don't know does this matter ? what can I do to let these two libraries support additional fonts...

Font size render in iphone

Hi everybody, i'm testing my website and is working fine on every browser, except for the iphone browser (i think it's safari mobile?) that renders a piece of text with a bigger font that the rest. I've checked the CSS by hands and using firebug on the page and i can confirm i've put the same size to all of them. How do i fix this? You ...

Font advance calculation problem on Blackberry OS 5.0

I am currently working on my own implementation of a tab bar for a BlackBerry app, where each tab bar has a title that is right aligned (i.e. the last character in each should be the same distance from the right hand side of the screen). To work out where to draw the text I am using the following calculation: screen width - advance of t...

Location of the fonts on the iPhone?

I'm using the FreeType2 library in an iPhone project, and I'm trying to simply load a TTF file from the system, if possible. FT_Library library; FT_Face face; int error; error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library ); if ( error == 0 ) printf("Initialized FreeType2\r\n"); /* Prints */ error = FT_New_Face(library, "/System/Library/Font...

iPhone Fonts: set small-caps

hi all, i'm branding an iphone app and the designer wants to display list items using Georgia. This is not a big deal, but he wants them do appear as small-caps.. is this possible to do in iPhone os3? ...

Set specific font in a styles.xml

Hi, I'm defining a style XML for my android app. I have some TTF files I want to use, how can I set the typeface to use those files as the font as opposed to the generic "sans", "serif" & "monospace". Thanks ...

fullCalendar Font size

Hi, I am having issues setting the calendar font sizes to be smaller. I have changed setting a container div font size, no effect. I have also changed the fullCalender.css font from 1em to 0.5em and to a px size but the calendar text stays the same. Is there anything obvious I am missing, sorry to post if this is very obvious but I hav...

How can I make my users automatically download the font I use for my website if they don't have it?

My website uses the font ff-clifford-eighteen-web-pro-1. I want all my text to be displayed using that font even for the users that don't have it installed on their machine. Is it possible? ...

How to use Calibri font?

I want use Calibri font for to display a text in a label. Can any one help how to use Calibri font. Thanks in advance. ...

Java Font Corruption Issue in ChemAxon JChem

Hello, I'm working with the ChemAxon JChem cheminformatics application to develop a web-based browsable and searchable chemical products catalog. I'm running into a serious issue regarding displaying of fonts inside of images generated by the Java web service that powers JChem. Here is the thread on ChemAxon's official support forum for...

Pango-WARNING **: failed to choose a font, expect ugly output.

I'm getting this error when starting anything that uses the Pango library. I'm using Kubuntu 9.10. I've done 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install' on libgtk* libcairo* libpango* and fontconfig, with no luck. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks. ...

wxPython: Load font from file

I'm making a wxPython app, and I want to use some non-standard font that I have on file. How do I do this? ...

CSS Font Border ?

With all the new CSS3 border stuff going on (-webkit...) is it now possible to add a border to your font ? (like the solid white border around the blue Twitter logo). If not, are there any not-to-ugly hacks that will accomplish this in CSS/XHTML or do I still need to fire up Photoshop ...

as3 formatting a textfield

Hi, I'm dynamically creating textfields in as3, and formatting them with the TextFormat class. I'm having some issues though with selecting the exact "style" of font to apply to the textfields. My code so far looks like: formatT = new TextFormat( ); formatT.bold = false; formatT.color = 0x000000; formatT.font = "TradeGoth...

calligraphy fonts on a website

if i want to have some text show up in a calligraphy font, how do i know how it will render of the users computer. How do i know what fonts that person has on the computer or does it matter? any good examples of doing this in css? would i be better off putting something together in photoshop and saving as an image? ...

Problem with Verdana when embedding as resource in Actionscript

Hey I'm usually creating 1 .as file per font and exports these .as files to swf's that I load in to my flash projects. This way I can choose what characters to embed. Now I tested copying my verdana ttf fontfiles from my Windows font folder and embedded this to create a Verdana swf fontfile. When I tested running this I tried with som...

PDF files created on iPad don't display correctly on Windows

My iPhone app creates PDF files (in Arial font). The plain iPhone 3.1.x version works great (other than the known issue that PDF files created on the iPhone can't be viewed correctly in Google Docs or on the BlackBerry). As I am updating my project for OS 3.2 and the iPad, it works just the same, and the PDF files still look great on th...