
How do you do font-embedding with cross-browser support and no Flash?

What's the best solution for embedding non-web fonts into a page without using Flash and still maintaining cross-browser support? Has anyone used any JavaScript libraries for this? Thanks. ...

CSS: set font weight depending on fallback font

I am trying to set the font-weight for an element based on the font that gets chosen. For example, I may be trying to do something like this: h1 { font-family: Arial Narrow, Impact, sans-serif; font-weight: ?; } Let's say I want the font-weight to be "bold" if the user has Arial Narrow installed on their system, but "normal" i...

Completely bizarre Firefox CSS bug

I've been doing front end development for a long time, and I have NEVER come across a bug like this before... Save the following HTML to a file and view it in Firefox (mine is 3.6.3): <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Helvetica, Sans-Serif;} h2 {font-weight: no...

Make ImageMagick recognize a font

I've been playing image generation on ImageMagick on Ubuntu 9.10. I want to be able to get it to recognize a font so that I may call it by it's "nickname". I can find the list of fonts ImageMagick recognizes by typing identify -list font In that list I see Times-Bold. Therefore convert -font Times-Bold label:abcdef times.gif will ge...

Flex 3 - Full unicode support fonts and CSS

Hi! I'm developping a web application that will be used either in Europe or in Asia (specially Japan -Hiragana, Kanji and Katana-, China and Korea). I'm using the following fonts: - ericssonga628.TTF - HelveticaNeueLTStd-Lt.otf - HelveticaNeueLTStd-LtEx.otf - HelveticaNeueLTStd-Bd.otf - HelveticaNeueLTStd-BdEx.otf When I tried t...

Adding a font for use in ReportLab

I'm trying to add a font to the python ReportLab so that I can use it for a function. The function is using canvas.Canvas to draw a bunch of text in a PDF, nothing complicated, but I need to add a fixed width font for layout issues. When I tried to register a font using what little info I could find, that seemed to work. But when I tr...

How can I find all the supported weights of a Font in Java?

How can I find all the available font weights for a given font in Java? The TextAttribute for font weight lists 11 different weight constants, way more than just Font.PLAIN and Font.BOLD. I'd like to know which ones actually exist for a given font family, so I can make sure I'm only using weights for which a font face exists. The getA...

WPF 4.0 Font Rendering Issue

I'm getting a weird rendering issue with WPF 4 applications in the way they render some of the text as it's stretching it and making it very narrow. .net 3.5: .net 4.0: At first I thought it could be a problem with the font, but I'm also seeing the same problem in the Blend 4 beta: I'm running XP SP3, Visual Studio 2010 Profess...

changing normal font to bold font

Hi, How can i change a normal font to bold font, Here the text should be selected and say by clicking the button(Bold) button. the selected text should become bold. ...

How to get Ghostscript to use embedded fonts in PDF

gs -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf I'm using (trying anyway) to use Ghostscript to reduce my PDF file size. The command above looks like it works, it reduces file size greatly, but then several of the fields are garbled. As for as I can track it down, ...

CSS - how can I handle the size difference between serif and sans-serif fonts?

I'm working on a WordPress that will allow the site administrator to switch between sans-serif and serif fonts. I'm trying to code the stylesheet in such a way that the font sizes are similar whether or not they choose Georgia vs Arial. The problem is that when I have it looking nice with a serif font, it looks WAY too big when in sa...

how to Enumerate local fonts in silverlight 4

Hi! I heard about silverlight 4 can use local fonts. So, is there a way fo enumerate them? I just want to have them shown into a listbox. Thanks you all! ...

display font with special characters - UTF-8

Hi, i am trying to display characters like £ on a device which runs under linux . it is using utf-8 charset format . when i get to display a string which contains special characters, it displays other characters too . if i print the string on the console it appears ok, but when i parse the string to load each letter font on the screen i...

Fonts in a multi-platform environment

What is the best way to deal with fonts in a multi-platform distributed system? If I want to use a common font across all systems to show to the user, what's the best way to do this. From the little I've been reading each platform looks to have fonts that are of the same family (ie serif, sans-serif) but with different names. CSS look...

Determine fonts used in postscript (.ps) file

Given a postscript file that has the following header %!PS-Adobe-3.0 I would like to list all fonts used in the file. The output does not have to be perfect, but I need to make sure I get all references to any font being used. I am aware there are different types of fonts, and that a font may or may not be embedded in the postscript f...

"É" not getting converted to two bytes correctly.

Further to this question I've got a supplementary problem. I've found a track with an "É" in the title. My code: var playList = new StreamWriter(playlist, false, Encoding.UTF8); - private static void WriteUTF8(StreamWriter playList, string output) { byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(output); foreach (byte b in byteA...

WOFF Fonts, what Are they and why should I care?

So mozilla has proposed a new webfont, i'm not really into that world, but i want to keep myself up2date. So whats the great thing since even Microsoft is backing it, why should I as a webdev care? Whats the difference from the old ones? Do we need another font system? In what situations should i use WOFF? Why not just stick to the exi...

@font-face and letter-spacing in webkit

I just discovered that letter-spacing doesn't always work in webkit (and perhaps other browsers?) when embedding fonts. I've tried it on two different fonts and received different results. "League Gothic Regular" will work "Quicksand Light" will not http://www.fontsquirrel...

How do I emulate Photoshop CS4 Smooth Font Rendering in Flash?

Any ideas about how to emulate Smooth font rendering option from Photoshop in Flash/Flex? I've tried different settings for advanced rendering (antiAliasType, gridFitType and friends) but not much luck so far. Any ideas?.. ...

Get list of fonts (Win32)

I want to make a combo box with all of the computer's installed fonts enumerated in it. I'm not sure how this is done. Do I need to access the registry to get this? Thanks ...