
Are all fonts will take same space on browser with same value?

Are all fonts size would be same with same value? for example p { font-family:Arial; font-size:12px} if i change Arial to any other font then will all fonts will render in same size as Arial render in 12px, in all browser? ...

Getting the vector points of a letter in a truetype font

Since True Type fonts are just vectors, I was wondering if there was a way to get the vectors (array of points) for a letter given that i'm using the WinAPI. Thanks ...

problem with sifr font arnold

I do not understand why I am trying to apply the SIFR font with Arnold: and it is not possible. Everything appears empty (or white). Can anyone help? I have a great need and it seems strange that it is not working given the ease of use. ...

Create a Font using strings pulled from a string table.

I am writing a tool to create an otf or ttc with only characters defined in our localized string table, so we can cut down memory usage. I already have the information for the Japanese characters we are using but I am unable to find an example of creating a new font based around these characters. Does anyone know of a good example or ev...

[ckeditor] apply font size using execCommand

Hi all, var wgetFrame = window.frames[0] wframeDoc = wgetFrame.document; editor.focus(); editor.execCommand('bold'); wframeDoc.execCommand('forecolor',false,'#00ff00'); wframeDoc.execCommand('JustifyCenter', false, null); wframeDoc.execCommand('fontsize', false, 15); (i use the code above as a plugin in CKEditor) bold, forecolor and...

c# performance- create font

I have performance issues in this code segment which I think is caused by the "new Font". Will it be faster if fonts are static/global ? if (row.StartsWith(TILD_BEGIN)) { rtbTrace.SelectionColor = Color.Maroon; rtbTrace.SelectionFont = new Font(myFont, (float)8.25, FontStyle.Regular); if (row.StartsWith(BEGIN) ) ...

WPF PresentationFontCache. What is this?

Hey Guys, I have .Net 3.5 SP1 with developement done in WPF. Whenver I run my WPF application I see a process named "PresentationFontCache" appears in my Process List (on Task Manager). The process, though appears harmless, actually resides in the memory even after the WPF application is closed. What is this process actually? What doe...

xhtmlrenderer xhtml to pdf font problem

Hi all, I'm using org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf.ITextRenderer to convert my (x)html page to pdf using Java. I've got most of it working, except the font part. I'm using verdana in my page and the pdf is rendered using default font. I have added the verdana.ttf to my jar and use the following code: DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFa...

producing pixel-identical images of text between Sun Java and OpenJDK

My release script produces images of the version number to save me the trouble of manually going into the MoinMoin wiki software and changing it by hand for each release. Unfortunately, since the fonts look a little different on each platform's JVM, the result is ugly. I solved the the font inconsistency by using Lucide Sans (comes with...

How does GetGlyphOutline function work? (WinAPI)

Basically I want to get bezier control points from a ttf font and then draw them. I was basically wondering 2 things. Does it return an array of points or is it more complex? How can you tell the points of 1 contour from another ex: the letter O which has 2 contours? Thanks ...

How do I figure out the font family and the font size of the words in a pdf document?

How do I figure out the font family and the font size of the words in a pdf document? We are actually trying to generate a pdf document programmatically using iText, but we are not sure how to find out the font family and the font size of the original document which needs to be generated. document properties doesn't seem to contain this ...

Sifr displaying twice - IE only?

Hello All, A client is saying that this page is displaying the sifr titles twice. Anybody had this? It doesn't happen all the time which is even more peculiar. Here is one of the pages: Is it just IE? Any thoughts hugely appreciated!! ...

dompdf font family issue

Hello, I'm using Bamboo invoice as an invoice generator, and I'm trying to customize the invoice template, but no matter what I do, the font just won't seem to adjust. currently I have body { margin: 0.5in; font-family: 'helvetica'; font-size: 10pt;} I've read up on it, and helvetica is an installed font, so it should work to make...

Java monospace draw string

Hello! How can I draw a String in Java (using Graphics2d) in monospace mode? I have a font that looks like LCD screen font, and I want to draw something like LCD label. I am using Digital 7 Mono font. Do you know where I can find another font that will be monospace and lcd (I wan to type only digitals)? ...

sIFR 2.0.7 scaling text instead of wrapping text

I am struggling over here. iSFR is scaling my text to fit on one line instead of wrapping. Why is this? Any help would be appreciated. // flash h2 headers sIFR.replaceElement(named({ sSelector:"h2.title, h3.title, #comments h2.comments", sWmode: "transparent", sFlashSrc:"<?= PATH ?>sites/all/themes/temp/sifr/DIN_light.swf", sCol...

How to display Kannada (Indic) Fonts in a Java application

I am trying to dislplay a kannda character in a Java app. String fonts[] = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); This shows that there is a font family by name "BRH Kannada" Font f = new Font("BRH Kannada", Font.PLAIN, 20); and then I do button.setFont(f); now when i set the button text, I have to ideally get the text on button to use ...

convert ttf to png

Is there a script or program that does that? ...

How use MICR / E13-B Fonts in HTML Page.

Hey Their, I want to show my cheque numbers like "MICR / E13-B Fonts". How could i display it using css. Thanks Rahul ...

Question about varrying top margin when using custom Fonts on the iPhone.

I am using FontLabel to display varying lengths of texts in a custom font. I size the FontLabel using the following : CGSize size = [myString sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] getFontSize]] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(290, 4000) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap...

Fonts Script Enumeration

Dear All, I cant find a way under c# classes ( System.Text.InstalledFontCollection & System.Windows.Media.FontFamily ) to enumerate the scripts that fonts have. To be more clear, in the FontDialog Control, there is a ComboBox that lists the scripts langagues ( arabic, greek, etc.. ). how can I enumerate these values by font ? Thanks a...