
Cufon displays an artifact in Safari when letter-spacing CSS attribute is used

You can see this problem for a while at: I'm trying to display a cufon headline and nav system. The font I'm using is a little too widely kerned, so I'm trying to push the letters closer together with letter-spacing in the CSS: h1, h2, h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "DIN 1451 Std", Trebu...

Detect whether a particular font is installed

Hi, How to detect whether or not a particular font is installed using javascript only. (Disregard to whether it is enabled or not). Thanks ...

How do I prevent a font from extending off the top of a textbox?

I'm using a barcode font (IDAutomationMC39H) in an SSRS 2005 report I'm developing, and while it renders fine in the preview in BIDS, if I export the results to PDF, print the results, or do any of the above (including preview) in Report Manager, the barcode font is extending off the top of the textbox. The barcode itself is nearly 20px ...

Google webfonts

Google webfonts look horrible on windows. What is going on? Is this a temporary problem that will be fixed, or is this just a windows problem that will forever persist? If the latter, doesn't that mean the entire project is sort of useless? Thanks in advance. Anyone know if this is fixable? I really want to use custom fonts. :) ...

how to change the font on the text view in android?

how to change the font in textview? as default its shown up as Arial. how to change it to helvetica? ...

Large Web Font (Yes or No?)

Hi, I want to use special font on my website, but the file is over 9 MB. Is it possible to reduce font's size? Thanks folks! ...

Does Java Mac OSX native look and feel respect UIManager font changes?

I have a java applet and the only look and feel that works properly is the native mac one. I wanted to make the fonts a bit larger and tried using the standard UIManager methods UIManager.put("Label.font", new Font("Georgia", Font.PLAIN, 18)); This produces no change. It does not throw an exception, of course. Does anyone know if the...

C# Richtextbox - diacritics font problem

Hello, I am using C# 3.5 Richtextbox and the component has Verdana as a default font. My problem occurs after inserting some f.e. Czech text from Web browser (or with method AppendText), there is my RTF: {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset238{*\fname Courier New;}Courier New CE;}{\f1\fmodern\fprq6\fcharset134 Adobe ...

Generating TrueType file: Why always invalid?

Hello everbody, as said above, I wrote a little Python script that reads WOFF files (my own free fonts), extracts the embedded TrueType font data tables and rewrites them into TrueType font files. Well, it should theoretically. :-) I read the specs (WOFF -- TrueType) and did everything as stated there. Here I posted a short overview of...

CFF Font File parsing

Hi, I am developing an application which requires me to do fetch the glyph id from the CFF stream either through a character code or through a glyph name. This is a raw CFF stream and is not embedded inside an OTF File. I need to parse the CFF stream to fetch the charset and encoding information. Using that, how do I get to glyph indices...

Custom fonts, ellipsis on MultiLine TextViews, Glyphs and glitches.

I am required to use custom fonts in my application. Problem: For ListViews that contain rows with Multi-Line TextViews having ellipsize property set to true, I can see some illegible characters after the ellipsis. Apparently Android pads the String(in TextView) with some characters(ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK-SPACE) unknown to my custom font....

font from psd file for web page

I recently took on a project to build a webpage. I am an experienced developer but never worked with coding a psd file into a webpage. Now, the psd file uses a specific font, which I do not have probably, as I can see it in grey and [ ] at the bottom of the fonts list. Sorry for the naive question, but what am I supposed to do from the...

ASCII 7x5 side-feeding characters for led modules

Hi! I am looking at the code for the font file here: The code starts like this: const byte font[][5] = { {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}, // 0x20 32 {0x00,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x00}, // ! 0x21 33 {0x00,0x07,0x00,0x07,0x00}, // " 0x22 34 {0x14,0x7f,0x14,0x7f,0x14}, // ...

Definitive method for sizing font in css

Hi there, I would like to know some opinions from experienced developers on what they think the definitive way to size fonts (in a base sense). I know that working with ems is considered best but im referring to the best way to set the base font size. There is the technique of setting font to 10px using 62.5 method but i think ie has a...

Why won't this TextArea return to non-Bold format, or is Font.PLAIN just like an "add-on"?

I am trying to Create a Simple Notepad in Java, i would post the full code but i didnt think it would be necessary since the problem is here(i think). Please Help. if(cb.getSelectedItem().equals("Plain")){ MainText.setFont(new Font(getFontName(MainText),Font.PLAIN,getFontSize(MainText)));} here are the above used methods pu...

Flex 4 - Using .pfm/.pfb fonts

Hi everyone, I just switched to Flash Builder 4 & Flex 4 SDK, and it seems it's no longer possible to use a .pfm/.pfb font, either by embedding it or using it as a system font. I keep getting error messages, and Google can't find anybody having the same issue. I tried several methods: - copy/pasting the [Embed] statement which was wor...

Calculating the pixel size of a string with Python

I have a Python script which needs to calculate the exact size of arbitrary strings displayed in arbitrary fonts in order to generate simple diagrams. I can easily do it with Tkinter. import Tkinter as tk import tkFont root = tk.Tk() canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=300, height=200) canvas.pack() (x,y) = (5,5) text = "yellow world" fonts ...

Non-modal WinForms FontDialog?

Is it possible to display the WinForms "font picker" dialog non-modally? Or is there another font picker other than the standard one that can be used non-modally? Our application has many windows, and users who frequently need to interrupt what they are doing and switch to another window to look at something. If they use a taskbar butto...

Monotouch bundle font with binary

Hi If we went and bought a font for use in our app, is it possible to bundle the font and use it inside the app? We're creating apps that need to generate buttons on the fly and need to use a specific font for it. Cheers w:// ...

How to get font size in delphi

Hi, I am looking for a function which should take parameters as Font name, sample character, width, height of the sample character and should return Font Size. It must look like this: GetFontSize(<Font Name>, <Sample Character>, <Sample Character Width>, <Sample Character Height>) which must return the font size,...