
Use resource font directly in

How to use resource font directly without saving font in local file system for standalone application[desktop application] in ...

iphone webview dynamic font support

Friends, I am trying to build a simple iphone application to view a local webpage that uses dynamic fonts. The url is I have just a single view based application and inserted a webview into the view and implementing the webviewdelegate in viewcontroller. The site uses ttf/eot fonts that are dynamically downloadable by bro...

Malformed Farsi characters on AWT

Hi As i started programming by jdk6, i had no problem in text components neither in awt nor in swing. But for labels or titles of awt components, yes : I couldn't have Farsi characters displayable on AWTs just as simple as Swing by typing them into the source code. lets check this SSCCE : import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; imp...

What font should I use in Visual Studio 2010 when giving a presentation?

Scott Hanselman suggests using Lucida Console, 14 to 18pt, Bold for the Visual Studio font when presenting. But that's a post from 2003, and I think I remember hearing that there was a better font in VS 2010. Is it Consolas? What font/size should I use when giving a presentation? ...

"Correct" Dialog / UI font on Windows

When creating a control (e.g. an edit control) on the fly using CreateWindow, it usually starts out with an ugly (boldish sans serif) font. Usually I wok around that by grabbing the parent dialog's font, and setting it to the control - I can't even say if this is a good idea. How do I "legally" fetch the right font? ...

Converting LogFont height to Font size in points

Hi I have a LOGFONT structure. Now all i'd like to do is get the associated font size in points from the LOGFONT height. Thanks in advance ...

Integration of own fonts into the XSL/FOP

I'm using FOP to generate PDF reports. The problem is I need the DIN-Regular font instead of the default Times New Roman. Can anybody tall me how to change the font? I'm using fop-0.94.boc.02 version. Thanks ...

Why FontStretch does not work in WPF?

I am trying setting FontStretch property on a TextBlock in WPF but it seems that it does not work. I tried Expanded, Condensed, etc. but the text appearance does not change. I am working on Windows XP with Framework 4.0 and tested both with Verdana and Arial. Does it work only on Windows 7 or only with some specific fonts? EDIT: If it...

temporarily change fonts in latex with T1 font

Hello, I want to temporarily change fonts in latex, to arev. Usually, this would work, as described here: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} {\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{arev} the font is temporarily changed} \end{document} it doesnt though, and I think it has to do with the fact that arev is a T1 font. I think I need to speci...

LaTeX: Default font(s) for greek letters?

I'm a programmer but new to (La)TeX. As far as I can tell, neither the Computer Modern nor Latin Modern fonts have glyphs for the full greek alphabet. I installed (OS X) a Latin Modern font that came with TeX Live (lmroman10-regular.otf). As you can see in the attached image, the lowercase greek letters (and nabla) are displayed (TextEd...

OpenType Font Parsing for Pleasure and Profit (anyone understand these damn tables?)

So, this is mainly for fun, I'm poking around and trying to find my way inside a few fonts and i have a few questions i'd reeally appreciate some help on if anyone has done this kind of stuff. cmap table The fonts i am testing with contain several cmap subtables of different formats. I can read them, but i don't understand which i shou...

Windows fonts not immediately useable in application after installing?

Whenever I install a new font on a Windows 2003 server, I can't use it immediately in my web application. The application gets the font through the CreateFontIndirect gdi32.dll win api, and then use this font to create a dynamic text image in my application. It seems like fonts get cached somewhere, because I will just ge...

Change style on selected text in TextFlow

Hi, I try to figure this example out, but it only assume that a TextArea is used. I only got the TextFlow to work with. I've tried to translate it to only use functions from TextFlow, but with no success. - (its the second example) Thanks! ...

JAVA - How do I set the colour of a label (coloured text)?

How do I set the color of the text of a label? myLabel.setText("Text Color: Red"); myLabel.??? Can I have two seperate colors in one label? For example here: The "Text Color:" to be black and the "Red" to be red. ...

Has anyone tried integrating custom fonts in UIButton?

Trying to put in FontLabel ( into a UIButton. At first I wanted to set titlelabel. But it's restricting a setter to it so i can't just set the label to it. Just wondering if anyone has an idea in doing this without using images to set my custom button. ...

Non-Standard fonts in web?

I recently came across a web page using the font “ff-tisa-web-pro-1” (specified in their CSS file). How does that work? I definitely don’t have this font on my computer, yet it was displayed. ...

Using a custom typeface in Android

Hi, I want to use a custom font for my android application which I am creating. I can individually change the typeface of each object from Code, but I have hundreds of them. So, Is there a way to do this from the XML? [Setting a custom typeface] Is there a way to do it from code in one place, to say that the whole application and all...

How can I get a list of the available NSFont familes?

How can I get a list of the available NSFont familes, preferably with the fontName: equivalents. ...

Embedding a font in delphi

I'm working on an app that requires a particular barcode true type font that is unlikely to be on the user's PC. Can I somehow embed the font in the app, or do I need to use the installer to install the font? ...

[ASP.NET] Generating images: Alternate font by User Agent (OS)

Hello, I need to generate small images for certain parts of text. Those will have to fit into the text seamlessly. I know I can not make up for every browser font settings available, but how do I have to check for Linux, Mac and Windows users depending on the user agent? I want to use the right font (of the three "Verdana, Arial, Helvet...