
WPF - Saving font to disk, then instantiating GlyphTypeface for font throws exception. Why?

I am mucking about with WPF glyphs and documents and have run into a null reference exception in the .Net 4 framework. I extract and save true-type fonts to disk as .ttf files, then try to create Glyphs based on the fonts. The first time I save a font to disk and instantiate a GlyphTypeface based on the font after creating a GlyphTypefa...

Is Google font api supported in all current and old browsers?

Is Google font api supported in all current and old browsers? and will it work if js is disabled.? IE6 IE7 IE8 Firefox 3.0+ Safari Chrome iPhone/iPad Blackberry ...

Smooth fonts with CSS

How can I get smooth fonts? I don't want the edges to look all fuzzy. Hacky solutions are not a problem :) ...

How to figure out which font size to use depending on size of Icon?

I'm trying to create a taskbar Icon in C# that would display a number representing the current processor time of an application. I can figure out the proper size of the icon by simply referencing the default taskbar icons dimesions, however, I run into a problem. Different Icon sizes work well with different font sizes of text. I need to...

How many font families are avalible for Google Font API?

I think the service is great but are these few the only fonts that are available: ? Or are there others and if so where can I see them? ...

Cross platform way to get a list of availble fonts...

I'm using Pango and Cairo. Is there a simple way to get a list of available fonts? I'm willing to use another library, provided the solution is fairly simple. ...

Advanced Text Rendering with Direct3D

Hello guys, Let me shortly describe the "battlefield" of my task: Multi-room audio/video chat with more than 1M users; Custom Direct3D renderer; What I need to implement is TextOverVideo feature. The Text itself goes via network and is to be rendered on the recipient side with Direct3D renderer. AFAIK, it is commonly used in game de...

How do I set a textbox's text to bold at run time?

I'm using Windows forms and I have a textbox which I would occassionally like to make the text bold if it is a certain value. How do I change the font characteristics at run time? I see that there is a property called textbox1.Font.Bold but this is a Get only property. ...

how do I specify a system font that handles wide characters on the iphone?

This is sort of a generic question due to my lack of experience with fonts, so a little patience and/or pointing in the right direction to get more info would be appreciated. I have an iphone app and am noticing that when I print some text on my labels, I end up with garbage when the string contains non-ascii, like Korean for example. ...

How to use this EmChart to get perfect font sizes in ems?

What is the purpose of this chart and how to use? ...

Why do we use fixed-width fonts in our IDEs?

Possible Duplicate: Why use monospace fonts in your IDE? Virtually all coders (and code editors) use fixed width fonts. Why is this? ...

@font-face doesn't work in Firefox (but exact same code works on another site)

I have two sites using the same exact code for @font-face. The font files are hosted on the respective sites and the paths are correct. One works, one doesn't. (And of course it works on my personal site and not the clients!) I'd really appreciate some fresh perspective on this! Where it WORKS: The site: http://365.christinalutters.c...

How to programatically install a font in Windows CE

I would like to install a specific font on my program load and use that font in rendering text of the program. How can I programmatically install a font from .NET CF on WinCE 6. ...

How to set line spacing/height in a JLabel in Java Swing?

I have the following JLabel code: JLabel someJLabel = new JLabel("<html>first line<br>second line</html>"); someJLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 16)); What I'd like to do is be able to control the line height/spacing between the two lines. PS: I've also looked at using paragraphs instead of breaklines, but it's the same ...

jquery get css property font-weight returning number instead of 'bold' in IE

I'm trying to get the font-weight of a property using latest jquery, doesn't work in IE somehow... on IE dev toolbar console - $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1').css('font-weight') returns 700 ! I checked in the source... can't see any problems with the style formatting. Works in FF. ...

Using font BinnerD in my WebSite

Is possible to use the font BinnerD in a website ? I tryed to use it in css,html but no luck. Fonts for the web are limited? Thanks!! ...

Custom draw CTreeCtrl: how to add font strike through?

I have implemented custom draw for an CTreeCtrl in my MFC Smart Device program. I have successfully changed the color of specific nodes of the CTreeCtrl. I am now trying to understand how to get the default font used to draw text in the control so I can add a strike-through to the font for certain nodes. How would I go about getting t...

What fonts support a large number of weights? / How to fake font-weight?

Specs: JS required amyway on site. but prefer pure-CSS/HTML IE7+, iPhone supported Old browsers (e.g. IE6) not supported Standard HTML with no crazy kludges (eg cufon, images, cifr). Questions: What fonts support 4 or more weights? Most seem to only have one or two. Answers so far: Myriad Pro (supposedly? test below fails for me)...

@font-face embedded font height troubles

Hi all, Having some trouble with the CSS alignment of text generated with @font-face. For some reason, there is a ton of extra space visible at the bottom of each letter, stretching the text's containing box too far downward. If you inspect the text on this sample page, you can see what I mean. Have googled and inspected a bunch of o...

SVG arabic fonts not showing properly

Hi all, I have SVG embedded arabic font. It's not showing properly in browsers: Chrome 5, Safari 5, Opera 10.54. But batik's Squiggle shows correctly for SVG arabic fonts. After some testing and searching I've found that my SVG embedded arabic font contains valid glyph data for the character(for all four positions: initia...