
How can I make ASCII text that will look good on Facebook?

I'm making a .NET application that will take any picture and spit out ASCII text that will appear just like the image. So far, it works well when the font is Lucida Console. Facebook doesn't use this font and thus break the art illusion. Any thoughts, ideas and suggestions on how to tackle this problem? It's pretty a pretty neat idea! ...

Runtime fonts not playing nice with fonts embedded in static text?

Curious if anyone has this problem: I save my (embedded) fonts in an external file (fonts.swf) that gets loaded at runtime. Pretty standard. I also use a bunch of UI artwork generated in the Flash IDE. Some of this artwork contains static textfields (thus, not proper TextFields that can change. Just frozen glyphs). Here's the problem...

How to force a monospaced font to render in Facebook?

I made a program that generates ASCII art from an image. I want users to be able to copy and paste that ASCII art to their wall and have it display properly. Problem: Facebook doesn't use a monospace font. Does anyone have any ideas on a workaround? ...

unicode code table combination to support most languages

Hello I just coded the first version of an efficient glyph-to-texture function which takes ranges of unicode characters to store into one or more pov2 textures and am searching for information regarding which code charts are used in which language. I know that the Unicode Consortium gives this per glyph, but that would take really long ...

Want to embed a font but cannot convert from Font Suitcase or PostScript Type 1 files

I am using FontSquirrel font generator to try to generate the embedded font files so that I can use the @font-face in css to embed for a Website. However, the font files I have (on Mac) are as follows and are greyed out and it is not possible to select them to convert on FontSquirrel or other converters (i.e. they don't seem to be a ra...

How to generate webfont dynamically from webfont service?

Is there a way to style text font dynamically base on selected font in a list? For example, we can see this in Microsoft Word, where you can highlight some text and then change the font style by selecting a font style from the font dropdown box. I am trying to create a component similar to this in the browser. Current I am using the webf...

Embedding Third Party Fonts as resource for Win32 Application

Hi, I was wondering how i can embed a third party font into my app( and use it ) so i can distribute my app with the font of my choice for users who do not have the font installed on their systems. Is this possible, or do i have to distribute the font if i want the users to be able to use the font in question. Thanks. ...

selenium how to verify character font?

the problem as the title. ...

Ckeditor external font problem in IE 8

Hi I am using an external fonts for ckeditor. I have added the font face using addCss function for ckeditor content iframe and also added a css file for font listing dropdown iframe. The fonts are listing properly with font preview in font listing dropdown and style is also being added in the content writing iframe. In FF and IE 7 the fo...

How to determine the generic font family name for a System.Windows.Media.FontFamily

Is there any way to interrogate a FontFamily instance to determine the name of the generic family group that it belongs to (serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace)? I understand that these family groups are prescribed by CSS and are therefore not directly related to the FontFamily class, but I am hoping that the underlying fonts...

Example of using embedded fonts loaded at runtime Flex 4 runtime loaded modules

Hi, am having quite alot of problems trying to use embeded fonts in flex 4. Here is the situation. I have a main application that fist load the fonts via a URL. This is the font file code: package{ import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.Font; public class FontLib extends Sprite { [Embed(source="MyriadPro-Regular.otf", fon...

iPad/iphone font leading and kerning

I've searched on the Internet but can't find definite details. Is there anyway to specify leading and keening for uilabels, textfields or textviews? I could create custom fonts for each leading and keening pairing but this seems a bit overkill... Any ideas would be appreciated ...

Website Fonts not same on windows and mac

Hello all Why is it that my website appears different on Mac and Windows? Words on my website when viewed on Mac are more clear, while on Windows they aren't very legible. The font I am using is Georgia sans-serif. If its some rendering technique difference, can anybody suggest some font which looks same on both. Regards ...

Most versatile font for printing and screen?

I have to choose a font for a web application that produces a printable view of some text (long text, no colors, white background). Example here. Users will read this printable view in these possible ways: From pc\Ereader (after saving it in html) From pc\Ereader (after "printing" it in Pdf, mac users will natively do it) From pape...

Using .otf fonts on web browsers

Hello ... I'm working on a website that requires font trials online, the fonts i got are all .otf ... is there anyway i can embed the fonts and get them working on all browsers ??? If not, what other alternatives i have ?? Thanks ...

How to Create Subset Fonts in .NET?

I have a Silverlight application that I need to embed some less-than-common fonts in. It's simple enough for me to just copy over the TTF/OTF and compile that with my app. However, in many cases, only like 5-10 of the characters are actually used. In other cases, some font files are incredibly large (Arial Unicode MS Regular is 22.1 MB, ...

Convert a .fntdata file into a .ttf

Is anyone familar with the .fntdata structure of an embedded font? This is used in PowerPoint 2007/2010 when embedding a font into a presentation (it is unlike .odttf that is used in Word 2007/Word 2010). Basically, I just want to convert this to a .ttf or .odttf file so it can be read by WPF/Silverlight applcations. One page of the sta...

Crystal Report .NET font changing

I've designed a crystal report that will be sent to a specific (barcode) printer through a web interface. Allowing the report to be generated in the standard crystal report viewer was causing issues, so I am now using the code-behind to send the report directly to the printer. ReportDocument Report = new ReportDocument(); ...

AS3 Embedded font in linked SWC/source blanks out when setting dynamic text field

Okay, that's a fairly complicated title up there, so I'll explain the setup that's causing this error first. I've got a number of related projects set up in Flash Builder. Each project gets its graphical assets from an exported SWC file (or multiple SWC files.) This works fine, but I wanted to create a shared project that contains stuff...

Webfont service for Asian Character

Hello, I am looking for webfont service that can support Asian Font, such as chinese, japanese, korean etc. I know that has it, but would like to know any other also has it. Thanks. ...